In  a press release today, Coast2Coast Rx announced that the Illinois Association of County Board Members and Commissioners (IACBMC) has endorsed the free discount prescription card. The program, already approved in 10 counties statewide and dozens of townships, has reached thousands of residents, collectively saving them millions of dollars on prescription costs.

Coast2Coast Rx saves consumers significantly on their prescriptions and other healthcare services?up to 75 percent on more than 60,000 brand name and generic prescriptions. The card is a public to residents and the county: it requires no administrative work by county personnel, and the card actually generates revenue for public programs?providing $1.25 to the participating county for each prescription filled using the card.

With no restrictions on age, income status, or existing health conditions, the benefits of the card extends to everyone: those without insurance, the underinsured and those even those with high deductibles or expenses?such as certain prescriptions or flu vaccines?not covered by their health plan may save significantly by using the free program. In some cases even Medicare Part D patients experiencing the "donut hole" can use the card to help relieve their out-of-pocket expenses.

Our goal is to increase awareness of this resource so that more residents are aware of this great program, and we hope to have your support. As many consumers struggle with the high cost of medications and health care expenses, the Coast2Coast Rx card allows many consumers to save on this needed prescriptions while creating a revenue stream for their community?making this program a win-win.

Given the effect this program has already made on residents and its potential to expand its positive impact, I hope to speak to you about a feature. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for your consideration!