On May 21st, many leaders of national organizations dedicated to the defense of Liberty and the Constitution are retracing the 1910 travels of the global financiers who quietly gathered at a private resort at Jekyll Island, Georgia to covertly plot the creation of what we know today as the privately-owned (and unconstitutional), "Federal Reserve System."

Next week, Freedom leaders travel by train from New Jersey to that notable location to join their organizations in support of the upcoming historic "Continental Congress 2009" initiative.  CC2009 will be a multi-week, assembly of Delegates from the fifty states to formally document for the nation a century of Constitutional violations and the federal Government's patent refusal to be held accountable to the Law of the nation.  Among the violations are the Treasury and Fed bailouts which use public monies for unlawful expenditures for private benefit. 

The CC2009 Assembly will recommend specific actions the People can take to peacefully restore Constitutional Order.  These actions may well include a nationwide call for the People to (lawfully) withdraw all financial support from the government until the Constitution is fully obeyed.

To learn about the little-known, 900-year history and profound power of the Petition clause, visit www.WeThePeopleCongress.org.

Nancy Brandt, Andover, Illinois