On Saturday, October 15th from 1:00 - 3:00 P.M. the Wapsi River Environmental Education Center will host a hands-on, recycling project.  Baskets will be made utilizing a plastic, pop bottle bottom as the base.  Then "plarn" (plastic yarn) and pop can tabs will create a decorative edge around the top.  Basic sewing skills are needed to complete the project.  A great program for scout groups!  Participants are asked to pre-register by Thursday, October 13 at (563) 328-3286.

The Wapsi River Environmental Education Center can be found 6 miles south of Wheatland or 1 mile northwest of Dixon, Iowa by taking County Road Y4E.  Then turn north at 52nd Avenue and follow the signs for about 1 mile.

Green Kids Workshops
March 14th - 18th, 2011

10 A.M. - Noon ~ Ages 4 & Up 

Facilitated by: Lisa Gerwulf, Assistant Naturalist

Wapsi River Environmental Education Center

Monday 3/14 - Flower Power!

This project utilizes normally discarded cardboard in various forms (egg cartons, paper towel/toilet tubes) to create life-like flowers.  Due to the time needed for paint to dry before assemblage, a separate activity of using plastic bottle bottoms as stamps to create a flower mosaic on paper or acetate sheets is part of this activity and keeps with the flower theme.

Tuesday 3/15 - Signs of Spring

Egg Carton Greenhouse ~ This project utilizes 8-holes of a cardboard egg carton as seed starter pots that can then be planted directly into a garden come springtime.  The addition of a clear, plastic bag creates an almost terrarium-like environment allowing for minimal care.  The project becomes its own science fair project by visually showcasing the water cycle concepts of evaporation, condensation and transpiration.

Owl Scarecrow ~ This project utilizes the left-over, 4-holes of the egg cartons used above by creating an owl face that is then wrapped in aluminum foil (weatherproofing), embellished with yellow plastic tops and black buttons, and then glued to an aluminum pie plate.  Once completed and hung in the garden from a chain of pop bottle plastic rings, the owl acts much in the same way as a traditional scarecrow does - to scare away would-be vegetable nibblers.

Wednesday 3/16 - Games Galore

Tangram ~ This project puts a modern twist on an ancient Chinese game.  Storytelling is an important part of Asian culture and tangrams play a part by providing a tool for illustration.  The use of various math concepts are just part of creating the puzzle and participants of all ages can grasp them.

Tic-Tac-Toe ~ This project utilizes various cardboard and plastic elements to create a old, family favorite.  A cleverly converted entrée box creates convenient storage to make this game vary portable. 

Thursday 3/17 - Heavy Metal Belt

This project utilizes pop can tabs and "plarn" (plastic yarn) to create a belt of retro and Art Nuevo styling.

Friday 3/18 - A Tisket, A Tasket, a Recycled Trinket Basket

This project utilizes a plastic pop bottle bottom as the base for the basket.  Then uses "plarn" (plastic yarn) and pop can tabs to create a decorative edge around the top.

Studio and materials fee:  $5 per workshop per child
(All participants will receive one free pass for "drop in art" and a mini playkit!
Must be registered by 2 P.M. one day in advance of each workshop.  Limit 25 per class.

Register by calling: (563) 289-3946 or email: Angie@reusableusables.org

Reusable Usables Creative Arts Center
322 N Cody
LeClaire, IA  52753


Recycled Stitches Program Planned

On Saturday, March 19th at 2:00 P.M. the Wapsi River Environmental Education Center will host a recycled stitches program.  Come join naturalist Lisa Gerwulf as she shows you how to create a uniquely versatile yarn from recycled plastic bags.  "Plarn" (plastic yarn) is not a new fad, but rather a frugal technique reminiscent of the Depression Era.  Participants will learn about the plastic industry, plastic's waste-to-energy potential, as well as how to create two versions of "yarn" out of recycled shopping/grocery bags.  Knitted, crocheted, woven, braided and corded items will also be on display.  Those interested need not be fancywork experts to enjoy this program.  Each participant needs to bring 5 plastic shopping/grocery bags and a pair of sharp scissors.  If you have access to a quilting tool called a rotary cutter and mat, consider bringing these.  Pre-registration is required, by calling (563) 328-3286 to reserve your spot.

