"The only red tape you'll find in Rock Island is the one you cut at your grand opening," says the new marketing campaign for the city. Some bar owners in The District of Rock Island view things a little differently.

Progress on a new Western Illinois University campus on the Moline riverfront is at a standstill until officials can obtain the funding needed to do the initial architectural and engineering design required before construction can begin.
It's now becoming clear to people around Richard M. Daley that the Chicago mayor himself might very well have a fat federal target on his back. Up until last week, most people figured that the mayor would never be personally touched by the ongoing federal probe into his administration.
Here we go again! Davenport's infinitely obtuse city council is considering another colossal giveaway relative to our riverfront, only this time it involves Davenport's entire levee, not just the critical 15 acres of downtown riverfront we have compromised for the Isle of Capri to build an 11-story hotel and five-story parking garage, while other viable alternative sites have yet to be fully explored and/or negated.
The level of arrogance and political stupidity exhibited by wealthy office-seekers never ceases to amaze me. Long before the media got wind of it last year, much of Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Blair Hull's top staff knew about the police report that alleged Hull struck his then-wife during a late-night argument.
For many in the Quad Cities, the Villa de Chantel in Rock Island was a mysterious old castle-like building tucked away and protected from the public eye. But for some of us, the Villa represented a powerful influence educationally, socially, and, in no small measure, spiritually.
Ballet Quad Cities a Jewel Thanks to Joedy Cook, we have just spent an evening revelling in Ballet Quad Cities' reviews and DVD of performances and programs of the past year. I cannot adequately share our feelings of pride, excitement, and awe of Johanne Jakhellen's choreography! While we were sad to leave the Quad Cites on the brink of the development of this extraordinary professional ballet company, it gives us great joy to see the growth of the company, the appreciation of the community for the wonderful performances, and the fabulous dancing.
Last week, I told you about some Republican candidates for governor. We'll finish handicapping the long list of candidates this week. • Senator Steve Rauschenberger - Apparently, running a strong third in the U.
In your review of Conversations with Cathy & Karl (see "Local Progressive Talk Show Debuts in Quad Cities," River Cities' Reader Issue 535, June 29-July 5, 2005), QC Progressive Radio's new Saturday-morning show, you indicated that they made typical unsubstantiated claims against Wal-mart without any facts to back them up (paraphrasing).
A special levy that will fund the operational costs of two new branch libraries in Davenport is expected to produce a cumulative surplus of more than $791,000 by 2013. But library and city officials say the surplus is necessary to protect the city budget from absorbing a greater portion of construction costs, which would likely force cuts in city services.
