Plume Giant

When I spoke by phone with Plume Giant's Nolan Green last week, the interview was scheduled for 10 a.m. in New York, where the folk-ish trio is based. I can't remember the last morning interview I had with a pop, rock, or indie musician, as those breeds tend to shy away from morning engagements. So what self-respecting musician is up at that hour?

"I'm ... currently booking a release tour and working like crazy on the PR for it," Green said. "I was actually already at a different meeting this morning, at 8 a.m."

This detail is not necessarily important or telling, but it illustrates that these May graduates from Yale are actively charting their course, including setting specific goals for sales. So while you probably haven't heard of the band - unless you attended its December show at Rozz-Tox, to which they'll be returning on September 21 - its members are working to change that.