Ron Paul Campaign Releases 'The Video That NewtDoesn't Want You to See'
150-second online ad cross-examines the former Speaker's record on policy, values and seriousness
LAKE JACKSON, Texas - The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign announced today that it has released and will broadly distribute a 150-second online advertisement that challenges former House Speaker Newt Gingrich on a group of issues dear to conservative voters.

Much of the ad is in the former Speaker's own voice, and after a few statements by Newt it follows with an image of him sitting on a loveseat beside former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the two chuckling over their agreement concerning as-yet scientifically proven anthropogenic global warming.  The ad also features Newt's knee-jerk assault on Rep. Paul Ryan's (R-WI) modest budget proposal, and the former Speaker's lobbying ties to government mortgage giants Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae that perpetuated the financial crisis and recession.  In addition, the spot showcases discussion of Newt's lobbying ties to healthcare firms prior to his support of an Obama-Pelosi-Reid individual mandate as part of the recent wildly unpopular healthcare reform, to the absolute horror of nationally-syndicated conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh. 

Taken together, claims made in the ad present conservative voters with a question about Newt, and indeed the ad concludes with this query.  And that is "What will you tell me next time?"

The campaign will send the ad to a far-reaching email list of conservative voters nationally, including in key early voting states, and it will purchase banner ads on national and state websites where conservative readers congregate.

"Our campaign is making a bold move to debunk the myth that the Newt we are seeing on the 2012 campaign trail is the conservative he has been touted to be all along.  This step we are taking is necessary, as voters are seeking authenticity among conservatives who are able to show a decades-long career of consistently walking the walk of Constitutional principles, limited government, and promoting sound money and economic policy.  Ron Paul is the only Republican presidential candidate with that record," said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton.

To view the online ad, click here.
Ron Paul Top-Tier in Latest Rasmussen New Hampshire Poll;Enjoying solid support with Granite State voters
LAKE JACKSON, Texas - A Rasmussen poll released yesterday shows 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul third place in New Hampshire, further solidifying his position at the top of the field among New Hampshire primary voters. Paul won 14 percent of likely primary-goers in the poll.

"The latest poll results show Ron Paul as a solid choice in New Hampshire and a refreshing voice against the status quo," said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton. "The American people, and the people of New Hampshire, are paying attention and are ready for a candidate with the conviction to bring about real change."

The latest poll follows a number of recent polls placing Paul among the top three in key early states. According to NewsMax/Insider Advantage, Ron Paul is a solid second place in Iowa. And in a recent American Research Group poll, Paul took third among likely Iowa Republican caucus-goers. He also scores third place in New Hampshire, according to a recent WMUR/University of New Hampshire poll. And the most recent Suffolk University/7 News poll has Paul holding steady in second place with 14 percent among likely New Hampshire primary voters.

In addition, a late October CNN/Time poll showed the Texas congressman in the top three in the key Republican primary states of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina.

In Case You Missed It:  Ron Paul Comments on Fed Actions in Europe
"...another reason why Congress needs enhanced power to oversee and audit the Fed."
LAKE JACKSON, Texas - 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul, who serves as Chairman of the Monetary Policy Subcommittee on the House Financial Services Committee, released a statement today regarding the Federal Reserve's latest actions coordinating with other central banks in an effort to intervene in Europe's debt crisis. See below for statement.

"The Fed's latest actions in cooperating with foreign central banks to undertake liquidity swaps of dollars for foreign currencies is another reason why Congress needs enhanced power to oversee and audit the Fed.  Under current law Congress cannot examine these types of agreements.  Those who would argue that auditing the Fed or these agreements with central banks harms the Fed's independence should reevaluate the Fed's supposed independence when the Fed bails out Europe so soon after President Obama promised US assistance in resolving the Euro crisis. 

"Rather than calming markets, these arrangements should indicate just how frightened governments around the world are about the European financial crisis.  Central banks are grasping at straws, hoping that flooding the world with money created out of thin air will somehow resolve a crisis caused by uncontrolled government spending and irresponsible debt issuance.  Congress should not permit this type of open-ended commitment on the part of the Fed, a commitment which could easily run into the trillions of dollars.  These dollar swaps are purely inflationary and will harm American consumers as much as any form of quantitative easing.  

"The Fed is behaving much as it did during the 2008 financial crisis, only this time instead of bailing out politically well-connected too-big-to-fail firms it is bailing out profligate government spending. Citizens the world over deserve better than this. They deserve sound money that cannot be manipulated and created out of thin air by central planners who promise printed prosperity. Fiat money caused this European crisis and the financial crisis before it.  More fiat money is not the cure. The global fiat currency system has proven itself a failure, we need real monetary reform. We need sound money. "

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