"The Birth of Uncle Sam" by Ed Newmann

One of the most successful ongoing progressive political operations has been to replace the founding ideology of America as a Constitutional Republic, with America as a direct Democracy. America is not a direct Democracy, even though it conducts itself as such with ever more distortions in law (substituting administrative procedural law for constitutional law), policies, and the shelving of Americans' constitutionally protected rights.

I remember as a young adult learning the most critical distinction between a Constitutional Republic versus a Direct Democracy can be found in the interests being served – those of individuals (individual primacy) versus groups (common good).

Put simply, direct democracy is essentially majority rule, or mob rule as it so often resembles – two lions and a lamb voting to see which of the three is for lunch. The 51-percent majority's interests prevail against those of the remaining 49-percent minority's interests. The lamb gets eaten. A society that caters to half of its citizens' interests, at the expense of the other half, or at least sidelining the interests of the other half, is perpetually inequitable by design. Ergo, this form of governance can hardly be characterized as common good and is unsustainable.

Contrarily, in a constitutional republic, the rights of the minority (in this example 49 percent, essentially half of the citizens) are protected against the majority's interests (51 percent, essentially the other half). The majority is not free to potentially interfere with the legitimate interests of the minority, meaning persons and their property. By Constitutionally protecting the rights of every individual, regardless of whether the individual is among the majority 51 percent or minority 49 percent, or the majority 99 percent versus the minority 1 percent for that matter, the rights of every individual, 100 percent, are automatically protected against interference and intrusions that inevitably flow from inequitable divisions, especially political divisions of majorities versus minorities.

Constitutionally protecting individual rights protects the rights of the least common denominator in a group, in this case the inhabitants of our Republic. By constitutionally protecting individual rights, the rights of group(s) are automatically protected because each individual's rights within the group(s) are already protected.

True justice is only possible when this core principle prevails against democratic protection of groups' interests that are often in violation of individual rights. Rights of the individual, the least common denominator within a society, must be protected for fairness, equality, and justice to fully actualize. If the federal government violates our individuals' rights, it is then incumbent upon the states, the duty of the states, to secure their people's rights against unconstitutional usurpation by the federal government.

This is the core mission of America's Constitutional Republic and should be embraced, celebrated and followed because it is a truly viable path to achieve the ideals the Declaration of Independence has claimed for every individual. I repeat: America is not a Direct Democracy.

The Legislative Branch is made up of elected representatives from a union of 50 states to make laws that secure the rights of the people, specifically freedom of speech, the press, worship, assembly, petition for grievance(s), and timely due process for starters. The Executive Branch enforces laws passed by Congress, using administrative agency authority that must also adhere to the Constitution. Executive Orders are not laws and they too must conform to the Constitution. The Judicial Branch's mandate is to ensure that all legislation conforms to the Constitution in spirit and purpose.

Imagine living in a society where every individual committed and adhered to the hard-fast principle of “Do no harm to others or their property.” Imagine what a different world this would be, could be. Respectful and harmonious, safe and secure, fair and just, fill in the blank … .

If this one principle underpinned our laws, policies, and programs across the board, while simultaneously closely following the US and State Constitutions, most of our societal problems would resolve, advantaging all of us, not just some of us at the expense of others. Moral, ethical, and honorable societies means that self-interest is shaped by individual self-determination, honesty, transparency, and accountability.

Much of the corruption poisoning complacent societies by politiopaths and megalomaniacal succubus consuming wealth, resources, and power for personal advantage, could not survive, let alone continue to thrive, if the American people exercised our own considerable oversight authority to hold our government agents (bureaucrats) and elected representatives accountable to the constitutionally enumerated responsibilities, duties, performances, tasks, and protection of individual rights as oaths of office mandate.

Decentralization is part and parcel to successfully achieving such an idealistic constitutional republic. Pure Capitalism inspires trickle-up economic opportunities where all boats rise together, but requires robust civic engagement. Versus the dribble-down outcomes of destabilizing progressive economies – whether Communism, democracy, fascism, Marxism, socialism, monarchism, feudalism, imperialism/colonialism, stakeholder capitalism (corporatism), pick one – there is only centralized top-down governance with all wealth and resources controlled by a ruling class – whether presidents, prime ministers, monarchs, emperors, industrial magnets, oligarchs, banksters, parliaments, congresses – there is no meaningful civic engagement by people, and certainly no meaningful representation of populations by their leadership.

In the above progressive governance models, the Haves dictate law and policy. Trillions of dollars are expended worldwide to implement indefensible sophisticated mass manipulation that influences decision-making, anchoring group-think messaging for herd compliance. By convincing majority swathes of populations that they are governed by the gold standard of a direct democracy that provides individual freedoms and choice, entire societies falsely believe they are engaged enough in their own governance and are thereby secure, when the polar opposite is true.

Widespread” Election Fraud Is a Shielding Meme

“There was no widespread fraud found in the 2020 Presidential Election between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.” This meme was crafted to dispel the nation's concerns over the incongruities, irregularities, and misconduct that characterized far more 2020 election activity than the corporate media reported. Since “widespread” was never defined for the public, pundits, and politicians, let it mean whatever they needed it to mean.

