DES MOINES - JULY 1, 2015 - AFSCME Iowa Council 61 President Danny Homan issued the following statement about the shutdown of Mt. Pleasant and Clarinda Mental Health Institutes:

"Last night, at midnight, the Mt. Pleasant and Clarinda Mental Health Institutes closed their doors and the entire staff was laid off. This is a sad moment for the people of Iowa, especially those patients and families that need the services provided by these two facilities.

"The real losers here are the patients and the citizens of the state of Iowa. Residents of southern Iowa no longer have these two excellent facilities as an option for the care of their loved ones facing mental health challenges. Iowa's mental health safety net has been made weaker by the choices the governor has made.

"To the employees of these facilities, who have provided excellent treatment to patients for many years, I'm very sorry the governor has decided to take this action. I believe not only has he violated the collective bargaining agreement by his actions of laying everyone off effective at the end of June, but I also believe he is in violation of a state law and we will take the appropriate action and attempt to fix this situation.

"The governor has chosen to ignore the advice of patients, their families, mental health professionals, legislators, employees, and community leaders. He should be ashamed of the decision he made to shut down these facilities."


DES MOINES - Today, AFSCME Iowa Council 61 President Danny Homan issued the following statement about a recent Public Policy Polling poll on Governor Branstad's decision to close Clarinda and Mt. Pleasant Mental Health Institutes:

"Iowans overwhelmingly oppose Governor Branstad's decision to close Clarinda and Mt. Pleasant Mental Health Institutes. 68 percent oppose closing these facilities; only 12 percent support the closings.

"Throughout this entire process, Governor Branstad has ignored the voices of patients and their families, mental health professionals, law enforcement professionals, community leaders, and legislators. He has recklessly charged forward with his plan to close these facilities.

"This poll makes it clear: Iowans oppose these closures. The Governor needs to start listening to Iowans, put mental health services first, and stop barreling towards closing these facilities with no real plan to replace the services they provide to Iowans facing mental health challenges."


DES MOINES - Today, AFSCME Iowa Council 61 President Danny Homan issued the following statement about the issuing of layoff notices yesterday at Mt. Pleasant Mental Health Institute:

"These layoffs show the governor is not interested in working with the mental health provider community, legislators, patients and their families, or employees. The governor is proceeding alone, with no real plan for how to provide these needed services once these facilities close.

"This week, legislation (Senate File 402) passed an Iowa Senate committee on a bipartisan basis that, if enacted, would halt the governor's unilateral actions. The governor should change course and work together with the legislature to put those who need these services first."


DES MOINES - Today, AFSCME Iowa Council 61 President Danny Homan issued the following statement about Governor Branstad's recommendation to close the Clarinda and Mt. Pleasant Mental Health Institutes:

"The well-being of the clients who rely on DHS facilities must come first in any decision about those facilities' future.

"This decision by the Branstad Administration to propose closing these facilities has taken almost everyone by surprise, including legislators. Before releasing this recommendation as part of the budget, Governor Branstad does not appear to have sought the opinion of the families of the clients of these two facilities, legislators, community leaders, employees, or AFSCME. The Iowa Department of Human Services even requested funds to operate these facilities; however, the Governor removed those funds from his budget

"The fact that this proposal was quietly tucked into a large budget book without explanation and not even mentioned by the Governor in his Condition of the State speech is yet another failure of the Governor to live up to his promises of a transparent and open government.

"Such a drastic recommendation that will impact the care of some of the most vulnerable Iowans should have not been reached behind closed doors. This sort of secretive government is wrong and it is not good for Iowans, especially those who will be affected by this decision.

"The recommendation already appears to be impacting care. Rep. Dave Heaton said that he was told by the Administration that the facilities have stopped accepting new patients and filling job vacancies. These sort of unilateral moves toward closure without consulting the legislature is inappropriate.

"AFSCME Iowa Council 61 believes the future of these facilities should be decided by the Legislature after extensive opportunities for input by all. The vulnerable Iowans who rely on these facilities deserve nothing less."


DES MOINES - AFSCME Iowa Council 61 President Danny Homan issued the following statement regarding the recent discovery of drugs and contraband at the North Central Correctional Facility in Rockwell City:

"Director Baldwin needs to come clean about the effects of low staffing and the lack of sufficient training at Iowa's correctional facilities. The discovery of approximately 600 pills, four cell phones, and four cell phone chargers at the North Central Correctional Facility represents a failure of Warden Cornell Smith, Director John Baldwin, and Governor Terry Branstad's correctional policies.

"Since this incident, numerous inmates at the North Central Correctional Facility have tested positive for marijuana. Yet no marijuana has yet been found. So our question for Warden Smith and Director Baldwin is: where is the marijuana?

"For years Director Baldwin and Governor Branstad have claimed Iowa's correctional facilities are sufficiently staffed. This recent major discovery of contraband once again shows those claims to be false.

"Iowa's correctional system employees work hard every day to keep us safe. It is my understanding that no employees of the North Central Correctional Facility are responsible for bringing this contraband into the prison. We believe that it was a member of the public which perpetrated this major security breach.

Warden Smith, Director Baldwin, and Governor Branstad need to take responsibility for their policies that have led to low staffing, insufficient training, and this security breach in Rockwell City.


