Nova Fitness Equipment announces their sponsorship for the 2015 Boston Marathon to support;
"Running for Freedom from Terrorism!"
On Monday April 15, 2013; our country was the victim of a terrorist attack at the 38th Annual Boston Marathon. At approximately 2:50 PM, just over four hours into the race; the first of two bombs exploded near the finish line. An internationally competitive event was turned into a gruesome scene resembling a warzone in a matter of moments.
April 15, 2013 is a day that will never be forgotten in American History. It is a day that we, as a nation; all became stronger and more united in our stand against terrorism. That single act of terrorism directly challenged our Country's ideals of liberty and fueled a resolve that we will never be threatened by cowardly acts against our people and our democratic beliefs. Taking from that resolve, Nova Fitness Equipment has announced their 2015 Boston Marathon "Running for Freedom from Terrorism" sponsorship.
Nova Fitness Equipment will be sponsoring a qualified participant to take part in the 2015 Boston Marathon and receive an all-expense paid experience to participate in the pinnacle of marathon events worldwide. The "Running for Freedom from Terrorism" sponsorship is meant to remind all of us that we as a country will always stand together against terrorism.
For this promotion, the sponsorship will be awarded in the form of an all expense paid trip and registration fees will be paid to participate in the 2015 Boston Marathon. The sponsorship will be offered to individuals 18 year of age or older who are Nebraska or Iowa residents who have qualified for the Boston Marathon. This sponsorship will be awarded by a random drawing through entry either on-line or submitted by mail to Nova Fitness Equipment. The drawing will be held within a week after the deadline date for registration to enter the 2015 Boston Marathon.

To learn more about the chance to win the sponsorship for "Running for Freedom from Terrorism" contact Nova Fitness Equipment at 402.343.0552 or email

Nova Fitness Equipment for over 25 years has specialized in fitness, rehabilitation, and sports performance equipment within Nebraska, Iowa, and the surrounding areas. From universities, government facilities, hospitals, hotels/resorts, and physical therapy clinics to home customers, we service them all. Our goal is to provide a world class customer service experience through our timely, efficient, thorough and unparalleled service to our customers.
Howard Kutler, President