On Monday, June 18, Davenport Mayor Phil Yerington announced that a candidate has been chosen to fill the vacant position of city administrator. Craig Malin, currently the Douglas County Administrator in northern Wisconsin, has a long list of favorable credentials responsible for a unanimous recommendation from the 14-person search committee appointed by the mayor to find the best candidate for the job.

Father's Day

Of all the holidays generally recognized in North America, Father's Day has the most potential for confusion and complication, if not outright concussion. Thanksgiving, by contrast, is a snap. Everyone in America sits down to the same exact meal, then nods off as the L-tryptophan kicks in and the Lions game lurches toward halftime.
Hopefully, the public has been watching Super Wal-Mart as it has proceeded, at times allegedly unlawfully, toward its ultimate conclusion. The last leg of this development travesty was the "dark store agreement" conceived and perpetrated upon Davenport taxpayers by Alderman Bob McGivern, who only further demonstrated his lack of understanding of business matters so crucial to the proceedings.
Now that the Mississippi River has receded and the sandbags are being removed, federal, state, and local leaders need to address more than the cost of cleanup after the flooding. We need to determine why floods occur more often and at higher flows than predicted and address the root problems that have led to the more frequent flooding.
At a forum May 24 at the Family Museum of Arts & Science, Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs Director Anita Walker made clear that those deflating practical considerations weren't welcome. No pesky questions about whether something can be done, or from where the money might come to pay for it.
We live in strangely searching times. We look inward, outward, all around for a fresh clue why surprising things happen, and why most of them are bad. We might seek out that annoying woman on late-night TV with the Jamaican accent whose tarot cards uncannily confirm that your husband, who's been working late for the past 27 years, is actually having an affair with the security guard.
Davenport • The City of Davenport will make a presentation on its River Renaissance on the Mississippi proposal to the Vision Iowa board on Wednesday, June 13, at the Hotel Savery in Des Moines.
A friend of mine attended a luncheon recently, at which a spokesperson for MidAmerican Energy told the audience that her company was preparing its customers for the same cost increases next winter as those we experienced this past season.
(click) " ... our special guest tonight is former President Bill Clinton, who's just scheduled a paid appearance at a success seminar with TV host Montel Williams and a group of - believe it or not - motivational speakers.
There is no more denying it. It is time to take the blinders off and face the discouraging truth about the current Davenport City Council. With the sole exception of 5th Ward Alderman Wayne Hean, this council betrayed us for the second time by voting for development along or near 53rd Street, giving developers a leg up utilizing public financing tools meant for blighted and neglected neighborhoods.
