FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA (November 22, 2019) — Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in response to a November 18 letter from Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) detailing a conversation he had with President Donald Trump on August 31 when the President said there was no quid pro quo

Rahm Emanuel Should Go All Ronald Reagan On Chicago's Teachers Union

In Illinois the unemployment rate stands at 8.9 percent. 26,000 new teachers could be recruited in short order from teachers desperate to find work and will not mind working longer days or being held accountable for student test scores.

DeMarco resists costly taxpayer bailout on mortgages

By Robert Romano

On July 31, Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) acting director Edward DeMarco once again rejected an Obama Administration plan to bail out borrowers who owe more on their mortgages than their homes are worth, citing cost concerns.

The FHFA, which administers the government's conservatorship of Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, undertook an analysis of the program, showing reductions of mortgage principal owed for certain borrowers would cost taxpayers more and even potentially result in more defaults.

Even under the program's best case scenario, the Agency estimated just 248,000 borrowers would be eligible for principal forgiveness under the Home Affordable Modification Program Principal Reduction Alternative ? or just 2.2 percent of the 11.1 million borrowers nationwide who are underwater.

That means that even if DeMarco had implemented the program, approximately 97.8 percent of underwater borrowers would not have even been eligible. Therefore, more than $700 billion of the $717 billion of negative equity in homes nationwide would have remained unaddressed.

In other words, even if DeMarco had relented, this bailout would have done almost nothing to solve the problem of underwater borrowers. Yet, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, in a letter to DeMarco responding to his decision not to implement the bailout, maintained the fiction that the program would somehow "help repair the nation's housing market".

New York Times columnist and economist Paul Krugman goes further, calling for DeMarco to be fired for not implementing a bailout almost nobody would qualify for, writing, "even if there's a small net cost to taxpayers, debt relief is still worth doing if it yields large economic benefits."

But even if debt relief did yield economic benefits in certain cases, this is not one of them.

According to the FHFA, some 80 percent of underwater borrowers who have GSE mortgages are current on their payments. But that could change if a bailout is implemented.

As DeMarco noted in his letter to Congress, selective application of the program could create a perverse incentive for borrowers to miss payments and potentially default in a misguided attempt to qualify for the bailout.

Under the program's best case scenario ? where all 248,000 underwater borrowers qualify ? if just 19,000 of the 10.8 million remaining borrowers who did not were to strategically default, it would more than offset any potential benefit derived.

As a result, "HAMP PRA would result in a net loss to taxpayers, even using the model-based assumptions most favorable to the program," wrote DeMarco.

Of course, it's all political. Don't let anyone tell you different.

"Obama's goal is to build a constituency of borrowers underwater on their mortgages with the hope that they might ? emphasis on might ? be able to get some relief," said Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson, calling it "nothing more than a cynical election year ploy."

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ObamaCare Going Into Effect, Maine Fights Back

Video by Frank McCaffrey

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K Street Republicans' war on Palin

By Rick Manning

As originally published at TheHill.com.

I'm getting sick of the rewriting of 2008 presidential campaign history as K Street Republicans continue to assault Sarah Palin in the fear that a similarly conservative Republican will rise to the top of the VP sweepstakes.

It has been so fashionable in D.C. Republican circles to bash the Palin nomination as a mistake, ill-conceived or even disastrous, that even Dick Cheney has gotten into the act.

These self-serving attempts to change history are nothing more than a smear campaign designed to influence the Romney VP pick by obscuring the truth that the choice of Sarah Palin to be the vice presidential nominee was truly inspired.

The McCain campaign was in the doldrums. Unable to match the youth and enthusiasm of the inexperienced but expert campaigner from Illinois, McCain needed to shake up the race, and Palin accomplished just that.

Her incredible acceptance speech, delivered in spite of a faulty teleprompter (try that, Mr. President), gave the nation a new face and voice for conservative principles just when it was desperately needed.

That same energy from the convention rolled over into the 2010 election, embodied in the Tea Party movement and leading Republicans to a historic victory.

History shows that it was the McCain campaign that blew any chance at election when it suspended its efforts fully three weeks after the nomination to come back to D.C. and rubber-stamp the TARP bailout.

