Braley supports bill that extends flood recovery funding for Iowa 


Washington, DC - Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01) today released the following statement after voting for a temporary budget bill that funds government operations through November 18th with a 1.5 percent across-the-board cut in government spending.  The bill includes continued funding for Iowa flood recovery and disaster relief nationwide.

"I support this bipartisan bill because it ensures Iowa families hurt by flooding will keep getting the help they need to recover.  Getting people back on their feet after a disaster is one of the basic responsibilities of government, and this bill allows the federal government to follow through on its commitment to thousands of Iowans affected by floods in recent years.


"I sincerely hope that the brief ray of bipartisanship that allowed this bill to pass will continue, because the solutions to our nation's problems won't be found in partisan bickering."

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Call on Obama to Keep Campaign Promise and Oppose Free Trade Agreement

Washington, DC - Today, Congressman Bruce Braley (IA-01) and Vice Chairs of the House Populist Caucus demanded answers from President Obama on the pending free trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia and Panama.  In a letter to the President, the Populist Caucus leadership questioned why Obama changed his position on the pending free trade agreements.  The letter points out many instances where Obama said he was opposed to the free trade agreements while he was campaigning for President.

"When it comes to trade, American workers prefer candidate Obama to President Obama." said Rep. Braley.

Congressman Braley serves as the Chairman of the Populist Caucus, which has advocated for proposals to create jobs in America.  The Caucus has supported various job creation legislation including bills that would reinvest in American manufacturing, rebuild our aging infrastructure and encourage more products to be made in America.

A PDF copy of the Populist Caucus letter to Obama can be viewed at the following link:

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For months, Braley has fought to keep Iraq, Afghanistan vets from losing their homes


Washington, DC - Today, Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01) joined a group of lawmakers to urge the Obama administration to take more aggressive action to protect military families who are at risk of losing their homes due to foreclosure.

Military homeowners have faced unique challenges during the recession.  Military families who would otherwise be current on their mortgages are often forced to move because the military requires them to do so.  Due to the housing downturn, military families are often unable to sell their homes quickly at prices that will enable them to pay off their mortgages, and they cannot generate enough rental income to cover mortgage payments until housing prices return to normal values.  Many of these families are also forced to make ends meet with lower housing allowances at their next duty stations, and they often lose the incomes of non-military spouses while they try to find new employment in their new community.

"In service to our country, military families are required to move from place to place, and base to base," Braley said.  "The recession has left many military families underwater in homes that are no longer worth what they used to be.  Then, when duty calls, these families don't have the option to wait around for the economy to recover.  They have to move.


"That's why it's our duty to help them.  I'm urging the Obama administration to immediately review the scope of these problems and adjust foreclosure prevention programs to address military families' unique challenges."

Braley joined six members of the House Oversight and Government Reform committee in urging the Obama administration to comprehensively review the problems of military homeowners and develop specific programs to address their needs as quickly as possible.  A copy of their letter is attached.

Today's action is the latest step Braley has taken to protect military families facing foreclosure.

In May, Braley introduced the Protecting Veterans' Homes Act to protect veterans from being foreclosed on by banks and give servicemembers returning from deployments time to get their finances in order before facing foreclosure.

On September 8th, the Protecting Veterans' Homes Act was approved by the House Veterans' Affairs Committee with bipartisan support.

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Bipartisan agreement extends disaster recovery funding for Iowa flood victims


Washington, DC - Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01) today released the following statement after Senate leaders announced a deal on a bill that temporarily funds US government operations, including support for Iowa flood recovery:


"The solutions to our nation's problems won't be found in partisan bickering.  That's why I'm encouraged that, for one of the first times this year, politicians in Washington put aside their differences and put our country first.  When people in Congress do something as simple as talk to one another and are willing to work across the aisle, we can find common ground.  We're facing some big challenges right now, and Congress must rise to the occasion.


"This budget agreement will ensure that disaster recovery work in Iowa will continue uninterrupted, and I support its passage as quickly as possible."


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Braley helped end international bureaucratic nightmare for new parents of Nigerian adoptee


Washington, DC - On Monday in Des Moines, Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01) will meet one of Iowa's newest residents and present him with an American flag flown over the US Capitol.

Joseph Craig is the Nigerian-born adopted son of Jonathan and Kayla Craig of Des Moines.  In July, the Craigs learned the adoption of their son was on the verge of being blocked by diplomatic red tape and bureaucratic bungling by US and Nigerian authorities.  Scott Porter, Kayla's father and a Waterloo resident, turned to Braley for help navigating every parent's worst nightmare - and on August 27th, Joseph arrived in Des Moines.

Monday deadline looming, but Congress skips town before funding FEMA disaster relief 


Washington, DC - Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01) today called on Congress to stay in town to provide desperately-needed funding to FEMA's Disaster Relief Fund, which includes support for Iowa flood recovery, and finish its work on a spending bill to temporarily fund government operations.   According to news reports, FEMA could run out of funding as early as Monday if no spending bill is passed.

"It disgusts me that Iowa flood recovery has gotten caught in Congress' latest juvenile partisan game.  Helping people get back on their feet after a disaster is the most basic function of government - it shouldn't be an issue bogged down in Washington politics.


"Rather than going home for the weekend, Congress should stay in town, do its job, and make good on a three year promise to fund Iowa disaster recovery.  Thousands of Iowans haven't gotten a day off since this year's flooding ripped their lives apart.  Why should Congress?"


