Washington, DC - Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01) released the following statement today after the President announced that all US troops would be withdrawn by the end of the year:

"The end of US involvement in Iraq is long overdue.  For the thousands of Americans directly involved in the war both on its front lines and home front, its legacy is permanent.  Some wounds, both physical and mental, will never heal - especially for those who lost loved ones in the war.


"As Americans, we must always remember the sacrifices made by Iraq War veterans and their families and live up to the promises we've made to them."

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Report ranks Iowa bridges among most "deficient" in the country 


Washington, DC - Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01) released the following statement after a report by the nonprofit group Transportation for America released today said Iowa has the third worst bridges in the United States in terms of their condition and upkeep:

"For four summers in college, I worked for the Poweshiek County Roads Department fixing roads and bridges.  Iowa's economy moves on its roads.  If they're crumbling, our ability to attract new jobs and new businesses to Iowa will crumble too.


"We can create jobs in the short-term and make a lasting boost to economic growth - not to mention keeping Iowans safe - by investing in new highways and proper maintenance of our bridges and roads.  We spent billions rebuilding Iraq and Afghanistan - it's irresponsible not to make the same investment here at home."

The report says that nearly 22 percent of Iowa's bridges statewide are considered structurally "deficient."  The only states ranking below Iowa were Pennsylvania and Oklahoma.

The full report can be found at the following link: http://t4america.org/

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Braley and Populists urge Boehner to allow vote on Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act

Washington, DC - Today, Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01) joined the vice-chairs of the House Populist Caucus to urge House Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor to allow a vote on legislation cracking down on Chinese currency manipulation.

The Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act would allow the United States to put new duties on goods imported from countries with undervalued currencies, like China.  Economists say that China's efforts to keep the value of its currency artificially low give it an unfair advantage in trade by keeping the costs of is exports artificially low.

"This is about making sure American businesses and manufacturers are on a level playing field with China," Populist Caucus Chair Bruce Braley said.  "For years, China has kept the price of its exports low by artificially keeping the value of its currency low.  American workers can't compete when the deck is stacked against them.  It's time to get tough on job-killing Chinese currency manipulation.  American workers can compete with the Chinese if they play by the same rules we do."


On October 11th, the Senate passed the Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act by an overwhelming bipartisan margin of 63-35.  The House would likely approve the legislation, but Speaker Boehner and Majority Leader Cantor are preventing the bill from being brought up for a vote.

Braley and the Populist Caucus vice-chairs made their request in a letter that can be downloaded at the following link: http://go.usa.gov/9oE

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Catholic school was one of only 7 Iowa schools to win 2011 US Education Department Blue Ribbon 


Davenport, IA - Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01) visited students today at Davenport's St. Paul the Apostle Catholic School to recognize the school being named a 2011 Blue Ribbon School by the US Department of Education.  Only seven schools in Iowa received the award this year, including St. Paul's.

Braley met with members of St. Paul's student council before addressing the school's students in an assembly.

"My mother was a schoolteacher in my hometown, and my wife teaches high school in Waterloo - so you could say I have education in my blood," Braley said.  "Being named a Blue Ribbon School is no small achievement - only 305 schools in the entire country earned the distinction this year.


"Every school in Iowa should strive for this level of educational excellence.  After all, a world-class education is the foundation of our kids' future.  Quality schools lay the groundwork now for good-paying jobs and a stronger economy tomorrow."


Being named a Blue Ribbon School means meeting one of two criteria:


  1. High-performing schools. Schools that are ranked among each state's highest performing schools as measured by their performance on state assessments, or, for private schools, that score at the highest performance level on national tests.
  1. High-performing high-risk schools. Schools with 40 percent or more of their students from disadvantaged backgrounds that improve student performance to high levels as measured by national tests.

To be named a Blue Ribbon School, a school must be nominated for the distinction by the top education official in its respective state.  The Council for American Private Education (CAPE) nominates private schools in each state.

