Uncle Scam's First Amendment Jeopardy J6 Wheel of Misfortune - by Ed Newman Jan 2024

Uncle Scam's First Amendment Jeopardy J6 Wheel of Misfortune - by Ed Newman Jan 2024

[For all the coverage the Reader has provided on J6, please visit RCReader.com/tags/January6.]

U.S. Attorney General William Barr testified before the J6 Select Committee (arguably illegitimate because it did not follow the procedural rules for convening a select committee), claiming he had investigated election irregularity and fraud allegations, and determined them to be unfounded. His testimony was one of the video presentations during the J6 Select Committee's nine prime-time investigative hearings.

Meanwhile, Pennsylvania's Attorney General testified before that state's Congress that he received a call from William Barr ordering him to stand down from engaging in any internal state investigations of the myriad allegations of election malfeasance in Pennsylvania. By ordering state Attorney Generals to refrain from state investigations of election fraud, he provided himself with necessary probable deniability because he did not engage in meaningful investigations of specific election misconduct before he declared allegations unfounded en masse.

On Monday afternoon, January 6, 2025, Vice President Kamala Harris presided over the requisite joint session congressional proceedings to certify the election of Donald Trump, who defeated her in the 2024 presidential election. Made more thorny for Harris is her disgraceful equating of January 6, 2021 with September 11, 2001 and December 7, 1941 as events she claims “remind all who have lived through them where they were … when our democracy came under assault.”

Four years ago, the ruling class in Washington, populated by powerful political and government saboteurs, aligned to provoke chaos and mayhem during the four-hour disruption of the requisite joint session of Congress, convened on January 6, 2021, to certify the 2020 Election. This covert operation was devised and sloppily executed in order to accuse Trump and MAGA supporters of perpetrating “an insurrection,” even though no weapons were discovered and/or confiscated, and no criminal organizational elements or connections were established, among other potential missing clues. Why? To disrupt certification of Biden, therefore the peaceful transition of power.

What Really Happened

What really happened was approximately 250-300 MAGA protesters out of an estimated 1 million MAGA attendees, armed with American flags, fanny packs, Bibles, and cameras for endless selfies, meandered into the Capitol – in single file, no less – most staying obediently between the ropes as instructed (evidenced in numerous videos), then retreating as quickly as they came. And even though Congress was back in business after this four-hour disturbance, more accurately described as four-hour-long mass confusion, Americans have been massively manipulated to believe these unarmed ex-hippie pension collectors and their kids actually plotted and planned to overthrow the United States government by disrupting a ministerial event that was about to allow legitimate state challenges to their states' election results triggering a potential 10-day investigative period before certification could resume. A reasonable theory is that the disruption of the joint session certification was initiated by congressional leadership to stop those state challenges before they started. Hence, the bomb threats towards both the Republican and Democrat National Committee headquarters in D.C.

To convince us this narrative had legs, mainstream media repeatedly, relentlessly, and redundantly exposed Americans to the exact same nonconsecutive minutes of cherry-picked video footage of activity taking place on the West side of the Capitol between Capitol Police and approximately 100 protesters made of MAGA supporters and government provocateurs, precisely selected for its elements of confusion, seemingly chaotic crowds with individuals yelling and screaming and colliding with gases and sound grenades, emphasized with mere seconds of aggressive behaviors that included occasional violent incidents … against who, by whom, remains deliberately unclear. All thanks to creative editing and sound enhancement by hired professionals, including the executive programming producer for NBC, experts in “creating” viewers' experience for government's maximum desired impact. In other words, the best propaganda money can buy.

Government leaders on both sides of the aisle lied to Americans and the world, claiming Capitol police officers died on January 6, 2021, five to be exact, giving their lives in the line of duty. No Capitol police officer died on January 6, 2021, or any other day as a direct result of their actions or MAGA protesters actions during January 6, 2021. This includes Officer Brian Sicknick, who died of natural causes (a stroke, according to the medical examiner) within 48 hours after the “disturbance” was long over. Video footage of Officer Sicknick was later released after Cheney's J6 hearings and her damage was done, confirming him in the Rotunda with fellow officers, performing his duties and interacting with MAGA folk, with no signs of injury or impairment.