Having agreed upon the legislative actions that socialized losses by too-big-to-fail banks, McCain lost all ability to differentiate between himself and the big-government policies advocated by Obama.

Pollster Scott Rasmussen reported on Sept. 20, 17 days after the Palin pick, that his daily Presidential Tracking Poll "shows Barack Obama with 48 percent of the vote and John McCain with 47 percent. While Obama's lead is statistically insignificant, it is the first time he has held even a single-point advantage in a week and a half. One week ago today, McCain was up by three points."

For the mathematically challenged, this means that less than two months from the election, McCain and Palin were leading in the polls.

Rasmussen goes on to say, "Obama's gains over the past week came as the focus shifted from the momentum generated at the Republican National Convention to the economic rollercoaster ride that played out on Wall Street. Few agreed with McCain's initial statement about the economy being fundamentally sound and neither candidate has yet convinced voters that he will bring the needed changes to the financial markets."

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ALG Editor's Note: In the following featured editorial from the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, the board lays waste to Harry Reid's claims that Mitt Romney paid no taxes:


The Reid smear: Vermin droppings

Harry Reid beats his wife.

The Senate majority leader also leaves restaurants without paying his bill.

And the Democrat of Nevada lets his dog poop in his neighbor's yard and never cleans it up.

We don't know any of this to be true, mind you. But we have heard these allegations. From whom? Sorry, we're not in the habit of revealing our sources.

Of course, it's up to Mr. Reid to prove otherwise.

Reid doubled-down last week on his allegation that presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney did not pay any federal taxes for a 10-year period. An unnamed investor with Bain Capital, Mr. Romney's former company, told him so, Reid said.

And, he added, it's now up to Mr. Romney to disprove the anonymous and undocumented charge.

"So the word is out that (Romney) hasn't paid any taxes for 10 years," Reid said from the Senate floor, rhetorically elevating a smear to a faux fact like so many vermin droppings. "Let him prove that he has paid taxes, because he hasn't."

Romney denies the charge. "It's time for Harry to put up or shut up" and produce proof of his allegation, he said.

Expect that to happen on the same day that Harry Reid actually is arrested for beating his wife, for not paying his restaurant tab and letting Fido do the big No. 2 in the neighbor's yard.

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Whose prosperity is it anyway?

By Howard Rich

Who gets credit for Sergei Rachmaninoff's famous Piano Concerto No. 2?  The composer?  Or should we really thank the manufacturer of the piano he used while performing it?  What about the Declaration of Independence?  Does the credit go to Thomas Jefferson?  Or does our debt of gratitude go to whoever produced the paper and ink products used in its drafting?

What about when Americans mow their yards on the weekends?  Is it their hard work and sweat that gets the job done? Or should the credit instead go to Edwin Budding, who invented the first lawnmower in the early nineteenth century?

Questions like these have become increasingly relevant in light of Barack Obama's infamous "you didn't build that" remark ? which suggested that Americans who own their own businesses somehow aren't responsible for the success of those businesses.

"If you've got a business ? you didn't build that," Obama said. "Somebody else made that happen."

In the narrowest of senses Obama is correct ? just as Mitt Romney was correct a decade ago when he asserted that participants at the Salt Lake City Olympics "didn't get here solely on (their) own power."

Obviously nothing is ever built or achieved in a vacuum ? because none of us exist in a vacuum.   We all have mothers and fathers, and in addition to the genes they passed along to us we all take something from the people, resources and experiences we are exposed to over the course of our lives.  Similarly, we all subsist in some measure thanks to the work of others ? who in turn subsist in some measure on what we produce (although the number of "takers" in our society grows with each new government expansion).

Even more fundamentally ? as the ink on the Declaration of Independence reminds us ? we have all been endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights, although once again these fundamental liberties will continue to contract as the state expands.

In acknowledging this basic human interdependence, however, we must not bow to the collectivist dogma that Obama and his fellow command economists are pushing as part of their effort to "spread the wealth around." With a deficit approaching $16 trillion, we simply can't afford to do that.  More importantly we cannot let them continue to confuse the free market's promise of equal opportunity with government desire for equal outcomes.