DES MOINES - Today, AFSCME Iowa Council 61 President Danny Homan issued the following statement regarding Polk County District Court Judge Scott D. Rosenberg's ruling and order on the plaintiffs' application for preliminary injunction and defendants' motion to dismiss in Homan et al. v. Branstad et al.:

"We are pleased that the court has sided with the plaintiffs by opening the Iowa Juvenile Home. Iowa's young girls are the real winners in this decision.

"For the sake of the safety of Iowa's children, the governor should immediately comply with this court order and reopen the Iowa Juvenile Home as instructed by the District Court."


DES MOINES - January 17, 2014 - Today, AFSCME Iowa Council 61 President Danny Homan released the following statement regarding a recent audit showing mismanagement and inappropriate spending by the former director of the 6th Judicial District Department of Correctional Services and some members of his management team:

"I want to make clear that these inappropriate expenditures and mismanagement were made by the former district director and some of his management employees. This inappropriate spending was not made by, nor did it benefit, the district's front line staff (bargaining unit members). In spite of mismanagement and understaffing, the community-based corrections non-management staff work tirelessly and with dedication to help prepare offenders to fully rejoin society.

"Director Baldwin needs to own up to his failures in oversight. The only thing rogue about this agency was the actions of the former district director and some of his management. Director Baldwin knew about mismanagement by the district director long before he asked for the State Auditor to step in and investigate. He even publicly admitted that this latest issue was not the first time problems had arisen. Director Baldwin and Governor Branstad must make clear that it was the managers who failed to uphold the public trust, not the front-line employees (bargaining unit staff) who are actually doing the work to make this state a safer place to live."


DES MOINES - Today, the AFSCME Iowa Council 61 PEOPLE Committee announced its endorsement of Tyler Olson for Governor. AFSCME members joined Representative Olson for an announcement in Des Moines at AFSCME Iowa Council 61's Union Hall.

"We are proud to endorse Tyler Olson's candidacy for Governor. AFSCME members were impressed by Tyler's commitment to strengthen and grow Iowa's middle class. We know that he will bring Iowans together and focus on making sure that all Iowans have the opportunity to achieve and maintain the American Dream," said AFSCME Iowa Council 61 President and PEOPLE Committee Chair Danny Homan.

"We were also impressed by the strong campaign organization that his campaign is building. We know that Tyler Olson is the candidate who will end the divisive politics of Terry Branstad by winning on Election Day," added Homan.

"AFSCME has an incredible track record of standing up for middle class Iowa families and I am proud to have its members' support. I share AFSCME's commitment to fighting for middle class families across the state and look forward to working with them and all Iowans ready to move our great state forward," said Tyler Olson, candidate for Governor.

AFSCME is known for its political action program which is financed with voluntary contributions. The program supplies grassroots volunteers for AFSCME-endorsed candidates.

In Iowa, AFSCME Iowa Council 61 represents 40,000 public employees including law enforcement and correctional officers, firefighters, mental health workers, professional school staff, emergency responders, and many other workers. AFSCME Iowa also represents home health care and child care providers across the state and private sector workers at Prairie Meadows, Palmer College of Chiropractic, Des Moines University, and ABM (Marshalltown).


DES MOINES - AFSCME Iowa Council 61 President Danny Homan issued the following statement regarding Governor Branstad's plan to keep the Iowa Gold Star Military Museum open:

"As an Iowa veteran myself, I understand the importance of the heritage represented by the Iowa Gold Star Military Museum.

"However, the shutdown is having an impact on state government that exceeds the impact to the museum. Nearly two hundred state employees working at the Iowa Department of Public Defense (Iowa National Guard) and Iowa Workforce Development are on temporary layoff with no guarantee that they will be made financially whole. That means that right now nearly two hundred Iowa families are trying to figure out how they will pay their bills despite the loss of income through no fault of their own.

"The safety of Iowans has been imperiled by the shutdown as there now only three Iowa OSHA officers left for the entire state.

"On Monday, the Governor said we need to prevent 'stupid things' from happening as result of the shutdown. Given the state's billion dollar surplus, I call on the Governor find a way to put Iowa Workforce Development and Iowa National Guard employees back to work."


DES MOINES - AFSCME Iowa Council 61 President Danny Homan issued the following statement regarding the layoffs of 69 Iowa Workforce Development employees and 111 Iowa Department of Public Defense (Iowa National Guard) workers due to the shutdown:

"The consequences of these layoffs are appalling. At Iowa Workforce Development these layoffs will result in only three people being left to respond to work place fatalities and injuries for our entire state. Work places will be less safe, which will result in more dangerous accidents on the job. Job assistance for veterans is also being heavily impacted by these layoffs. Workforce Development employees working in information technology and labor market information are also being laid off and will face financial hardship.

"At the Iowa Department of Public Defense, hardworking maintenance workers, custodial workers, and others are receiving layoff notices. These laid-off state workers, along with a thousand furloughed federal employees of the Iowa National Guard, are facing severe financial stress on their families.

"I have to ask Congressmen Latham and King if their plan to hold the federal government hostage is really worth it. Do Congressman Latham and Congressman King really want to continue to compromise worker safety, fail to honor our veterans, and threaten the economic security of public employees and their families? I strongly urge them to do the responsible thing and end this insanity before it causes any more damage to Iowa communities."

