
The NewStandard, one of the only reader-funded, collectively run, hard news sites on the web, will close its doors in three weeks if it does not secure the necessary funding from readers to continue publishing.

Maybe you're already a reader of The NewStandard. Maybe you've never heard of it before. Either way, this message is for you, because everyone stands to lose when an alternative to the corporate media is forced to shut down. And we're hoping you will help to save it.


Piece of Cake? 45 Concoctions


ImageThe QC First Fridays Family invite you to their "Coming ART" party Friday, September 1st from 6P-10P at the Isle of Capri, 1777 Isle Parkway in Bettendorf, Iowa. Watch as they "paint the town red" with the talents of Quad City artists specializing in contemporary and modern art. Mr. Jesse Adams, Art Instructor of Rock Island High School and others will be prominently featured. Musical entertainment will be provided by the world-renowned jazz duo "Boris & Tony." Admission will be in the form of donations, and all proceeds will be contributed to the September 11th Disaster Relief Fund. All professionals must attend! Come out and continue building professional and personal relationships at this social networking event. Drawings will be held for prizes, and we ask that individuals bring announcements or advertisement paraphernalia promoting their business, company and/or organization for us to display. For more information, contact Hiram Harris at 563-391-9693 or 678-588-2799 or e-mail ( "QC First Fridays - Mixing Business With Pleasure!" Website:
{mosimage}Extend your 4th of July plans through the end of the week at "QC First Fridays!"
