In Case You Missed It:  Ron Paul Makes Statement on Super Committee 
"This shows how unserious politicians are about our very serious debt problems"
LAKE JACKSON, Texas - 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul released a statement today regarding the congressional Super Committee's failure to meet its goal with the deadline fast approaching. See below for statement.

"This week marks the deadline for the so-called congressional Super Committee to meet its goal of cutting a laughably small amount of federal spending over the next decade.  In fact the Committee merely needs to cut about $120 billion annually from the federal budget over the next 10 years to meet its modest goals, but even this paltry amount has produced hand-wringing and hysteria on Capitol Hill.  This is only cutting proposed increases.  It has nothing to do with actually cutting anything.  This shows how unserious politicians are about our very serious debt problems. 

"To be fair, however, in one sense members of the Super Committee face an impossible task.  They must, in effect, cut government spending without first addressing the role of government in our society.  They must continue to insist the federal government can provide Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid benefits in the future as promised, while maintaining our wildly interventionist foreign policy.  Yet everyone knows this is a lie.

"Keep in mind that the 2011 federal deficit alone was about $1.3 trillion, which means the Super Committee needs to cut that much PER YEAR rather than over a 10 year period.  If Congress ever hopes to address its debt problem, it must first stop accumulating any new debt immediately, in 2012.

"Federal revenue likely will be about $2.3 trillion in fiscal 2012.  The 2004 federal budget was about $2.3 trillion.  So Congress simply needs to adopt the 2004 budget next year and the federal government will balance outlays and revenue.  That's all it would take to produce a balanced budget right now.  Was the federal government really too small just 7 years ago, in 2004?  Of course not.  Only Washington hysteria would have us believe otherwise.

"Yet our Republican and Democrat friends on the Super Committee want to take 10 years, or even 30 years, to produce a balanced budget.

"Government spending isn't just wasteful; it is often actively harmful to stated goals.  The Super Committee could simply apply 2004 spending levels across the board and a tremendous victory for fiscal sanity would be accomplished.

"What seems more likely, however, is a rearrangement of the tax code in an attempt to bring in more revenue.  Deductions and credits will be taken away, and the Bush tax cuts will be allowed to expire.  As a result, less money will remain in the private sector to create jobs and produce economic growth.  The Super Committee has an opportunity to take a small baby step in the right direction.  Instead, they no doubt will take this opportunity to raise taxes and make everything worse.  But increasing taxes will only diminish freedom and deepen the recession.  Instead of looking for ways to hike taxes under the guise of "raising revenue," the Super Committee should put forth a plan of real spending cuts to put America back on the path to liberty and prosperity."
Ron Paul Endorsed by Cedar Rapids Tea Party Founder; Tim Pugh praises Paul at a 'Restore America Now' town hall meeting held in East Central Iowa
ANKENY, Iowa - 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul was endorsed today by Cedar Rapids Tea Party founder Tim Pugh on the first day of the Congressman's two-day visit to Iowa.

"Ron Paul has an unwavering stance in defense of the Constitution, a conviction to the cause of freedom and liberty, a firm belief in a balanced budget, and devotion to a strong free market economy and a sound monetary policy.  He believes in a strong national defense, and not as the policeman of the world," said Mr. Pugh. 

"Ron Paul is the father of the modern-day tea party movement.  As a small business owner, a true tea partier and conservative, and as the founder of the Cedar Rapids Tea Party I personally endorse Ron Paul for President of the United States," said Mr. Pugh.

The endorsement occurred in East Central Iowa before a crowd of 400 supporters during a Cedar Rapids "Restore America Now" town hall meeting held at The Hotel at Kirkwood Center.

Prior to the Cedar Rapids event large crowds of 85 and 125 supporters greeted Dr. Paul in Benton and Jones Counties, respectively, for today's two other town hall meetings.  Crowds of this size are uncharacteristic as Vinton and Anamosa, where the events occurred, are located in rural areas of the Hawkeye State.

Mr. Pugh said he made his endorsement as a private citizen and added that his views do not necessarily reflect those of the more than 900 Cedar Rapids Tea Party members.  He also has signed onto the national advisory board of the "Gun Owners for Ron Paul" nationwide coalition.

Ron Paul Signs on to Letter Calling for Pay Cut in Congress; Advocates cutting compensation to reduce deficit
LAKE JACKSON, Texas - Yesterday, 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul joined a bipartisan group of legislators in a letter sent to the members of the Super Committee calling for a reduction in Congressional compensation as part of any proposal to reduce the deficit.

The letter advocates reducing Congressional pay to "send a powerful message to the American people that Congress should not be exempt from the sacrifices it will take to balance the budget." It also highlights the fact that members of Congress are paid salaries 3.4 times the average full-time American workers.

"Congressman Paul has always voted against congressional pay raises, and he not does participate in the lucrative pension program," said Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee Chairman Jesse Benton.

"Ron Paul understands that Washington has to tighten its belt just like the rest of America, which is why as President, he plans to take a salary of $39,336, which is approximately equal to the median personal income of the American worker."


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