A community comes together to support Family Literacy Program

(Rock Island, IL)  With the recent influx of immigrants, many children and families are struggling to understand the new culture and language.  But thanks to many community partners coming together sharing resources, families from nine different countries speaking six different languages are learning English and nineteen community partners supporting them.

A news event highlighting the first year's success of the Lights ON for Learning Family Literacy Program is being held Thursday, May 20th at 11:00 am at the Church of Peace (1114 12th Street in Rock Island) in the Fellowship Hall.   The program began with three families in the fall and at year's end there are now over forty adult students and 25 pre-school children participating.

Attending the news conference will be Rock Island Mayor, Dennis Pauley, Rock Island Schools Superintendent, Mike Oberhaus, the former Superintendent of the Regional Office of Education, Joe Vermeire, as well as representatives from the various community partners who are the backbone of this program.  The teachers and the families involved in the program will also be available for interviews.

The program is from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays at the Church of Peace.  A typical day at the Lights ON for Learning Family Literacy program consists of English as a Second Language tutoring, lunch and activities with their children, parenting and life skills, and computer and library skills training.


Fifth and sixth graders at Earl Hanson School are participating in the "National Lab Day" celebration this week by learning about water treatment programs. Area scientists and professors are going to spend part of the day educating 100 students about clean water, water conservation, third world water problems, etc.

The connection among the school and scientists was made by teacher, Kate Lievens, who signed up online through a relatively new nationwide program called "National Lab Day" (www.NationalLabDay.org). At this site teachers sign up for projects they would like to see in their classrooms and are matched up with scientists who want to help educate area school children.

The media is invited to see National Lab Day in action Wednesday, May 12th beginning at 11:00 at Earl Hanson School (4000 9th Street). Available for interviews are Lievens, Dr. Kevin Geedey (Professor of Biology at Augustana College), Sandy O'Neill with the Rock Island Water Treatment Plant, Bob Bohannon a Moline Water lab Chemist and Greg Swanson, Moline's Utilities General Manager.

The National Lab Day site is one element in a White House initiative to encourage public-private partnerships in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education. Lievens is one of the first teachers to participate in the program and has been featured in a national science magazine.


Making Musicians Leaders - that is the goal of a new group being formed by local high schoolers. A Kick Off Concert is scheduled for Saturday, April 18th at Mojo's Café in Davenport to raise money for the group which will help local bands find venues to perform

A handful of local teens have teamed up to create "J & J Musician Corporation". The group, spearheaded by 17 year-old Jake Dopler, plans to raise money through concerts and then use the money to help foster local arts programs. Dopler, a junior at United Township in East Moline, has been playing music since the 6th grade and feels there is a big void in the community when it comes to promoting local musicians.

The newly formed "J & J Musician Corporation" has a two fold mission. First it will advertise, promote and publicize local bands; help struggling bands find venues to perform. Secondly, the six member group will raise money and use the dollars to create school music programs. Dopler says musicians have a high status in our society?setting trends with hair and clothes, creating lyrics that can change thinking?and the power of musicians should be put to good use. Dopler says the goal of the new organizations is to make musicians leaders.

Dopler also says the group plans to volunteer in local environmental efforts?such as cleaning up local rivers?and other community needs.

The kick off concert and fundraising campaign begins Saturday, April 18th beginning at noon at Mojo's Café in downtown Davenport. Four local bands will perform at the café, located at 131 W. 2nd Street, and donations will be accepted.

For an interview with Dopler, please call Mary McNeil at 309-236-7317 or 309-277-0062 to set up an interview time.
