Tales from the Uni-Potty: The Morning Constitutional - Cartoon by Ed Newmann

Our February issue provides stories, information, data, and timelines, in the spirit of traditional journalism. Thanks goes to the authors' commitment to rational dissemination of facts instead of emotion-triggering, unproductive opining sans relative details necessary to actually inform the articles, let alone reliable sources for what little factual information might be sprinkled here and there.

In a major victory to protect America’s land and resources, an SEC-proposed rule to authorize the creation of a completely new investment class known as a “Natural Asset Company” (NAC) was withdrawn, after push-back from congressional representatives, state authorities, and the public.

The climate non-skeptics are lulled into hapless orthodoxy, and the skeptics are quieted into non-pa

The article “Why EROEI Matters” by David Turver (Eigen Values, Substack.com) fascinates me. It gets my skeptic up. I won’t upstage Mr. Turver by summarizing it, but EROEI (Energy Recovered On Energy Invested) is a great way to compare the efficacy of energy sources, and his article is an excellent critique of our policy direction. You should read it.

Sustainable Debt Slavery Disguised as SDGs

The U.N.’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is pitched as a “shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.” At the heart of this agenda are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs.

What is the Great Reset?

How the World Economic Forum and its strategic partners are openly implementing the Fourth Industrial Revolution to eliminate individual liberty, free will, and free markets.