Interdependence does not mean that people are entitled to equal, or even similar outcomes ? it is simply a means of letting the free market fill needs and satisfy wants with maximum efficiency, thereby maximizing prosperity.  Indeed government efforts to impose equal outcomes will only suppress the market forces responsible for raising everyone's level of prosperity.  They will also dramatically expand the scope ? and cost ? of taxpayer-subsidized dependence, perpetuating a downward spiral.

That's why "you didn't build that" is so dangerous.   It is more than just a metaphor for Obama's collectivist vision ? it is a rebuke of American exceptionalism, another attempt by the New Keynesians to separate Americans from their innovative capacity and the wealth, jobs and investment that capacity creates.

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The wheel of insanity

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Lies, damned lies and statistics?Obama version

By Rick Manning

As originally published at TheHill.com.

The monthly release of the nation's unemployment data never ceases to amaze and, in some perverse way, amuse. Here are just a couple of examples that just make you scratch your head.

The unemployment rate for all workers went up to 8.3 percent in the month, but the rate for every ethnic group that is broken down by the Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics either went down or remained stable.

That's right ? whites were stable at 7.4 percent unemployment, Hispanic unemployment dropped by .7 percent, African-American unemployment dropped .3 percent and Asian-American unemployment went down .1 percent.

So, if every ethnic group remained stable or had their unemployment rate drop, it must be presumed that the unemployment rate of Martians went through the roof for the month of July. 

When you add the numbers up, you discover that due to rounding, the unemployment rate amongst whites, the largest group by far, only appears to remain stable. In June, the rate was actually 7.358, and in July it was 7.427, meaning that the rate actually is more than .069% higher, but when rounded to the first decimal point appears to be the same.  

Here's another one: the BLS reported in the same employment situation report that the economy created 163,000 jobs in July from their establishment survey, but there were 195,000 fewer people employed from their household survey.

President Obama was saved from a really embarrassing unemployment rate increase by the 348,000 people who fled the workforce in the month and hence were not counted as unemployed or even a part of the overall workforce population.

The website ZeroHedge explains the 163,000 job gains through an excellent analysis of the BLS' aggressive seasonal adjustment, where the agency made the largest seasonal addition for a July NFP print in the past decade. The addition by BLS of 377,000 jobs for seasonal purposes is the saving grace of the report, and may explain how they could have a 358,000 disparity between the number of people employed and the number of jobs "created."

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Hypocrisy of the political left funding machine

By Rachel Swaffer

One year.  Three charitable non-profits.  $668 million dollars. These numbers merely scratch the surface of the financial behemoth that is bankrolling liberal policy, political activism, the U.S. educational system, the current environmental jihad, labor and union interests, as well as economic equality and social justice advocates.

In fact, if political funding was an Olympic sport, the Ford Foundation alone would make Michael Phelps' medal collection look like spare change; because when it comes to funding liberal causes, Ford consistently wins gold.  According to 2010 tax records, Ford is the top non-profit donor to economic and social equality causes, minority rights advocates, healthcare reform efforts, media, and LGBT issues as well as the second highest financial supporter of liberal funding and support organizations, American Universities, progressive political activism, women's issues, organized labor, criminal justice reform, and foreign policy.

In other words, Ford Foundation is a top donor to all progressive and leftist political causes.

The Hewlett Foundation donated even more money to liberal organizations than Ford Foundation in 2010 ? to an almost as broad cross-section of causes.  They donated over $256,000,000 and are the top benefactors of environmental activism, higher education, women's issues, progressive foreign policy, and youth advocacy organizations; additionally, the Hewlett Foundation is the second highest private sector donor to public education advocacy and support, according to 2010 tax records.

The bronze medal in progressive bankrolling goes to George Soros' Open Society network (comprised of the Institute for Open Society and Foundation to Promote Open Society) which is a top financier of criminal justice reform, social justice, economic equality, and minority rights advocates, healthcare reform, political activism and US media.  According to tax records, the Open Society network gave $190,797,978 to progressive activists and advocates in 2010.

While MediaMatters and other liberal/progressive organizations constantly attack conservative funders for supporting political organizations that they believe in, their accusatory figures are aggregated over ten to twenty year time spans.   The astronomical numbers you see on the left side, however, require no aggregation; these organizations spend hundreds of millions of dollars in a single year ? far surpassing private spending by right leaning organizations.

