SILVIS, IL - April 1, 2014 - The Silvis City Council tonight joined over 200 cities and 16 States nationwide in a growing movement to amend the US Constitution to limit the amounts of money that big corporations and individuals can donate to influence the political process.  Silvis Alderwoman Caryn Unsicker introduced the idea of a resolution to Mayor Tom Conrad, who agreed that too much money was being injected into our political process and gave her permission to address the full council in March.  The result was agreement by the council that money is threatening to destroy our democracy.

Ms.Unsicker cited the City of Coralville, Iowa, as well as school board, county board, and state elections where money is being infused by outside sources, often anonymous, to influence elections in favor of one candidate or another.  Illinois was the 14th State to adopt a similar resolution, SJR 27, which was sponsored by a Democrat and two Republicans.  Ms.Unsicker said that members of both parties are sick of all the pressure from outside sources.  It puts a lot of pressure on them to vote a certain way or risk being outspent and therefore, probably defeated, come election time.

So this evening, Silvis joined the growing list of cities in Illinois, including Galesburg, Champaign, Evanston, Chicago, Lisle Township, Oak Park, Cunningham Township, Warrneville, Carbondale, Avon Township, Warren, and Kane County, and Dubuque, Buffalo, and Waterloo, in Iowa, in an effort to keep our elections free and to give all Americans - not just the wealthy -  a voice in the political process.

If you would like more information, you may contact Caryn Unsicker at 309-912-6632.

The Progressive Action for the Common Good Peace Forum is holding its final Peace Vigil on Saturday, September 28th from 11 am to noon on the Slumberland corner of John Deere Road and 16th Street  by Southpark Mall.  The group has been gathering there pretty much every Saturday for the past eight years in heat and cold, rain and shine, exept for the past two winters when they wore matching "End the War" t- shirts and walked the mall.

Caryn Unsicker started the vigil to oppose the illegal, immoral, Iraq War, and the bungling of, and extension of, the Afghanistan War.  Her son served two tours of duty in each of those wars.  Many others joined her in the vigil, initially, but as the wars wound down, the numbers dwindled as well.  However, from the very first time eight years ago until now, a small but dedicated group has continued the vigil, while others have joined the group occasionally.  Even now, there are many people who honk in response to the "Honk for Peace" signs.  People are tired of the human and monetary costs of war. 
The group decided to rally some of the prior supporters and have one final Peace Vigil before suspending them.  Caryn states they are only suspended, not stopped, because the group reserves the right to start again at any time if circumstances change.  An example would be if negotiations fail and our government decides to attack Syria or any other country where the U.S. does not belong.
Any questions you may have can be directed to Caryn at 309-912-6632 or at
Alex Larson, Executive Director of Social Security Works in Washington D.C., will give a talk hosted by Progressive Action for the Common Good on Thursday, July 25th, from 6 to 7pm at Cobblestone Place, 1212 W. 3rd Street,  in Davenport.  Please see the attached press release for details.  Caryn Unsicker, Board President of PACG, can be reached at 309- 912-6632 if you have questions regarding this event.