The House Ways and Means Committee proposed to divert the portion of the motor fuels tax revenues that has been dedicated to public transportation since 1983 and deposit those funds into the Highway Account to support highway investment. The current Mass Transit Account would be eliminated and replaced with the "Alternative Transportation Account" that would be funded with a one-time cash infusion of $40 billion from the general fund. Funding from the new Alternative Transportation Account would only  fund the federal transit program in fiscal years 2013 through 2016. This proposal does not provide for public transit investment beyond 2016.

These funding provisions will negatively impact the millions of Americans who rely on public transit  to get to work, to school or to the doctor by inhibiting the industry's ability to maintain and grow safe, reliable and equitable mobility options. Hundreds of thousands of private sector jobs will also be lost without a long-term dedicated funding source. Please contact your representatives today!