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In case you missed it...

Responding to Rep. Bruce Braley's request, the House Veterans Affairs committee has launched an investigation into allegations that some of the largest banks and mortgage companies in the country have systematically charged veterans illegal home loan fees in violation of VA regulations, potentially defrauding veterans and taxpayers out of hundreds of millions of dollars.

A copy of Braley's call for a committee probe (sent this Wednesday) and Chairman Miller's response is attached to this email.

Washington Post: Committee probes alleged loan fraud against vets


The chairman of the House Veterans' Affairs Committee ordered his staff to begin an investigation Friday into allegations that some of the nation's largest lending institutions have cheated veterans and taxpayers out of hundreds of millions of dollars by charging illegal fees in home refinancing loans.  [...]

"I will reserve judgment on the appropriate next course of action, to include the potential for a full Committee hearing, after having the opportunity to review the results of the staff investigation," Rep. Jeff Miller, (R-Fla.), chairman of the committee, wrote in a letter Friday to Rep. Bruce Braley, (D-Iowa), the ranking member of the committee's subcommittee on economic opportunity.

Braley on Wednesday requested the committee hold a hearing to examine the allegations. "It is disconcerting that charges have arisen that banks are not following rules governing fees that can be charged for refinancing loans," Braley wrote in a letter to Miller.

House panel passes bill allowing Postal Service to advance plans to close 178 Iowa post offices 


Washington, DC - October 13, 2011 - Today, Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01) released the following statement as the US House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform considers the Postal Reform Act, a bill that, in part, allows the Postal Service to move forward with plans to close up to 178 small town Iowa post offices.  Braley is a member of the panel.

Braley was able to successfully amend the bill to require the Postal Service to report on the number of jobs eliminated by their proposed post office closures, including the number of veterans jobs eliminated.  Braley's amendment was passed with unanimous, bipartisan support.

"I grew up in a small town, and I know how important post offices are to these communities," Braley said.  "It may not seem like much to a bureaucrat in Washington, but a post office is the centerpiece of a small town.  If not for the post office, what else would provide the spark for economic development?  What business would open in a town without one?


"No question, the Postal Service needs to change to survive.  But it doesn't have to build its recovery on the backs of small town Americans.  That's why I'm working to improve this bill and prevent post office closures in Iowa.  I'm disappointed that the bill we're considering today doesn't protect small town post offices."


If passed by the panel, the Postal Reform Act of 2011 would move to the full House for consideration.  If passed by the House, it would advance to the Senate for consideration.

The Postal Reform Act:

  1. Allows the Postal Service to eliminate Saturday delivery.
  2. Establishes a commission to close post offices and postal facilities.
  3. Reduces rural mail delivery.
  4. Allows the Postal Service to sell advertising space on property and vehicles.
  5. Allows the Postal Service to raise the price of bulk mail delivery.


Braley has sponsored an alternative postal reorganization plan that would prevent post office closures by allowing the Postal Service to reclaim billions of dollars in overpayments it has made in recent years to its employees' retirement system.


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I wanted to give you a personal heads up that tomorrow, the US House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform will be voting on HR 2309, the Postal Reform Act of 2011.  This is the bill written by California Rep. Darryl Issa that would permit the US Postal Service to begin the process of shutting down hundreds of post offices across Iowa and the country.

As you know, the Postal Service has released a long list of small town post offices in Iowa that face the possibility of closure.  You can view that list at the following link: http://about.usps.com/news/electronic-press-kits/expandedaccess/states/iowa.htm

Rep. Bruce Braley is a member of the Oversight and Government Reform committee, and has actively opposed the closure of post offices in Iowa.  He will be attending the hearing tomorrow, and we will be releasing additional information on his efforts tomorrow as well.  However, I wanted to make sure you had details on this hearing, as it impacts post offices in almost every county in Iowa:

Oversight and Government Reform Committee

Hearing on HR 2309, the Postal Reform Act of 2011

9:30am EDT // 8:30am CDT

2154 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, DC

A video feed of the hearing will be streamed live at http://oversight.house.gov.

