Friday, March 05, 2010

Senator David Hartsuch announced his intention to seek re-election for Iowa Senate District number 41, representing Davenport, Bettendorf and Riverdale.

Senator Hartsuch said, "I believe that my ongoing leadership is important for the prosperity of our district and state."

Senator Hartsuch is now completing his first term of office.  He was elected in 2006 after defeating Senator Maggie Tinsman in a heated Republican primary.  Senator Hartsuch emerged as only one of two freshman Republican Senators to win in a bad election year for Republicans.

Senator Hartsuch said, "I ran on a platform of limited government, lower taxes, and stronger families.  I have remained true to these promises, and voters have come to depend on that."

Senator Hartsuch brought a conservative voice to the Iowa Senate, but more importantly changed the balance of power within the caucus ushering in the much needed leadership of Senate Minority Leader Paul McKinley.

Senator Hartsuch said "When I was elected, it was like being on a football team where the coach and quarterback were cheering for the other team.  Nobody was willing to move the ball forward.  While there aren't enough of us to stop the opposition, at least we all agree on which goal is ours.  I am proud of the Republican minority under the leadership of Paul McKinley, and I am proud to have contributed to this change.  It is refreshing to see the Republican caucus united around a platform directed at growing the economy rather than government, promoting real job growth, and providing true property tax reform by limiting unfunded mandates."

"Today, most Iowans are faced with economic hardships.  The future cost of the Governor's excessive spending will only make matters worse as current debts must be repaid. These next four years are critical to the future of our state as the legislature will be under pressure to raise taxes.  My record indicates that I have the courage resist this pressure.  "

Senator Hartsuch said, "The Democrat majority has overspent and refuses to curtail any of their government expansion programs such as the $890 million I-Jobs program. While many of my constituents cheer for the recent $9.5 million grant check which Governor Chet Culver brought to the city of Davenport, little attention has been given to Scott County's $44 million share of the total debt which was incurred for the program and which will stifle future economic growth."

While Senator Hartsuch is best known for his defense of traditional marriage and pro-life stand, he has shown significant leadership by championing the cause of minority and small businesses.  At the request of local minority business leaders, Senator Hartsuch successfully garnered support for a program called "Ongoing Covenant With Black Iowa" which included a study to examine barriers to minority and small business contracting in Davenport.  The findings of this report have great implications for all small businesses which are the engine of our economy.

In the recent floor debate on the government reorganization bill, Senator Hartsuch said, "Centralized purchasing and the aggregation of government contracts will limit competition since many small businesses will by unable to meet contract requirements.  This will have a stifling effect on disadvantaged business enterprises and targeted small businesses."

As ranking member of the Human Services Committee, Senator Hartsuch has worked to preserve choice and competition rather than promote government run health care.  Said Senator Hartsuch, "The American public clearly prefers patient controlled health care rather than government controlled health care.  We have proposed solutions that empower patients by promoting competition, individual responsibility, and by reducing frivolous lawsuits.  Unfortunately, the majority has ignored all of our proposals."

Senator Hartsuch said, "Past Republican behavior has left many people distrustful of the party.  I will continue to reform the Party and bring integrity to the office.  We will be working to regain the public's trust.  My reelection will encourage all legislators to defend good public policy rather than just what is politically popular."

Senator Hartsuch authored one of the four Republican bills which survived the funnel.  SF 2171 permits some children to have better access to their grand-parents.  Senator Hartsuch has also worked in a bipartisan fashion to get in-state tuition for Military personnel stationed at Rock Island Arsenal, and also to pass a resolution regarding the contributions of disabled Americans.

Senator Hartsuch said, "I am optimistic about the prospects for 2010, but it is important that the Republican Party once again become the party of fiscal restraint that the public expects.  It is clear that the Democrats have extended unsustainable promises during the last two election cycles.  Our state can not afford four more years of Democratic control of both houses and the Governor's mansion.  I will be doing my part to restore common sense to the Legislature."