As of this writing there are 289 members of Congress who are co-sponsors
of House Bill HR-969 and 34 member of the Senate who are co-sponsors of
Senate Bill S.681.  Both Bills are titled,   The Blue Water Navy Vietnam
Veterans Agent Orange Act.  There are enough co-sponsors Congress and
Senate to send these Bills to the floor for a vote.  They are held up in
committee. Why? Are our veterans not worth the attention they deserve? A
budget has yet to be set for the care and wellbeing of this group of
veterans known as Blue Water Navy.  Many are sick, many have died from
diseases caused by the herbicide Agent Orange.  This deadly herbicide
floated out to sea.  Our Navy ships in combat came in contact with this
deadly chemical.  Some of our ships also transported barrels of Agent
Orange.  In rough seas some of these barrels would break loose, the
herbicide would be awash on deck and had to be cleaned up.  Unknowingly
the cleanup crews did not know they were cleaning up death.
Approximately 750,000 sailors served during the Vietnam War. Many have
fallen sick to the herbicide and many have died.  Nearly all could not get
benefits as our Congress refused to pass a Bill that would provide these
Navy sailors with better quality of life.  These ships at sea provided air
and gunnery support on targets inland, saving American troop's lives.
Does our government care about sick and dying Navy sailors?  No.  Their
lives are not worth the dollars.   To the American people, write and call
your members of Congress and Senate to pass the Bills, Congress HR-969 and
Senate S.681.   Freedom is not Free, it is costly.   


By:  John J. Bury, U.S. Navy, retired, Vietnam War Veteran
Media, Pa.

It has come of a common opinion amongst Vietnam War Veterans that Congress
tends to exclude mostly Blue Water Vietnam Veterans for VA benefits.  This
group of veterans never had boots on ground Vietnam, yet just the same
they are sick due to Agent Orange exposure.  It seems Congress and the VA
consider these veterans not worthy.

There are limited benefits to those who served in Country and those who
served at sea are excluded, yet Agent Orange was in the drinking water
onboard Navy ships causing sickness years later.  How many more of us have
to die in agony until there are so few of us left that the amount of
dollars to care for those left won't matter much.  Is this what America is
about none caring attitude by our legislators?  Where does it say in our
Constitution and Bill of Rights that our veterans need NOT be cared for
when in need?  "A man who is good enough to shed his blood for the Country
is good enough to be given a square deal afterwards" Theodore Roosevelt.

Over 175,000 Navy veterans are the unsung casualties of the Vietnam War.
It is not about Democrats and Republicans, It is about Americans who
fought a thankless war.  Maybe this is why Congress is reluctant to
provide VA benefits, a Thankless War.

Several years past, legislative Bills have been introduced for this group
of sailors only to fail in committee.  Presently there are two new Bills,
House Bill HR-969 and Senate Bill S.681, both are titled The Blue Water
Navy Vietnam Veterans Agent Orange Act.  If either of these Bills are
passed, Navy Veterans will receive their VA benefits.  The American people
can help by calling and writing to your members of Congress and Senators
to support these Bills.


By:  John J. Bury, US Navy, retired, Vietnam War Veteran
Media, Pa.

Help Our Veterans

Without our veterans and those who made the ultimate sacrifice, where would America be today?  It is any ones guess, however certainly not the Freedom and Liberty we enjoy.  We have ownership, jobs, health care, cars, any number of opportunities, we fought for freedom over a few centuries. There are those who would take away what we have as Americans.  We continue to maintain an armed force to protect our boarders so we can continue to enjoy what we do have.  Something to give serious thought to.

Our men and women in uniform stand ready and willing to rise to those who would take away our freedom.  Those who survived the battles of years past and present day, many come home broken in need of help as was promised. Where does this help come from?  It comes from Veterans Affairs a government run agency regulated by our government.  But in view of scandalous indiscretions, many veterans are simply tossed aside in a hurry up and wait situation whereas many die just waiting for help.  What is wrong with this picture?  Improprieties and interpretation of who gets what and for what, torn bodies, PTSD, cancer.  O, just let them wait, maybe they will die.  Is this how our veterans should be treated who fought the battles?

The American people need to stand up and be counted, urge our elected legislators to do what is right to care for those in need.  Call your members of Congress to do what is right for our veterans.
What is Quality of life for our veterans?  The meaning for most upon
returning home is security.  Jobs that offer equitable pay with benefits,
home ownership, education opportunity.

Many veterans returning home bring with them acquired skills. Skills they
did not have prior to entering the military.  These personnel are the
support groups who maintain and operate equipment.  They are apart from
those whose primary duty is combat.  For the most part, they are well
trained in job skills.  They are mechanics, builders, electronics
technicians, equipment operators, medical technicians, cooks, bakers,
administrative personnel; just to name a few skills they bring home.  Most
have attended schools in the military.

Those personnel who do require education, it is available to them through
government programs.  Programs that offer a variety of productive skills.
Veterans Affairs (VA) have counselors to help in their decision making
process.  Many of these counselors maintain offices in nearly all schools
of higher education.

Employers can be eligible for tax break incentives for hiring veterans.
Some might say,why give preferential treatment to veterans?  Military
personnel of all branches can and often are placed in harms way.  Their
main obligation is to maintain our Country's posterity, freedom from
oppression as a sovereign nation.  They have earned the hard way a right
to better quality of life.

Many returning veterans are not without problems, medical and mental.
Here again, one other purpose of our VA is to afford its veterans
undeniable medical and mental care.  All the veteran should need to verify
service is their DD-214 proof of military service and discharge under
honorable conditions.  In the event of being in combat, proof of medals in
a combat campaign.  For any service connected disability, whether it be
combat or non-combat, proof of that disability.  Military personnel at
discharge should make copies of their DD-214, record of awards, record of
duty stations, medical records that could be significant for possible
disability medical issues in the future.  If and or when a time lends
itself, these records become valuable in making a VA claim.  Congress and
Senate introduces legislation for VA disability to help veterans.  How
many of these Bills are stuck in committee?  Our best support is the
American people to write Congress and Senate, ask them to support our
veterans in need for medical care and compensation.

If a veteran needs advice in dealing with the VA, there is help.  The VA
has veterans liaison coordinators.  Other good sources of help is the VFW
1-816-756-3390,  American Legion 1-202-861-2700, Disabled American
Veterans 1-877-426-2838, Vietnam Veterans of America 1-800-vva-1316,
American Veterans 1-877-726-8387.  These organizations are recognized by
the VA and Federal Government.  There is no charge for their services.
Upon discharge from military service, it is advised to register with the
VA to be in the system.
By: John J. Bury, US Navy/retired, Vietnam War veteran, Media, Pa. (for
immediate release)