The Wapsi River Environmental Education Center can be found 6 miles south of Wheatland or 1 mile northwest of Dixon, Iowa by taking County Road Y4E.  Then turn north at 52nd Avenue and follow the signs for about 1 mile.


On Saturday, February 26th and March 5th at 1:00 P.M. the Wapsi River Environmental Education Center will host maple syruping demonstrations.  Join Tom Greene as he discusses the history and procedure of tapping trees for syrup.  Please call (563) 328-3286, if you are interested in attending.

The Wapsi River Environmental Education Center can be found 6 miles south of Wheatland or 1 mile northwest of Dixon, Iowa by taking County Road Y4E.  Then turn north at 52nd Avenue and follow the signs for about 1 mile.

On Saturday, February 5th the Wapsi River Environmental Education Center will be hosting a winter fun day from 9:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. Come to the Wapsi River Center for a fun-filled day of winter activities.  This is an event the whole family can enjoy, so plan to come out and discover winter at its best.  A limited number of skis and snowshoes are available, so please call to reserve equipment; (563) 328-3286.  BYOM ~ Bring your own mug.

9:00 A.M. ~ Cross-country Ski Clinic ~ Come learn the basics of cross-country skiing and tour the Wapsi Center trails, if conditions allow. Participants will learn about proper skiing techniques, safety and equipment. Participants may bring their own equipment.

12:30 P.M. ~ Snowshoe Nature Hike ~ Join Michael Granger, Wapsi River Center Naturalist, on this excursion into the Wapsi River Center's woodlands. We will be traveling the way of the Native Americans and early pioneers, looking for signs of life in the still, winter woods.

2:00 P.M. ~ Winter Bird Feeding ~ Come learn how to identify winter birds; plus how to attract and feed our feathered friends. Fun for all ages!

3:00 P.M. ~ Wonderful Owls ~ Learn how to identify Iowa's owls and those that reside at the Wapsi River Center. Amazing nocturnal adaptations make these birds incredible hunters. Learn about these amazing raptors and then do some bald eagle viewing in the comfort of the Eagle View Eco Center.

4:30 P.M. ~ 4th Annual Chili Cook-off ~ The Friends of the Wapsi Center, Inc. will be hosting this annual competition. Please bring your best chili creation to share, and possibly win the coveted chili cup!!! Donations are accepted, and please bring your own table setting.

5:30 P.M. ~ Frostbite Star Party ~ Winter is a great time for astronomy. The sky is never clearer than on cold, winter nights. The winter constellations center around Orion, the Great Hunter. In the sword hanging from Orion's Belt, one can find the Orion Nebula, which is one of the most spectacular objects to be seen through a telescope. The St. Ambrose University's Menke Astronomical Observatory is the location; park in lot A.

7:00 P.M. ~ Folk Concert ~ Wapsi River Center ~ Relax and enjoy an evening of acoustical guitar and vocal offerings of the music of Paul Simon, Peter Meyer, John Denver, John Prine and several others as rendered by local talents. You may participate by using one of our simple percussion instruments, bringing your own, singing along, slapping your knee, tapping your foot or just being a quiet listener.

The Wapsi River Environmental Education Center can be found 6 miles south of Wheatland or 1 mile northwest of Dixon, Iowa by taking County Road Y4E.  Then turn north at 52nd Avenue and follow the signs for about 1 mile.

On Saturday January, 29 at 2:00 P.M. the Wapsi River Environmental Education Center will host recycled card crafts program.  Did you know that during the holiday season we generate 5 million tons of trash?  Recycling is the key!  By attending this fun afternoon program, participants will learn to make gift boxes, decorative tags, ornaments and much more from recycled holiday cards.  Scissors, glue, rulers and pencils will be provided; participants need only to bring cards.  Pre-registration is required by calling (563) 328-3286.  BYOM ~ Bring Your Own Mug.

The Wapsi River Environmental Education Center can be found 6 miles south of Wheatland or 1 mile northwest of Dixon, Iowa by taking County Road Y4E.  Then turn north at 52nd Avenue and follow the signs for about 1 mile.

On Saturday, November 20th at 10:00 A.M. the Wapsi River Environmental Education Center will host a program on winter bird feeding. Come learn how you can attract and feed our common feathered friends on any budget.  Simple supplies can get you started right in your own backyard.

