A comprehensive community health report shows fewer Quad Cities residents are dying from heart disease and strokes, but a high percentage of area adults remain above a healthy weight.

The Quad City Health Initiative (QCHI) is proud to announce the election of two new Board members: Ms. Jill Lain Weaver and Ms. Shannon Prantner.
The Quad City Health Initiative (QCHI) is proud to announce that Mr. Decker Ploehn has been elected to serve as the new Chair of the QCHI Board. Mr. Ploehn is the City Administrator for the City of Bettendorf, a position he has held since 199...
The Quad City Health Initiative, Genesis Health System, UnityPoint Health-Trinity, Community Health Care, Inc., Rock Island County Health Department and Scott County Health Department, are pleased to share their findings from the 2015 Quad Cities Community Health Assessment.  The assessment and associated documents are available for viewing and download at http://quadcities.healthforecast.net and on the websites of the study sponsors.
This Community Health Assessment is a systematic, data-driven approach to determining the health status, behaviors and needs of residents in the Quad Cities Area.  The study is a follow-up to similar studies conducted since 2002.  This study is innovative for its alignment of methodology between the local health providers and public health systems.
The 2015 Community Health Assessment included a telephone survey of over 900 individuals in Scott and Rock Island counties, extensive secondary data analysis and the gathering of input and priorities from local community leaders.  With funding provided by Genesis Health System and UnityPoint Health-Trinity, the partners hired Professional Research Consultants of Omaha, NE to conduct a survey, analyze data and provide a comprehensive report.  Additional secondary data analysis, stakeholder meetings and issue prioritization were administered by staff at the Rock Island and Scott County Health Departments with input from Community Health Care.  Quad City Health Initiative staff facilitated the assessment work across the partnering organizations.
The integrated process met the assessment reporting requirements of the Scott County and Rock Island County Health Departments as well as the assessment requirements for Genesis Health System and UnityPoint Health-Trinity as established by the Affordable Care Act.   The assessment was designed to have wide benchmarking potential at the state and national levels, as well as to Healthy People 2020 targets.
"As members of the Quad City Health Initiative, our health organizations have a long history of partnering together.  This is our fourth comprehensive community health assessment conducted since 2002 and in each cycle we've honed a process that is efficient and respectful of community stakeholders' time while also being effective in providing critical data for our community health improvement partners," says Nicole Carkner, Executive Director of the Quad City Health Initiative.
"We were one of the first communities in our region to successfully integrate health system and public health assessment processes," says Nita Ludwig, Administrator for the Rock Island County Health Department.  "The comprehensive assessment provides data for the entire Quad Cities region that can be used by our community partners to improve the health of all Quad Citians."
"Our assessment process provides the foundation for greater alignment in developing community health improvement plans and recognizes the critical role of all community sectors in creating a healthy community," continues Ed Rivers, Director for the Scott County Health Department.
The 2015 Quad Cities Community Health Assessment identified some improvements in community health status since the prior assessments.  Notably, a higher percentage of children have visited a dentist or dental clinic in the past year and fewer adults now smoke.  In addition, the Quad Cities also fares better than the national average on selected indicators such as the percentage of adults who have health care insurance, low-weight births, and the percentage of adults and children who have had routine check-ups in the past year.
The findings of this study will be used to inform decisions and guide future efforts to improve health status and quality of life in our area.  Issues identified in prior studies, such as the percentage of adults who have one or more risk factors for cardiovascular disease, continue to be a concern.  "These findings renew the importance of addressing and promoting healthy behaviors such as healthy eating and active living," says Ken Croken, Vice President of Corporate Communications, Genesis Health System.  "Although the Quad City Health Initiative has been responding to many of these challenges through its Be Healthy QC projects, we welcome this opportunity to highlight the importance of creating a culture that supports health and wellness."
One of the overarching themes of the assessment is that lower-income residents in the Quad Cities experience notably poorer health status including physical and mental health.  "We understand that lower-income residents tend to have a higher prevalence of chronic disease but greater difficulty accessing healthcare," says Tom Bowman, CEO of Community Health Care, Inc.  "It is very important for our community to understand how societal issues such as income and education levels translate to health status."
Qualitative input from community stakeholders also identified access to mental health care as a continuing priority for the Quad Cities.  "Our community is at the forefront of developing integrated health care," says Pat Shouse, Vice President Community Advocacy, UnityPoint Health-Trinity.  "Behavioral health and physical health are linked and we understand that we need to have an integrated approach. By having our primary and behavioral health providers working together and coordinating care with each other, there is an opportunity to better identify and provide for the total health needs for people and for our community."
Questions on the 2015 Community Health Assessment may be directed to the Quad City Health Initiative which will be working with the study sponsors to improve health status and quality of life through ongoing projects and community assessments.  Please see our website for more information:  www.qchealthinitiative.org.
The Quad City Health Initiative, Genesis Health System, UnityPoint Health-Trinity, Community Health Care, Inc., Rock Island County Health Department and Scott County Health Department will be releasing their findings from the 2015 Quad Cities Community Health Assessment on Tuesday, September 15, 2015.

