MONMOUTH, ILLINOIS (October 8, 2019) — Lauren Fulscher from Moline is a member of the women's swimming and diving team at Monmouth College. The Fighting Scots home invitational will be on November 9.
MONMOUTH, ILLINOIS (October 7, 2019) — Andrew Shie of Davenport, Iowa, is a member of the men's swimming and diving team at Monmouth College. The Fighting Scots will open the season October 26 at Illinois Wesleyan University.
MONMOUTH, ILLINOIS (September 27, 2019) — Three Monmouth College student organizations are coming together to stage the inaugural Pink Pumpkin Run, an event to help the fight against breast cancer.
MONMOUTH, ILLINOIS (September 26, 2019) — A grant from Compeer Financial's Fund for Rural America will help area school children develop a deeper understanding of local agriculture and its application to place.
Compeer Financial's Fund for Rural America has awarded a $10,000 grant for place-based agricultural-education to the Rural Schools Collaborative and Monmouth College.
MONMOUTH, ILLINOIS (September 25, 2019) — Special performers, a concert, an event celebrating the human spirit, and a spring through the history of Scottish literature will highlight this year's Monmouth College Family Weekend.
MONMOUTH, ILLINOIS (September 25, 2019) — Today in his political-science classes, Monmouth College professor Andrew Audette expects to talk about the word of the day — impeachment.
MONMOUTH, ILLINOIS (September 25, 2019) -- Emily Laughlin, a student from Milan, Illinois, was recently accepted into the Monmouth College James and Sybil Stockdale Fellows Program. The James and Sybil Stockdale Fellows Program is the most prestigious scholarship, leadership, and enrichment program at Monmouth College. Stockdale Fellows participate in a comprehensive four-year leadership-development program.
MONMOUTH, ILLINOIS (09/25/2019) — Emma Freyermuth, a student from Muscatine, Iowa, was accepted into and participated in Monmouth College's 2019 SOFIA program. SOFIA, or Summer Opportunities for Intellectual Activities, is an innovative three-week program that allows select new and returning students to conduct in-depth research and inquiry with Monmouth faculty.
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