Contact: Christin Powers at 563-344-4119
BETTENDORF - The Life Fitness Center, 2222 Middle Road, will be hosting an Open House on Saturday, September 13th from 10am to 1pm. The KUUL morning guys Mark and Steve will be on hand to compete against LFC tennis pros. For each point they score against them, the LFC will reduce new yearly member sign-ups that day by 10%. Visitors can compete in a tennis and free throw contest for prizes. The Quad Cities Flames mascot will be here to hand out player cards. There will free fitness demo classes and a nutrition discussion with Valerie from the Milan Hy Vee. The public is welcome. Participants can register to win a grand prize of $100 gas certificate. Free popcorn and lemonade will be served. 344-4119. Come dressed to work out and play!