Dreams certainly do come true for new country music trio Sugarland, which will play on Saturday, June 11, at Quad City Live. The band's debut album, Twice the Speed of Life, recently went gold and has had two top-15 singles.
Bringing American music back to its roots, The Old Scratch Revival Singers tackle heady themes of damnation, salvation, and ... drinking in their songs. A Christian spirituality permeates the band's music, distinguishing it from many of its more heathen rock-and-roll brethren.
In the music business, booking gigs and getting media exposure usually aren't easy things to come by, but for one local band, everything seems to be falling into place. Left of Center is a metal band that was formed in January 2005, and it has already landed an opening slot with Drowning Pool at QC Live this weekend.
Proposed cuts in federal education funding are forcing local college officials to come up with creative ways to fund programs that might be affected by these cuts. If approved, President Bush's budget would cut 66 percent of funding for adult basic education classes.
A small group of thoughtful people could change the world," Margaret Meade once said. "Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." That's also the belief of Progressive Action for the Common Good, but a small group was most certainly not the case at the public summit that more than 400 people attended April 16 at Augustana College.