The German American Heritage Center will host Storyteller Brian "Fox" Ellis of Peoria as he portrays Wilhelm Grimm for the Grand opening of the 200 Years of the Brothers Grimm exhibit on Saturday July 7th. Ellis, as Grimm, will tell the famous tales to children at the Center beginning at 2 pm. Later that evening at 6:30, GAHC will feature: 'Sweets and Stories' an Ice Cream Social and Grimm Tales for Adults performed by Brian Ellis. These performances are part of a series on storytelling for the 200th Anniversary of the first publication of Childrens' and Household Tales by the Brothers Grimm. These events are sponsored by USBank. Admission is $5 for adults, $4 for seniors, and $3 for children. Free for members. Call 563-322-8844 or visit for more information!