Four years later, as the 2024 General Election looms large, “widespread” has become a more definitive term, meaning enough irregular activity has been discovered to potentially change the election's outcome. Whether that includes one county in one state, or multiple counties in multiple states, is irrelevant. If the discrepancies discovered in election results are enough to overcome the margins for victory, it is widespread enough to qualify for investigation, audit, possible recount, and potential challenges to election certification.

In clean, fair elections, the above processes should not be the problem legislators, election bureaucrats including county auditors and treasurers, state administrations (governors, attorney generals, secretaries of state, et al) have made it. The nationwide bipartisan resistance to acknowledging any 2020 election irregularities at the state and county levels, let alone enact reforms, has been aggressively punitive towards citizens who stepped up to secure future elections by identifying sources of election-related problems so they can be either fixed or abandoned for more secure vote-casting methods and processes.

Problems included voting equipment and software vulnerabilities that discovered third-party access to voting equipment and software, internet connectivity where none should exist, dirty voter rolls manipulation, ballot harvesting, mail-in ballots without proper voter verification, proper drop-box monitoring, and finally, a huge number of counties uploading precinct totals to third parties such as SYTL, instead of directly to their Secretaries of State for final tabulation and reporting to media.

Few of the above irregularities are new to elections, but the enormity of them during the 2020 election is. Nonetheless Americans heard precious little about these discoveries, including the two most widespread pieces of disinformation from media, (1) U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr assertion that “no widespread fraud was found in the 2020 elections in his comments to the press, and in testimony to the January 6 Select Committee;” and (2) Trump's defeat in 60-plus court cases challenging the 2020 election.

What AG Barr neglected to tell the public is that no investigation was ever conducted into any fraud allegations.The Pennsylvania Attorney General William McSwain testified under oath that he reached out to AG Barr with his findings of election anomalies, and was told by AG Barr to stand down (although AG Barr denies this accusation). So technically, it is true that AG Barr did not find fraud because he did not look for fraud. But AG Barr could not claim there was no fraud, so he wordsmithed, hiding behind “widespread” to characterize his claim and remain just north of perjuring himself.




As for the second meme, Trump did not lose 60 lawsuits relative to the 2020 election. All 60 cases were dismissed based on procedural deficits, none on merit. Therefore, no evidence was ever presented to a court, so no judge heard a scintilla of evidence, including the most damning evidence of all: Georgia Secretary of State Republican Brat Raffensperger's refusal to hold the mandatory hearing required by Georgia law within 10 days of Trump's election challenge there.

Raffensperger's dereliction deprived Trump of his legal right to additional time to pursue his election challenge for final resolution, win or lose, arguably avoiding all the otherwise unnecessary emergency filings and further legal wrangling that ensued. It is infuriating to think of all the needless mayhem and sorrow, specifically the January 6 debauchery, but for Georgia's recklessly partisan bureaucrat, who has proven himself unworthy of public service. And to Raffensperger's further discredit, egregious election irregularities (surpassed only by those in AZ) have been confirmed by Georgia election officials, validating Trump's original challenge.

The Trial of Mesa County, Colorado, Former Auditor Tina Peters Begins July 31, 2024

Former Mesa County Auditor Tina Peters was indicted by a Grand Jury for of a combination of felonies and misdemeanors that include Violation of Duty, First Degree Official Misconduct, Criminal Impersonation, Failure to Comply with Secretary of State Requirements, Attempts to Influence a Public Servant, and Identify Theft – all for making a backup copy of Mesa County's 2020 Election file as required by law. Colorado law requires that election databases and files be physically retained for 24 months after each election. GJSentinel.com/news/western_colorado/peters-knisley-surrender-to-law-enforcement-after-indictments/article_98db6796-9fe6-11ec-a814-bfc1b13c4c21.html

Upon learning Colorado Secretary of State Jenna Griswald was on her way to Peters' office to update software that would erase the 2020 election database, Peters made a copy. Suspecting something was amiss, Peters subsequently also made a copy of the new updated file, then hired an IT expert to examine both copies and report the findings. GJSentinel.com/news/western_colorado/long-awaited-trial-set-to-begin/article_61cf9b52-c459-11ee-b1ef-e33048cd9540.html

Peters was right to be concerned as there were myriad red flags relative to systemic vulnerabilities that shocked the examiners. Peters alerted her superiors at the state level, and all hell broke loose. The result was the indictment of Peters and two coworkers, whose sentences were reduced for their eventual testimony against Peters. TheGatewayPundit.com/?s=tina+peters

The local press (Charles Ashby for the Grand Junction's Daily Sentinel) has published no fewer than 720-plus articles on Tina Peters, negatively biasing the public against Peters by largely ignoring her side of this important story, thereby depriving the public of neutral, even-handed reporting of all the relevant facts. Peters trial will hopefully bring important discovery and meaningful revelations to light to judge for ourselves the state of U.S. election security and potential vulnerabilities. GJSentinel.com/search/?l=25&sort=relevance&f=html&t=article%2Cvideo%2Cyoutube%2Ccollection&app=editorial&nsa=eedition&q=tina+peters

All this election integrity controversy should not divide American voters, regardless of party affiliation, but unite us to protect and secure our elections against all saboteurs. Our vote is one of our superpowers, and should be vigorously defended lest we become a country of abject cheaters, surrendering our character and ceding a much deeper victory to the Bidens and Trumps of the world.

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