Braley writes Veterans Affairs Committee leaders to request Congressional inquiry 


Washington, DC - Today, Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01) urged leaders of the House Veterans Affairs Committee to launch a probe into allegations that banks and mortgage companies have been charging veterans illegal home financing fees, potentially defrauding veterans and taxpayers of hundreds of millions of dollars.

A whistleblower lawsuit unsealed this month in Atlanta federal district court alleges that several banks and mortgage companies, including Bank of America and J.P. Morgan Chase, intentionally concealed attorney's fees they charged to applicants of home loans backed by the Department of Veterans Affairs.  VA rules explicitly prohibit lenders from charging attorney's fees or settlement closing costs on these types of loans.

"If a bank intentionally preyed on veterans who've put their lives on the line for this country just to pad their profits, that's beyond the pale," Braley said.  "These allegations raise serious questions about the scope of possible fraud.  A staggering number of veterans could have been impacted by this alleged scam.  These reports warrant a prompt and thorough investigation by the Veterans Affairs Committee."


Reports indicate that over the last 10 years, more than 1.2 million VA-backed loans have been made to veterans.  Up to 90 percent of those loans might have been affected by the alleged fraud.

Braley made the request for a probe in a letter to House Veterans Affairs Committee Chair Jeff Miller and Ranking Member Bob Filner.

A scanned copy of his signed request can be found at the following link: http://go.usa.gov/9kU

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Marshalltown resident awarded Bronze Star for bravery in Afghanistan


Washington, DC - On Monday in Marshalltown, Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01) will honor the heroic actions of Master Sgt. Todd Eipperle in an event at Marshalltown's Iowa Veterans Home.

On July 9th, Eipperle was stationed in Afghanistan with the Iowa National Guard when a rogue Afghan security officer opened fire on his unit.  When the gunman opened fire on the truck of Sgt. First Class Terryl Pasker of Cedar Rapids, Eipperle ran to confront him, returning fire and killing him.  Eipperle, who was shot in the hip and knee during the gunfire, saved the lives of several troops with his heroic actions.  Pasker lost his life in the attack.

Eipperle was awarded the Bronze Star for his heroism in a ceremony in Marshalltown on September 17th.  Eipperle also earned the Purple Heart for his wounds.

Monday October 10, 2011

10:00am  Event Honoring Master Sgt. Todd Eipperle

Marshalltown Iowa Veterans Home

Mallory LRC

1301 Summit St.

Marshalltown, Iowa

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Michael Boone describes work on adaptive sports before Veterans Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity


Washington, DC - Michael Boone, the Director of Adaptive Sports Iowa and an Ames resident, today testified before the US House Veterans Affairs Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity about promoting sports opportunities among disabled veterans.  Rep. Bruce Braley is the top ranking Democrat on the subcommittee.


"The work Mike Boone is doing is invaluable to disabled veterans," Braley said.  "Adaptive sports not only give disabled veterans a chance to exercise physically, they also help heal the mind and soul.  Expanding the availability of adaptive sports like those championed by Mike Boone will make their benefits available to more veterans across the country."

The committee hearing examined a grant program that funds community-based efforts to assist wounded warriors and veterans through adaptive sport programs.  It reviewed the partnership between the United States Paralympics and the Department of Veterans affairs to promote adaptive sports.


YouTube video of the hearing can be viewed here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-PH8BtixPc

720p high-definition video can be downloaded here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21501138/braley.va.committee.10.05.11.mp4

(Note: the video includes Boone's opening statement; it also includes a question and answer exchange between Braley and Boone.)

More information about Adaptive Sports Iowa can be found at: http://iowasportsfoundation.org/Sports/AdaptiveSportsIowa.aspx

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