WASHINGTON DC (May 8, 2020) — In refusing to strike down an overly-broad law criminalizing pro-immigration speech, the US Supreme Court has paved the way for the government to punish anyone engaging in so-called “anti-government” speech that encourages resistance to tyranny through civil disobedience.

At no time in the history of this nation has the government (federal or state) ever attempted to impose such onerous restrictions on the rights of religious individuals as we are seeing play out in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  

WASHINGTON DC (April 7, 2020) — In an 8-1 ruling that empowers police to carry out dubious traffic stops and paves the way for further abuses of law enforcement’s “blank-check policing” privileges, the US Supreme Court has upheld the police practice of stopping and questioning drivers if their cars are registered to unlicensed owners, i

DENVER, COLORADO (March 18, 2020) — Attorneys for The Rutherford Institute have appealed a federal court’s ruling that refused to hold police responsible for brutalizing an African-American man who, despite complying with police orders during an arrest, was subjected to excessive force and brutality, including being thrown to the ground, ta
