Milena Oda from the International Writers Program at the University of Iowa will talk about her work and experie
nces both in Germany and in Iowa on Sunday, October 16, starting at 2:00 p.m. at the German American Heritage Center, 712 W. 2nd St., Davenport, Iowa. This program is free for members and free for nonmembers with a paid museum admission. Milena Oda was born in Czechoslovakia and now works in Berlin as an editor, translator and journalist for Radio WDR, Der Freitag, Prager Zeitung, Literární noviny, and others. Her play Mehr als Meer was staged at the Central European Theatre Festival and at the 2009 Forum of Independent Theatre Groups in Alexandria. Oda is the recipient of the 2007 Marguerite d'Or in Vienna, and was nominated for the 2007 Ingeborg-Bachmann award. Her work, in German, Czech, and English, has been featured in the Top-22 Anthology, Ostragehege, Labyrint Revue, Lauter Niemand, Volltext, and Contact. In 2010 she published her first novel, Ich heisse Diener [Call Me Servant]. She participates in the International Writers Program courtesy of the Max Kade Foundation. Find out more about her at