Olivia Grubbs, a sixth-grade student at John F. Kennedy Catholic School in Davenport, will receive a second place award from the national level of Modern Woodmen of America's 2009 School Speech Contest on Friday.
For her achievement in the fraternal organization's annual contest, Grubbs earns a $1,500 savings plan and two award plaques - one for herself and one for her school. Modern Woodmen Representative Ruth Ahnen, Davenport, will present the award. Grubbs is the daughter of Steve and Kelli Grubbs of Davenport.
The topic for this year's nationwide contest was "A person who has touched many lives." Modern Woodmen's tagline reads "Touching Lives. Securing Futures.®" This year Modern Woodmen asked each student speaker to help uncover and tell the story of an individual who embodies the spirit of the tagline.
Grubbs chose to discuss Jerry Galloway, the late doctor and missionary who spent 20 years in the Congo. "He has touched many people through his medical work and his passion to live what he believed," she said. "He is the reason I've been inspired to be a more selfless person." Galloway left behind his family, friends and all possessions to touch lives in Africa. He set up a healthcare system, taught others how to perform surgeries and developed schools. "What defines Jerry Galloway is the contrast between the life he could have lived and the life he chose to live," said Grubbs.
The School Speech Contest, one of six Youth Educational Programs sponsored by Modern Woodmen, is provided to schools across the country at no charge. For more than 60 years, students have gained confidence and improved their communication skills by participating in this contest. More than 100,000 young people competed in 2009, of which 23 advanced to the national judging in June.
Founded in 1883, Modern Woodmen of America touches lives and secures futures. The fraternal benefit society offers financial services and fraternal member benefits to individuals and families throughout the United States.