The reaction by the Religious Right to the passage of a gay-rights law in Illinois has been predictably loud and aggrieved. But the law's critics have universally zeroed in on one key argument - a claim that churches and religious institutions will now be forced by the government to hire gays and lesbians.
On February 2, I attended an open-mic session run by Ellis Kell at Mojo's Café in the River Music Experience. My tour through the music museum beforehand was both enlightening and entertaining. Earlier that day I had read in the Reader of both the center's change in focus and the subsequent change in directors.
A recent survey conducted for the Genesis Heart Institute is providing the fuel for an outreach campaign for people to get their cholesterol and blood-sugar levels tested. The survey asked questions of 525 people in the Quad Cities area age 50 and older, discussing everything from demographics to health-care habits to risk factors for heart disease.
Red Burchyett is getting his wheelchair and his job back. That's good news for Mr. Burchyett, who was laid off several weeks ago from his mechanic's job at the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (DNR).
I happened to watch Monday's briefing with the White House press corps and Bush Press Secretary Scott McClellan. The focus was on the Iraqi vote that took place over the weekend. At first, McClellan's responses to what, for the most part, were innocuous, typical questions appeared positive, even uplifting, rooted in the spirit of freedom and democracy.
A quick note to the everyone at the River Cities' Reader. I was shocked to read the articles on the RME issues. (See "River Music Experience's New Direction Dashes Dreams" and "Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes," Issue 513, January 26-February 1, 2005.
Politics is a numbers game. And votes, dollars, and favors are the only numbers that matter. The boys who play politics at the street level never forget their numbers. They can tell you how many votes they pulled out of Precinct 22 three elections ago, or how much money they raised for some nobody judge in '96, or the name of their neighbor's mother's cousin that they helped out of that jam that one time.
Although you cannot see its force, the water that flows beneath the frozen ice of the winter river's surface is an active and vital power. It is much like the machine that created the RME - an unseen current. Just because it is not visible does not mean that it is not a powerful, imposing, and long-term force.
The Rock Island Housing Authority (RIHA) announced January 7 that it has received Housing Choice Vouchers for the remaining 48 families residing at the Valley Homes public-housing complex in Rock Island, giving residents the ability to relocate to housing owned by private landlords.
As the River Music Experience prepares for its second director in its first year, the roots-music museum has established a new mission - one that focuses on entertainment as much as education. A new director is expected to be named as soon as this week and might start the job by February 1.
