The scandal of the year is not about Jack Ryan's sex life. It's about an obscure little state board that appears to have gotten completely out of hand. You've probably never heard of the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board, at least until recently.
Longtime fans of Rod Piazza know that the pinnacle for the harmonica-player and leader of The Mighty Flyers came with 1994's Live at B.B. King's Blues Club. After all, what better way to capture the blistering showmanship of this band than with a live record? "It's kind of a hallmark album for me," Piazza said.
It wasn't about the sex. You might think Jack Ryan was forced out of the U.S. Senate race because the media found out that his ex-wife alleged that he had dragged her to kinky sex clubs on two continents.
From the beginning, I have been a strong supporter of gambling in Iowa. I believe that the financial structure of gaming licenses, which provides for a percentage of revenues to be set aside for community reinvestment, came when Iowa needed it most.
Interviewing Clarence Fountain is a bit like asking a question of a Magic 8 Ball. The answers are short, glib, and often contradictory. Fountain, the leader and one of the original members of the Blind Boys of Alabama (which was formed in 1939), is feisty, and his responses don't do justice to his music.
W.C. Clark is something of a legend in his native Austin, Texas, having been a key player in the integration of the blues scene, giving a boost to artists such as the fiery guitarist Stevie Ray Vaughan. But it wasn't until 2002 - after Clark dedicated himself to his music in a new way - that he started to get his due.
For the 20th edition of the Mississippi Valley Blues Festival, we've chosen to highlight a wide variety of performers as well as provide some historical perspective on the festival. Our coverage includes two acts who pretty much stick to the blues - Rod Piazza and W.
• A new DVD released last week raises the bar in honoring Galaxie 500, one of the most beloved and influential bands of the late 1980s. With videos, live footage, and two "bootlegged" concerts from 1990, the two-DVD set from Plexifilm is pure slow-motion, dreamy, jangle-pop joy.
Back in March, U.S. Representative Danny Davis (D-Chicago) participated in one of the most bizarre public events I've ever heard of. And that's saying something. During the event, held on federal property, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon proclaimed himself the "Messiah" and "Returning Lord.
In its effort to capitalize on available state money, the City of Davenport is working quickly to finalize its first phase of the joint Rock Island/Davenport River Vision implementation. But chasing that money - the city plans to ask for $15 million from Iowa's Vision Iowa and Community Attractions & Tourism (CAT) programs - means the city council probably won't be giving itself or the public much time to study the plan's details, including its financing or a riverfront casino hotel that became part of the discussion only at the tail end of the process.