For instance, the top three liberal funding giants alone: the Ford Foundation, the Hewlett Foundation, and the Open Society organizations are responsible for the combined $668,248,977 granted to top liberal and progressive causes in 2010, according to tax records.

At that's just the tip of the iceberg: 37 different non-profits gave over $1,000,000 a piece to liberal and progressive organizations in 2010, according to the latest 990 tax forms.

In comparison, according to MediaMatter's own "Conservative Transparency" data, the Scaife foundation gave around $17 million to conservative organizations in 1993, the Claude R. Lambe Foundation (the most political branch of Koch philanthropy) gave about $2.5 million in 2010, and the Kirby Foundation gave a grand total of $1 million over a period of 23 years.   Clearly, these numbers are nowhere near the hundreds of millions coming out of organizations like the Sandler, Hewlett, or Ford Foundation each year, according to tax records.

It seems that, rather than buying-off American politics, conservative organizations are merely treading water, attempting to keep from drowning in the influx of liberal millions.

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The Great Credit Conundrum

By Robert Romano

As originally published at RealClearMarkets.com.

The Federal Reserve shocked markets on Aug. 1 when it decided to do nothing. Do nothing new, that is. Particularly, no QE3 ? i.e. a third round of quantitative easing, or printing money to purchase U.S. treasuries and other securities.

Markets immediately started tanking, and continued, through Aug. 2 before finally recovering on Aug. 3. Traders apparently wanted another temporary sugar high from the nation's central bank and didn't get it.

Oh well, not that it matters all that much.

As if the Fed taking on another $500 billion or so of federal government debt would have magically turned the economy around any more so than the previous $860 billion of such purchases since Aug. 2007 has.

To print, or not to print?

Even some more conservative pundits were distraught, such as Bloomberg View columnist Caroline Baum, usually a hawk on monetary policy, who advocated for the Fed to "consider more outright purchases of treasuries... Yes, print money. There, I said it."

Baum wrote she is "thinking differently" about monetary policy, but has not reached any conclusions yet. What promoted her new, potential outlook was a recent book by Robert Hetzel, senior economist and research adviser at the Richmond Fed, entitled, "The Great Recession: Market Failure or Policy Failure?"

In it, Hetzel takes the view that monetary policy ? even with the Fed's gross expansion of its balance sheet from $869 billion in 2007 to $2.8 trillion today, more than tripling it in just a few short years ? is too tight, and has "simply accommodated the increased demand for bank excess reserves."

To be certain, deposits held by Federal Reserve banks on behalf of financial institutions have exploded from $13.4 billion in 2007 to more than $1.5 trillion today. Therefore, it is hard to argue with Hetzel's conclusion that most of QE1 and QE2 is just sitting in a vault.

Probably the reason for that is as a hedge against any new losses that pop up in the wake of the financial crisis, which as Europe is discovering, may just be clearing its throat. Leaving that aside, if one views current policy as being too tight, one opens the door for more credit expansion.

But how much money-printing would be necessary to restore economic growth seen in the past 60 years?

Doubling down

Previously, Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson has examined the relationship between credit expansion in the U.S. and the growth of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) since World War II in a piece entitled, "Can the economy grow without debt?"

In it, Wilson observes that the relationship between debt and economic growth between 1945 and 1970 was relatively stable. Throughout that period, credit outstanding nationwide hovered between 140 to 167 percent of GDP.

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Maine's shot across Obamacare's bow

By John Vinci

As originally published at ObamacareWatcher.org.

The state of Maine on Aug. 1, 2012, sent a shot across the bow of Obamacare in the form of a letter to Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), Kathleen Sebelius.[1] The letter requests a reduction to Maine's Medicaid eligibility threshold by Sept. 1, 2012 and threatens to sue if the Obama Administration does not agree to the changes. The letter, written by Maine Governor Paul LePage asserts Maine's right not to be coerced by the federal government?a right confirmed by the Supreme Court's Obamacare decision, NFIB v. Sebelius, not quite two months ago.