The Wapsi River Environmental Education Center can be found 6 miles south of Wheatland or 1 mile northwest of Dixon, Iowa by taking County Road Y4E.  Then turn north at 52nd Avenue and follow the signs for about 1 mile.


On Saturday, November 6th at 11:00 A.M. a Fall Tree Hike is planned at the Wapsi River Environmental Education Center. Participants will enjoy a fall stroll exploring the Wapsi woods and learning about our local trees.  Learn how to identify them by leaves, bark, seeds, nuts and fruits.  Bring a friend, a picnic lunch and stay for the afternoon program as well!

Following the fall tree hike, at 1:00 P.M., the program Rustic Residents will take place at the Wapsi River Environmental Education Center. Participants will see how seeds, nuts and twigs can be "magically" transformed into people and creatures.  Guaranteed fun for the whole family!  Supplies are limited, so please pre-register at (563) 328-3286.

Native Ways Program Planned

On Saturday, September 11th from 10:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. the Wapsi River Environmental Education Center will be hosting a native ways program.  Come learn how the Native Americans lived by learning how to track animals, make pottery, weave rope, start a fire and build a model wickiup.  Please bring a lunch, or items to prepare on an open fire (we'll provide the fire and roasting sticks).  Family fun for everyone!  Please call to register by calling (563) 328-3286.

The Wapsi River Environmental Education Center can be found 6 miles south of Wheatland or 1 mile northwest of Dixon, Iowa by taking County Road Y4E.  Then turn north at 52nd Avenue and follow the signs for about 1 mile.


Observatory Open House

On Saturday, September 11 at dusk the Wapsi River Environmental Education Center will host an observation of the night's sky at the Monsignor Menke Observatory.  Join Dr. Mitchell, director, for a celestial tour of the summer sky.  Please call (563) 333-6141 on the day of the event to find out if the weather conditions will permit viewing.

The Wapsi River Environmental Education Center can be found 6 miles south of Wheatland or 1 mile northwest of Dixon, Iowa by taking County Road Y4E.  Then turn north at 52nd Avenue and follow the signs for about 1 mile.


Woodland Terrarium Program Planned

On Saturday, May 15 at 10:00 A.M. the Wapsi River Environmental Education Center will host a Woodland Terrarium program.  Come join AmeriCorps naturalist Amy Newman in a plant-tastic project!  Learn how to create a terrarium and take home your own "garden under glass".  All materials will be provided by the Friends of the Wapsi Center, Inc., but if you have an interesting glass container; feel free to bring it.  The whole family is invited to attend, but supplies are limited to 15 terrariums.  To register for your terrarium, please call (563) 328-3286.

The Wapsi River Environmental Education Center can be found 6 miles south of Wheatland or 1 mile northwest of Dixon, Iowa by taking County Road Y4E.  Then turn north at 52nd Avenue and follow the signs for about 1 mile.

Iowa's Native Snakes Program Planned

Also, on Saturday, May 15 at 1:00 P.M. the Wapsi River Environmental Education Center will host a Native Iowa Snakes program.  Come learn all about Iowa's different species of snakes from Katie van der Linden, AmeriCorps naturalist.  There will be many different live specimens available for viewing.

The Wapsi River Environmental Education Center can be found 6 miles south of Wheatland or 1 mile northwest of Dixon, Iowa by taking County Road Y4E.  Then turn north at 52nd Avenue and follow the signs for about 1 mile.


On Saturday, February 27 at 10:00 am, the Wapsi River Environmental Education Center will host a Winter tree identification program. Families and individuals are invited to be Winter tree detectives!  Participants will learn how to identify trees by looking at the bark, buds and seeds.  Please call to register (563) 328-3286.

Also on Saturday, February 27 at 1:00 pm, the Wapsi River Environmental Education Center will host a maple syruping demonstration. Join Tom Greene as he discusses the history and procedure of tapping trees for syrup.  Handouts and where to find tapping equipment wil be provided to participants.  Please call (563) 328-3286 to register.

The Wapsi River Environmental Education Center can be found 6 miles south of Wheatland or 1 mile northwest of Dixon, Iowa, by taking County Road Y4E. then turn north at 52nd Avenue and follow the signs for about 1 mile.
