Approximately 85 people attended the Premiere Party for City Opera Company of the Quad Cities, at which Mark Elliot and Rosanne Duncombe-Elliott sang. It was the first public performance of what the group's leaders hope is the no-longer-absent element in the Quad Cities' arts scene.
• The Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center says it has seen an outpouring of support from blood donors, volunteers, and people wishing to schedule blood drives in wake of the September 11 terrorist tragedies in New York City and Washington, D.
Editor's note: There has been incessant media coverage of last week's terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C., but it seems that many questions have gone unasked or unanswered. We've collected some perspectives that we think address some important issues, as well as general reflections.
The United States risks a severe miscalculation in dealing with the destruction of the World Trade Center and the attack on the Pentagon last week. This event is not an isolated instance of violence. This is not an "act of war.
Our enemy now has a name. And it's not Osama bin Laden. Vice President Dick Cheney told the nation Sunday morning, during his appearance on NBC's Meet the Press, that the United States is focused upon the international terrorist organization known as Al-Qaida.
While the shock of last week's terrorist attacks on the United States are still fresh in the minds of virtually everyone, this weekend will give the community plenty of chances to re-connect with neighbors and friends at a host of social and sporting events.
• Scott County voters will head to the polls on October 23 to decide whether Scott County will commit $5 million to Davenport's River Renaissance project. The vote will happen just weeks before the Vision Iowa Deadline to secure all local funds.
The issue of predatory lending has captured the attention of legislators nationwide. At least 25 states have introduced bills this year to combat abusive lending, and Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller is pledging to do the same in Iowa.
• A grassroots effort run out of a bar on Sixth and Division has succeeded in forcing a referendum on whether Scott County should contribute $5 million for the River Renaissance revival project. At a press conference, organizers Tom White and Rich Moroney showed off 702 pages of petitions with 11,234 signatures, far more than the 7,057 required to put the measure on a ballot.

The Money Pit

Part one of two On August 13, Greg Hoover, the director of housing and neighborhood development for the City of Davenport, presented a powerful report to the city council painting a disturbing picture of how people with poor credit are being exploited.