Yet House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ordered his body lie in state in the Rotunda for 24 hours, an honor exclusively reserved for the most esteemed leaders and dignitaries, to acknowledge his sacrifice in the line of duty on January 6, 2021, defending and protecting her, her fellow culprits, and democracy. The sheer audacity of this fictional drama is difficult to comprehend for the average human being. Regardless, Speaker Pelosi's brazen falsity openly exposes the megalomaniacal lengths she and her ilk engage in to advance their political agendas, wealth accumulation, and personal power.

Meanwhile, four people did die on January 6, 2021, four U.S. citizens exercising their right to redress their government for grievances with the expectation that government personnel will honor their oaths to uphold and protect theirs, and all citizens' rights as mandated in the U.S. and state Constitutions.

Kevin Geeson and Benjamin Phillips died of heart failure and a stroke, respectively, when Capitol Police fired tear gas and pepper spray into the crowd where they were gathered, and dropped flash-bang grenades and projectile rubber bullets on them from the inaugural balcony above, triggering their heart attack and stroke. Roseanne Boyland was trampled to death just inside the West Tunnel where she had fallen as she was pushed into the tunnel by protesters trying to escape the Capitol Police's chemical and projectile onslaught from above, also captured on video but withheld by Vice-Chair Liz Cheney and her committee co-conspirators until after their extreme bias and glaringly partisan investigation was finished, and the second impeachment of Donald Trump was successful.

Cheney could be facing charges of obstruction for withholding exculpatory evidence, adding to a growing list of not only outrageous violations of constitutionally protected rights of thousands of U.S. citizens, but of criminal conduct destroying hundreds of testimonies (700 out of 1,000, to be more precise).

Cassidy Hutchinson recanted her original hearsay testimony that she gave before the J6 Select Committee. She swore under oath that she was told Trump tried to overcome his Secret Service driver in an attempt to go to the Capitol after his Secret Service detail refused to take him there. All Secret Service agents present in the car when this alleged event occurred, have unequivocally denied under oath such conduct by Trump. And now, Ms. Hutchinson has quietly withdrawn her testimony, with no acknowledgment from Cheney, triggering suspicion she colluded with Ms. Hutchinson for her testimony.

Who Really Died That Day

Finally, unarmed Ashley Babbitt was shot to death in cold blood by Capitol Police Officer Michael Byrd, who waited and watched Ashley as she crawled through the broken window of a hallway door that separated a staircase from a floor of Capitol offices. Naturally, the internal investigation absolved Officer Byrd's excessive lethal actions. (RCReader.com/commentary/noble-lies-no-excuse-for-ignoble-acts.)

Perhaps even more alarming, certainly equally heartbreaking, are the six Capitol police officers who committed suicide within a year after January 6, 2021. These six tragedies occurred well under the radar, as most Americans are unaware of this sorrowful, inexplicable loss of officers by their own hands. Regardless, in monumental disregard for these six officers, mainstream media's mutts and show dogs relentlessly continue to claim that on January 6, 2021, Capitol and Metro D.C. police officers died protecting congressmen and federal personnel from armed insurrectionists attempting to overthrow the United States government by disrupting the peaceful transition of power. As if!

It is interesting to note that, in retrospect, the first characterization of MAGA supporters and protesters as insurrectionists came from President-elect Joe Biden in an nationwide address on January 6, 2021. This carefully pre-constructed narrative using insurrectionists as the primary villains, commenced with Biden long before the first protester entered the Capitol building. As the chaos was unfolding on the Capitol grounds, President-elect Biden introduced the concept of “an insurrection” to the nation by way of denouncing it as such well before any verifiable facts could be known. The mainstream media pounced and ran with it, neglecting to gather a shred of legitimate evidence to support this absurd story.

The last four years have consisted of gross contortions of the law at the expense of true justice. Law enforcement's bullying via hyper-surveillance and tracking, dangerous swatting of elderly MAGA supporters and families with little children at home, and over incarceration for largely misdemeanor charges, is inexcusable by every civilized measure.