Representatives from the media are invited to join the partners at Community Health Care's Rock Island clinic at 10 a.m. that morning. Leadership and staff from the partnering organizations are scheduled to provide introductory remarks and will be available for questions at or after the event. The assessment and associated documents will be available for viewing and download at http://quadcities.healthforecast.net as of September 15, 2015.

The Community Health Assessment is a systematic, data-driven approach to determining the health status, behaviors and needs of residents in the Quad Cities Area. The study is a follow-up to similar studies conducted since 2002. This study is innovative for its alignment of methodology between the local health providers and public health systems.

For more information, please contact the Quad City Health Initiative office at 563-421-2815.


Community Health Efforts Recognized as Quad Cities Advances in Prize Selection Process


The Quad Cities region was chosen today as a finalist for the third annual RWJF Culture of Health Prize. As a finalist, the Quad Cities is one step closer to the RWJF Culture of Health Prize which honors communities whose efforts illustrate an enduring commitment toward building a Culture of Health for all residents.

Selected from more than 340 communities across the country, the Quad Cities joins 14 other finalist communities. Winners will be announced this fall.

"We are very pleased to have advanced as a RWJF Culture of Health Prize finalist community.  This is a wonderful recognition of the cross-sector collaborative efforts that have contributed to creating a healthier community," said Karla Steele, Quad City Health Initiative Board Chair.  "For more than fifteen years, the Quad Cities has been on a journey that engages partners from healthcare, public health, education, government, business and philanthropy to improve the vitality of the Quad Cities.  Participating in the Prize process has been an opportunity to celebrate our community's progress and partnerships."

To earn Prize finalist status, the Quad Cities had to demonstrate how its efforts to improve health outcomes for residents reflect the six RWJF Culture of Health Prize criteria, which include :

  • Defining health in the broadest possible terms.
  • Committing to sustainable systems changes and policy-oriented long-term solutions.
  • Cultivating a shared and deeply-held belief in the importance of equal opportunity for health.
  • Harnessing the collective power of leaders, partners, and community members.
  • Securing and making the most of available resources.
  • Measuring and sharing progress and results.

"The RWJF Culture of Health Prize finalists are transforming their communities to make them healthier places to raise a family, provide jobs, and educate their children," said Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, RWJF president and CEO. "These inspiring finalists are one step closer to being named 2015 Prize winners this fall."

The RWJF Culture of Health Prize is one pillar of the County Health Rankings & Roadmaps program, a collaboration between the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. The Rankings show communities where they can improve; the Roadmaps show communities how to take action to expand opportunities for healthier choices, and the Prize honors communities that represent solutions-driven leadership at its finest. Together, these pillars serve as a platform for the Foundation's vision to build a Culture of Health, now and for generations to come. Find out more at www.rwjf.org and www.countyhealthrankings.org.

The Quad Cities' Prize application has been facilitated by the Quad City Health Initiative with support from the following community partner organizations:  Achieve Quad Cities, Bi-State Regional Commission, Community Foundation of the Great River Bend, Community Health Care, Eastern Iowa Western Illinois Trauma Informed Care Consortium, Genesis Health System, Quad Cities Alliance for Immigrants & Refugees, Quad Cities Food Hub, Rock Island County Health Department, Scott County Health Department, Two Rivers YMCA, United Way of the Quad Cities Area and UnityPoint Health-Trinity.

The Quad City Health Initiative is a cross-sector community partnership working to create a healthy community.  A 25-member community Board oversees the organization, which was established in 1999.  The Initiative seeks to be our community's recognized leader for creating collaborative action on health and abides by the core values of commitment, collaboration and creativity.  For more information, please call 563-421-2815 or visit our website at www.qchealthinitiative.org.


The QC Hearts and Minds Youth Workgroup of the Quad City Health Initiative (QCHI) is proud to be partnering with the Rock Island County Regional Office of Education and Scott County Kids to bring the Stand Up! Change Teen Statistics theater program to our local high schools.  Presented by the R.Ed.I. Arts and Education Foundation, Stand Up! Change Teen Statistics is a 50-minute live prevention theater show based on interviews with over 90 teens.  Stand Up! delivers important statistics and information in an engaging format thus helping to raise awareness, encourage healthy behaviors and provide resources to assist teens with issues they face during adolescence.  The show is unique for its ability to target issues on a peer to peer level in frank and clear "teen" language.  The show tackles challenging topics such as drug abuse, teen sex, depression, alcohol abuse, self worth, suicide and internet threats.  Additional information about the show is available at www.redifoundation.org

During the week of October 22nd, the Stand Up! cast will give 11 performances to an estimated 3,400 high school students across our community.   Twelve high schools across multiple school districts have worked as partners to facilitate the Stand Up! performances for local audiences. 