Gov. LePage hopes the proposed changes, expected to save Maine nearly $20 million, will help solve Maine's fiscal woes.[2]

But a provision of Obamacare, called the "maintenance of effort" (MOE) requirement, bans states from lowering their Medicaid eligibility threshold until they establish a state health exchange. [3] Just like the Medicaid expansion requirement declared unconstitutional by a vote of seven to two justices at the Supreme Court, States that violate the MOE requirement risk losing all Medicaid funding.[4]

The Wall Street Journal reported that "within hours" of the Supreme Court's decision in NFIB v. Sebelius,  Maine's Attorney General's office was studying what effect the case might have on Obamacare's MOE requirement.  After studying the issue, the state's Attorney General, William Schneider, says he's convinced that Maine's challenge to Obamacare is "on solid legal ground."[5]

"The state of Maine is taking the right step in boldly challenging the Obama Administration's threat to cut off all federal Medicaid funding due to the state's decision to lower their Medicaid liabilities," said Bill Wilson, president of Americans for Limited Government (ALG).

Early reports of Maine's requested change claimed that HHS[6] and the Congressional Research Service (CRS)[7] disagree with Maine.  But HHS and CRS did not then have the benefit of seeing Maine's legal analysis.  In a July 11, 2012, letter to Health and Human Services (HHS), Gov. LePage told HHS Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius, that he believed she would "reserve judgment until the law and facts are fully-presented."[8]

Now that Maine has presented the "law and the facts" we know that it has two arguments.

First, Maine argues that Obamacare's MOE requirement is "part and parcel" of its Medicaid expansion provision and thus was struck along with that provision.

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Commentary: Big Government's battle with Chick-fil-A has unintended consequences

Video by Frank McCaffrey

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Tea Party scores another win in Texas

By Duane Miller

Conservatives selected a candidate for senator in Texas this week.  What are called "grassroots-conservatives" celebrated the election.  Ted Cruz, a political unknown one year ago, defeated Lt. Governor David Dewhurst, handily.  Dewhurst represented the Republican establishment.  He was an office-holder, had name recognition, endorsements of the expected GOP names, and much more money.  It is said that Dewhurst spent more than $20 million of his own money on his campaign.

Both men called themselves "conservative."  And, compared to Democrats, both are.  The difference is that Cruz is representative of a movement in America that is fed up with the Go-Along-to-Get-Along compromise-and-defend politics of the Republican Party over the past several years.

Voters turned out in record numbers in Texas for a runoff election held in July.  The totally unheard of voting participation resulted in Cruz winning by double digits.  Money and connections lost to a grass-roots activist base of voters.  Called a "Tea Party Tidal Wave" by some pundits, the victory by Cruz should be an alarm bell for Speaker Boehner and the rest of the Republicans currently holding office or desiring election to office.

Ted Cruz was not the only beneficiary in runoff elections.  "Grassroots Conservatives" won in other Texas races as well as in other states.  In Atlanta, Georgia, a penny increase in the sales tax to fund transportation projects was a major priority for the sitting Republican governor.  It was defeated by 26 points.  True conservatives are angry with wimpy leadership and rising taxes.  The message that is being clearly sent to the establishment republicans is, "represent our interests or get tossed."

Conservatives Have Had It With Do-Nothing Leadership

For decades, the Republicans were the minority party in both the House and Senate.  The Democrats ran everything and the minority party had very little influence.  About the only way a Republican could get his name in the paper was to do something completely outrageous or co-sponsor a Democrat bill.

Then came 1994 and the "Contract With America" that brought Republicans a majority in Congress and an opportunity to lead.  The "Contract" election was the first stirring of conservative sentiment, but traditional media vilified the Republicans, called them, "Obstructionists," the Republicans did nothing to fight back, and, at the next election the Democrats gained 9 seats in the House.  Conservatives were taught to be seen-and-not-heard, their opinions are irrelevant, and that Republicans must behave.

Conservatives choked back their anger, even with "compassionate conservatism," but then Barack Obama was elected and "hope and change" came to the White House.  This President has been the most polarizing in our lifetime.  His disregard for the Constitution and the legislative process; his disdain for the family unit and for the values embraced by most Americans (who comprise the real "mainstream"); his spending policies that will bankrupt this nation sooner rather than later; all have worked to breathe life into what was believed to be a dead body....the Conservative American voter.

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