Malicious prosecution, led DOJ Attorney Matthew Graves, was unleashed, including torturing some misdemeanors into felonies using novel lawfare theory, such as “Obstruction of official acts …” originally meant to prosecute offenders who destroyed evidence (documents, records, et al). Eventually, this unconstitutional lawfare was struck down by SCOTUS, forcing the DOJ to rescind these charges levied at 300-plus J6 defendants. But not before epic suffering derailed their lives. Americans who were devastatingly unprepared for the relentless prosecutorial abuse heaped upon them by a merciless federal D.C. court apparatus that included highly partisan judges, juries of non-peers, and a captured corrupt mainstream media to maintain the illusion of the presumption of innocence and proper due process. (Law.justia.com/codes/iowa/2021/title-xvi/chapter-719/section-719-1/)

This unprecedented judicial malignancy, stemming from an irrational fear and loathing of Donald J Trump, grew ever more lethal to American jurisprudence as the cartel of “Never Trumpers” threw all caution and decency to the wind in pursuit of sidelining Trump politically, financially, and personally, no matter the cost. Saddest of all is the permanent loss of any future respectable self-determination so carelessly and witlessly ceded to Trump by these oath breakers, regardless of outcomes.

Domestic Terror or Constitutionally Protected Right to Petition for Redress of Grievances?

FBI Director Christopher Wray designated January 6, 2021 as an act of domestic terror, thereby classifying and forever branding anyone who participated in the Capitol protest as a domestic terrorist, a ruinous label that didn't have a shred of legitimate supporting evidence in any of the prosecutions of January 6 defendants.

By designating January 6 as an act of domestic terrorism, Wray paved a crooked path for federal prosecutors to force J6 defendants accepting guilty plea deals instead of going to trial, by threatening J6ers with enhanced charges and sentencing as domestic terrorists, tripling the potential prison time if found guilty by a jury. And in D.C., prosecutors boast a100-percent conviction rate of J6ers thanks to a progressive jury pool where only 5 percent of D.C. residents voted for Trump.

Rather, incontrovertible evidence exists against U.S. Department of Justice prosecutors for their countless egregious criminal violations of the rights and civil liberties of thousands of American citizens redressing grievances, not to mention the blanket dereliction of duty in violating their own oaths of office to uphold and protect the Constitution.

Most heartbreaking is realizing our Republic's last line of defense for all our constitutionally protected rights – the U.S. court system – as a resolute advocate of our Constitution(s) application serving true justice, is in jeopardy from the very branch of government specifically mandated to protect it and us: judges, prosecutors, public defendants, grand and petit juries.

When consistently egregious breaches occur and course correction is critical, what are our remedies as we the people? Judicial impeachment; prosecution of prosecutorial misconduct if sovereign immunity is overcome; Grand Juries empaneled to specifically investigate public officials' misconduct; et cetera. But we can only deploy remedies for which we have authority. Therefore, we must understand precisely what our authorities actually are, and how these authorities can be utilized to obtain satisfactory remedies.

Reports affirming that DOJ officials, including Jack Smith and prosecutors in the D.C. U.S. Attorney’s office, are responsible for the “Capitol Siege” prosecution, are themselves seeking attorney representation due to prosecutorial misconduct that overcomes sovereign immunity protections and also fear of bankruptcy. Is this what is meant by the worm has turned?

As mentioned above, Liz Cheney and members of the J6 select committee also have reason for concern. Cheney currently is the subject of a congressional investigation related to her role as vice chairman of the committee; a Trump DOJ is expected to look into her conduct, as well. J6 Committee chairman Bennie Thompson, who, along with Cheney, just received the Medal of Honor (more like the Medal of Horror) from Biden, said he would accept a presidential pardon. This acknowledgment of acceptance of a pardon should it be offered, arguably stands as confirmation that he considers himself guilty of congressional overreach and abuse of power.

The Department of Justice keeps a running list of all J6 defendants with details of the disposition of their cases. A list of all J6 Defendants, including Iowa, and the status of their cases can be reviewed at the Web site below. In Iowa, there are eight cases to follow:


Case Number


Location of Arrest

Entry Last Updated



IOWA, Adel

November 4, 2022


JENSEN, Douglas Austin

IOWA, Des Moines

January 18, 2023



IOWA, Saint Ansgar

June 1, 2022



IOWA, Cedar Rapids

August 11, 2021


RADER, Kenneth

IOWA, Sioux City

September 29, 2022


SANDOVAL JR., Salvador

IOWA, Ankeny

March 28, 2023



Iowa, Des Moines

April 18, 2023



IOWA, Redfield

September 27, 2022



Other exceptional sources for alternative explanations of January 6, 2021 events well worth your time include: The Gateway Pundit's American Gulag (AmericanGulag.org); Revolver News (Revolver.news); Declassified with Julie Kelly on Substack; the National Pulse (ThePulse.plus), Glenn Greenwald's Substack and nightly show on Rumble; JasonBermas.net.

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