"The QC Hearts and Minds Youth Workgroup seeks to identify and assist youth with mental and behavioral health concerns," says workgroup member Megan Heffernen.  "Performances of Stand Up! provide a great springboard for teens and adults to have open discussions about issues facing youth today." To facilitate this dialogue, the community is invited to attend a free performance of Stand Up! to be given at  4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 23rd in the Nighswander Junior Theater, 2815 Eastern Avenue, Davenport.  Community leaders, school personnel, parents, high school students and anyone interested in the well-being of today's youth are invited to attend.  (Due to mature themes, the show is not recommended for students below 8th grade.)

The R.Ed.I. Arts and Education Foundation has performed the Stand Up! show in many communities across the United States but this is the first time a community has orchestrated a week-long series of presentations across two states and multiple school districts.  "I applaud the tireless efforts of the partners to bring the STAND UP! Change Teen Statistics program to the schools and to the Quad City community as a whole," says Kimberly Farah, Executive Director for the R.Ed.I. Arts and Education Foundation.  "The coordinated effort has been awe-inspiring and we are proud to be part of this undertaking that will serve as a model for other communities across our nation."

Local funding for the Stand Up! performances was provided by Edgerton Women's Health Center, Quad City Bank & Trust, Rock Island County Probation Services, Scott County Regional Authority and United Way of the Quad Cities Area.  "Stand Up! highlights the need for more focus around youth mental health," says Dave Green, co-chair of United Way of the Quad Cities Health Council.  "United Way has brought experts around the table to examine how we can increase access to services for youth.  Stand Up! is a great first step in raising awareness of this issue in our community and encouraging Quad-City youth to talk about mental health issues."

The Quad City Health Initiative is a community partnership working to create a healthy community.  A 25-member community Board that was established in 1999 oversees the organization.  The Initiative seeks to be our community's recognized leader for creating collaborative action on health and abides by the core values of commitment, collaboration and creativity.  The QC Hearts and Minds Team was created in 2008 to promote mental health as integral to our overall heath and well-being.  Major financial support of the Quad City Health Initiative is currently provided by the generous direct and in-kind investments of Genesis Health System and Trinity Regional Health System. In 2012, additional financial support is provided by St. Ambrose University, KJWW and Midland Information Resources.

For more information, please call 563-421-2815 or visit our website at www.qchealthinitiative.org.
The Quad City Health Initiative (QCHI) is proud to announce that Dr. Joe Rives, vice president of Western
Illinois University Quad Cities and Planning, has been elected to serve on the QCHI Board.

"QCHI works to create a healthy community by developing cross-sector collaborative partnerships and
Joe's selection as a Board Member provides a critical link between our healthy communities work and the
higher education sector," says Denise Bulat, QCHI Board Chair. "Joe is known for his dedication to
community improvement and his collaborative spirit. His expertise in planning and fundraising will be a
tremendous asset to our Board."

Rives oversees Western's Quad Cities campus and University planning for both campuses. He joined
Western's administration in 2005 after serving at Illinois State University since 1990. Rives is the
University's point of contact for Quad Cities economic development issues; provides leadership for
University-wide planning; and is responsible for institutional accreditation for the Higher Learning
Commission-North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.

"I'm honored to be asked to serve on this community board," Rives says. "Our community's vitality
depends upon securing the health and well-being of its community members. QCHI's collaborative
infrastructure sustains work across organizational and geographic boundaries. Together, we can make
great improvements in our community's health status and quality of life."

The Quad City Health Initiative is a community partnership working to create a healthy community. A 25-
member community Board that was established in 1999 oversees the organization. The Initiative seeks
to be our community's recognized leader for creating collaborative action on health and abides by the
core values of commitment, collaboration and creativity. Major financial support of the Quad City Health
Initiative is currently provided by the generous direct and in-kind investments of Genesis Health System
and Trinity Regional Health System. In 2012, additional financial support is provided by St. Ambrose
University, KJWW and Midland Information Resources.

For more information, please call 563-421-2815 or visit our website at www.qchealthinitiative.org.


I know you share my vision of creating a healthier community for everyone who calls the Quad Cities home.


There is something you can do today to help!  Join me in voting for Davenport which has been selected as a finalist in the state-wide competition to become an Iowa Blue Zones™ community.   If Davenport wins, then the entire Quad Cities will benefit.


