Victims of Agent Orange (AO) who are infected, Vietnam veterans, children of Vietnam veterans; then there are spouses and mothers or fathers who are victims by association.   By banding together and pressing forward to be heard is the only way we victims can win.

We know how to help others, we have been there/are there.  Our bodies are proof, our minds are not in denial, our lives are not equal to those without AO.  We are strong and build our own Quality of Life, the hard way.  Only we know what it is like to struggle with AO.  Each day we live, is a gift.

Yes, we suffer as do our loving family's who care about we who struggle with AO.  Let us not forget, we have friends who care.  Our consolation is knowing they love us and care about us.  Our worse pain is the burden upon our loved ones.  It is the most difficult of all pain to endure.

We know the frustrations of not being able to do the things as we have in the past.  We know the frustrations our family have in having to take up the slack, for us at one time we were able to do for our selves.  I know only to well how this feels to me and how it must feel for my family.

For these reasons we victims of Agent Orange Dioxin poisoning, our Congress and Senate must understand our needs.  There are Bills in legislation that can make our lives less frustrating.  Those Bills are House Bill HR-3612 and Senate Bill S.1629.  Please urge your members of Congress and Senate to pass the Bills.
