Poll shows Paul as major player in the Granite State
LAKE JACKSON, Texas - According to a new Suffolk University/7 News poll, 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul is holding steady in second place with 14 percent among likely New Hampshire primary voters.

"Congressman Paul`s support remains solid and growing," said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton. "The American people, and the people of New Hampshire are ready for real change, and Ron Paul is the only candidate who has the conviction to champion real change, and oppose the status quo of the elitist Washington establishment."

This latest poll follows an earlier New Hampshire Journal poll showing Paul as a top three choice of likely primary voters with 16 percent. A Bloomberg News poll from November 16th shows Paul in a statistical tie for first place in Iowa and a strong second place in New Hampshire. Additionally, a recent Public Policy Poll presents Paul as the only Republican candidate to best Obama among independent voters (48 to 39 percent), and a late October CNN/Time poll also showed him in the top three in the key states of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina.

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