The dumbing down of America via the mainstream media's commercialization of news has reached unprecedented levels of irresponsibility. Over the past three weeks, a terrible rampage of random shootings of innocent and unrelated victims has plagued the Washington, D.
A "get out the vote" drive targeting Scott and Waterloo counties is underway. In the Iowa House 86th District, the strategy is as follows: Paid employees, some masquerading as citizen activists, spent the summer rounding up absentee requests.
Editor's note: The following letter was delivered to every member of the United States Congress. During these trying times, you have a moral and ethical responsibility not only toward your constituents but also to the world at large.
I have been writing about Illinois politics for more than 12 years now, and, believe it or not, I've never called anyone a liar. That's a pretty harsh thing to say about someone, even a politician. But I'm starting to wonder whether Republican attorney general candidate Joe Birkett is capable of telling the truth.
It's the political season, and all sorts of interest groups are trying to assess which candidates are going to do the most for their agendas and constituencies. Quad Cities Interfaith, though, is trying to speak for populations that don't normally get much attention during campaigns.
The hullabaloo last week over the announcement that crime in Davenport rose nearly 16 percent in the first six months of 2002 ignores a more troubling trend in the city: Crime in Davenport has been on the rise since 1998, and the police department to this point can only guess at the causes.
While watching a commercial on the television I saw a question and a link to successful job transitioning. The question is how to successfully change or find employment, and the link is the six degrees of separation theory.
A little over a week ago, Illinois House Republican Leader Lee Daniels told his leadership team that he would seek re-election to his post in January. The announcement reportedly stunned his team members, who had been assured privately that Daniels would step down at the end of this term.
One of the magical things about art is its subjectivity. One man's trash is another man's treasure. The artist is able to express him- or herself without the normal constraints that apply to everyday life. In turn, the viewer is able to respond to an object of art with a unique freedom that only art allows.
According to government records, in the 1980s the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and an American biological sample company sent to Iraq strains of all the germs Iraq used to make weapons. These shipments were legal and approved by the Commerce Department.