We are seeking 10,000 more votes before May 1st to show that all of our residents and businesses are behind this effort.  We are especially looking for people who live and work in Davenport to take a pledge to support this project using their Davenport zip code.


So please, take a minute to vote for our community at http://www.bluezonesproject.com/users/sign_up/.   And, ask others to do the same. Because this simple act could have a positive impact on all of us for years to come.



Nicole A. Carkner



Here's to our well-being!

Executive Director


The Quad City Health Initiative, Genesis Health System, Trinity Regional Health System, Community Health Care, Inc., Rock Island County Health Department and Scott County Health Department, are pleased to share their findings from the 2012 Quad Cities Community Health Assessment.  The assessment and associated documents are available for viewing and download at www.quadcities.healthforecast.net and on the websites of the study sponsors.

Over a year in the making, this Community Health Assessment is a systematic, data-driven approach to determining the health status, behaviors and needs of residents in the Quad Cities Area.  The study is a follow-up to similar studies conducted in 2002 and 2007.  The 2012 study, however, is innovative for its alignment of methodology between the local health providers and public health systems.

The 2012 Community Health Assessment included a telephone survey of over 900 individuals in Scott and Rock Island counties, extensive secondary data analysis and the gathering of input and priorities from local community leaders.  With funding provided by Genesis Health System and Trinity Regional Health System, the partners hired Professional Research Consultants of Omaha, NE to conduct a survey, analyze data and provide a comprehensive report.  Additional secondary data analysis, stakeholder meetings and issue prioritization were administered by staff at the Rock Island and Scott County Health Departments with input from Community Health Care.  Quad City Health Initiative staff facilitated the assessment work across the partnering organizations.

The integrated process met the assessment reporting requirements of the Scott County and Rock Island County Health Departments as well as the new assessment requirements for Genesis Health System and Trinity Regional Health System as established by the Affordable Care Act.   The assessment was designed to have wide benchmarking potential at the state and national levels, as well as to Healthy People 2020 targets.

"As members of the Quad City Health Initiative, our health organizations have a long history of partnering together.  This year, we were able to leverage the ongoing planning processes of the health departments and wrap around them a comprehensive community survey and secondary data collection.  This made our assessment process more aligned, more efficient and more respectful of community stakeholders' time," says Nicole Carkner, Executive Director of the Quad City Health Initiative.

"We are one of the first communities in our region to successfully integrate health system and public health assessment processes," says Wendy Trute, Administrator for the Rock Island County Health Department.  "The comprehensive assessment provides data for the entire Quad Cities region that can be used by our community partners to improve the health of all Quad Citians."

"Our process has already been cited nationally and we are pleased to be a leading example for this work, " continues Ed Rivers, Director for the Scott County Health Department.

The 2012 Quad Cities Community Health Assessment identified some improvements in community health status since the prior assessments.  Notably, a higher percentage of adults and children have visited a dentist or dental clinic in the past year and fewer adults now smoke.  In addition, the Quad Cities also fares better than the national average on selected indicators such as the percentage of adults who have health care insurance, low-weight births, and overall community perceptions like being a good place to raise a family.

The findings of this study will be used to inform decisions and guide future efforts to improve health status and quality of life in our area.  Issues identified in prior studies, such as the percentage of adults who have one or more risk factors for cardiovascular disease, continue to be a concern.  "These findings renew the importance of addressing and promoting healthy behaviors such as healthy eating and active living," says Dr. Jim Lehman, Vice President of Quality, Genesis Health System.  "Although the Quad City Health Initiative has been responding to many of these challenges, we welcome this opportunity to educate the entire community on the importance of creating a culture that supports health and wellness."

One of the overarching themes of the assessment is that lower-income residents in the Quad Cities experience notably poorer health status including physical and mental health.  "We understand that lower-income residents tend to have a higher prevalence of chronic disease but greater difficulty accessing healthcare," says Tom Bowman, CEO of Community Health Care, Inc.  "It is very important for our community to understand how societal issues such as income and education levels translate to health status."

Qualitative input from community stakeholders also identified behavioral health and access to mental health care as a continuing priority for the Quad Cities; this issue was identified in the 2007 assessment and launched several community coalitions in response.  "Our community is at the forefront of understanding the importance of integrated health care," says Berlinda Tyler-Jamison, Vice President of Community Impact & Advocacy, Trinity Regional Health System.  "Behavioral health and physical health are linked and the more we study, the more we understand that we need to have a holistic approach to creating health for people and for our community."

Questions on the 2012 Community Health Assessment may be directed to the Quad City Health Initiative which will be working with the study sponsors to improve health status and quality of life through ongoing projects and community assessments.  Website:  www.qchealthinitiative.org.

