There are 3 ways that you can say:
1. Sign the petition  Click Here
2. Attend the "Hands off our Health Care" rally in Washington DC this Tuesday  Details Here
3.  Make a contribution to help fund our efforts to fight Obamacare  Click Here
With the 2nd anniversary of Obamacare today and the U.S. Supreme Court preparing to hear arguments regarding it's blatant disregard for the Constitution from March 26th-28th, we must remind the Washington politicians that we will NOT stop until Obamacare is defeated!
Join the Tea Party Express in telling Obama and our federal representatives: "Hands Off My Health Care!"
We also encourage you to take a look at the new ad that our friends at Dept. 7 have put together.  It is a response to the Democrat ad showing Paul Ryan throwing grandma off a cliff.  To view the ad click here
Please consider making a contribution to the Tea Party Express so that we can continue to fund operations like these.  Please help by making a contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or more.

Josh Mandel, US Senate Candidate from Ohio
It is the focus of the Tea Party Express to take conservative control of the U.S. Senate, and we are proud to announce our endorsement of Treasurer Josh Mandel in Ohio's U.S. Senate race. Josh is the perfect candidate to replace Sherrod Brown, Washington's most liberal senator according to National Journal.
Josh Mandel accepting the Tea Party Express endorsement from Chairman Amy Kremer and Chief Strategist Sal Russo at a press conference in Cincinnati, Ohio
Sherrod Brown is grossly out of touch with the citizens of Ohio and Americans across the nation.  Brown has consistently voted for more spending like ObamaCare and the failed $800 billion stimulus while ignoring the nation's $15 trillion debt and growing budget deficit.  We need conservative legislators in Washington who understand the dire fiscal situation of our nation and who are willing and able to fix it. As State Treasurer, Josh Mandel was recognized for successfully implementing conservative investment strategies and sharp management of the state's finances. While our nation under Obama's leadership was receiving a credit downgrade, Ohio received a credit upgrade thanks to Mandel!
US Senator Sherrod Brown, a steady supporter of President Obama, Obamacare and the failed stimulus packages
However, on top of getting our fiscal house in order, we must implement policies that encourage economic growth. Mandel not only campaigns as a conservative, he has the courage to legislate as one. As a city councilmember, Mandel successfully led the charge for one of the state's only property tax rollbacks ever. He has been a proponent of oil and gas exploration in Ohio that could create up to 200,000 new jobs and has shown commitment to improving the business climate by cutting taxes and letting taxpayers keep more of their hard-earned money.
Mandel is added to a distinguished list of Senate endorsements from the Tea Party Express for the 2012 election, including Attorney General Jon Bruning in Nebraska, Treasurer Richard Mourdock in Indiana, and former Solicitor General Ted Cruz in Texas.