Congress hasn't yet passed a funding bill for the fiscal year that begins on October 1st.  For the past week, House and Senate leaders have argued over bills that would temporarily fund US government operations until November 18th and add money to FEMA's Disaster Relief Fund to continue paying the cost of disaster recovery from this year's Iowa floods and other natural disasters.  No bills have passed into law.

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Bruce Braley accepting applications now 

Washington, DC - Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01) reminded high school students today that he is accepting applications for nominations to the United States armed services academies from Iowa's 1st District for the class entering in fall 2012.

"I am seeking highly qualified and motivated students to nominate to our nation's service academies," Braley said.  "Students not only get a world-class education at the academies, but they grow into our country's next generation of leaders.  I want to send Iowa's best to the academies, and I encourage interested young Iowans to apply."

Interested students should contact Braley's district office in Waterloo to request an application packet to be considered for a service academy nomination.  The application packet includes specific instructions on the accompanying forms and required documents, including an application form, an essay, high school transcript, ACT/SAT scores, and letters of recommendation.  These materials take time to compile, so interested students are strongly encouraged to start obtaining the materials needed for the packet as soon as possible.

The deadline for submitting a completed nomination packet to Braley's office is Friday, October 14th.

Braley nominates up to 10 candidates from Iowa's First Congressional District for each available vacancy at the four service academies: the US Military Academy, the Naval Academy, the Air Force Academy, and the Merchant Marine Academy.  Applicants are judged on the basis of character, scholarship, physical aptitude, medical fitness, and motivation.

For further information as well as an application packet, contact the Waterloo office at (319) 287-3233.

More information can also be found at


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Washington, DC - Today, Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01) welcomed the 16th Honor Flight from the Quad Cities to the National World War II Memorial on the National Mall in Washington, DC.

Honor Flight of the Quad Cities, a non-profit organization, was formed in 2008 to provide an opportunity for Quad Cities-area veterans to visit Washington to see historical sites and memorials at no cost to the veterans.

CORRECTED YouTube video of the event can be viewed here:

CORRECTED 1080p high-definition video can be downloaded here: 

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Funding included in Agriculture Appropriations bill, along with additional money for agriculture development in Iowa's First District

Washington, DC?Today, Rep. Bruce Braley (D-Iowa) announced he has secured $875,000 to continue the New Era Rural Technology Program he established. This USDA grant program allows community colleges and advanced training facilities to train the next generation of agriculture-based energy professionals. The funds were included in the House-Senate conference agreement, which passed today in the House with a vote of 263 to 162.

"This funding for the New Era Program allows us to keep Iowa at the forefront of the bio-energy industry," Braley said. "As our economy shifts to a culture of renewable energy, it's crucial that we provide education for the emerging professionals in Iowa. I'm proud to have introduced, passed into law and funded legislation that does just that."

Braley also announced funding for the National Education Center for Agriculture Safety in Peosta, the National Ag Based Lubricants Center (NABL) at University of Northern Iowa and for UNI's Tallgrass Prairie Center to research floodplain restoration.

The $170,000 for the National Center for Agriculture Safety will provide interactive health and safety education to Iowa farmers, volunteer firefighters, EMS providers and agricultural businesses. The program will also provide youth safety training to over 300 young people in the First District.

The $405,000 for the UNI-NABL will fund research and testing of bio-renewable lubricants and greases. The goal is to create commercial, bio-based lubricant products which are bio-degradable and more environmentally friendly than petroleum based products.

The $134,000 for UNI's Blackhawk County's Tallgrass Prairie Center will fund a study of wetland communities to determine which species best aid in floodplain recovery. This will provide direct impact on restoration of wetlands in Eastern Iowa and across the country.

The Agriculture Appropriations bill conference agreement now must be approved by the Senate before moving to President Obama for his signature.

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Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act will make college more affordable for Iowa families

Washington, DC - Rep. Bruce Braley (D-Iowa) voted today to support a historical investment in higher education. The bill passed the House this afternoon.

HR 3221, the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act (SAFRA), will make college education more affordable, transform early education opportunities, and build a world-class community college system.  In Iowa, this will means unprecedented financial aid available for students pursuing a degree.

"This student aid reform plan will provide more opportunities for Iowans looking to attend college, and it represents a significant investment in our state's economic future," Braley said. "This bill makes federal grant money more accessible and reliable, and allows young people to graduate with less debt.  This is a huge step in the right direction to make higher education more affordable for Iowa families."

SAFRA will reform the system of federal student loans to save taxpayers $87 billion. It also changes the way the student loan system functions by creating new loans through the government's Direct Loan Program. SAFRA maintains competition in the private loan sector by allowing companies to compete for bids to service the loans.

The impact of SAFRA on Iowa is enormous.  The legislation will invest more than $726 million in Iowa over the next ten years to increase the maximum annual Pell Grant scholarship to $5,550 in 2010 and $6,900 by 2019.  $82.5 million will be invested for Pell Grants in Iowa's First Congressional District alone.  (The current Pell Grant maximum award for 2009 is $5,350).  Furthermore, under the bill, Iowa community colleges will receive over $31 million to renovate and construct new facilities.

More information on SAFRA can be found at A fact sheet on the bill's impact on Iowa is attached.

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