August 2, 2010

Say What You Mean / Mean What You Say
Calling Out The Illinois Republican Party

"I'm going to end the old politics and corruption in Illinois . . . , I'm not part of the insider deals. As Governor I'm going to do what I've always done: Stand up for what I think is right." - Bill Brady, Republican Candidate for Governor

To secure ballot access in the November 2nd election, the Constitution Party obtained over 32,500* signatures only to be strong-armed by politics as usual when Republican attorneys filed objections to our nominating papers.  The political and legal wrangling that ensued has accomplished nothing more than increase lawyer fees and waste Illinois taxpayer money. While the Constitution Party acknowledges the right of an individual to file an objection, we maintain that a voter's right to choose a candidate is tantamount to a Free and Equal election.

The Constitution Party has demonstrated in good faith its honorable commitment to the ballot process. At this point, common sense must prevail and Illinois voters must be allowed to make their own decision.  If status-quo politics continue, it will squander Illinois' financial resources, limit voter choice and further encourage voter apathy.

For most in Illinois, there is little difference between "selling" a Senate seat and using Party coffers to eliminate voter choice. Now is the time for the Republican Party to "stand up" and demonstrate to the People of Illinois their commitment to end politics as usual by withdrawing their objections against Constitution Party's Nominating Papers.

Michael White
Candidate for Governor of Illinois
Constitution Party