Join us for a BARN DANCE 12 miles east of Iowa City at the Scattergoods Friends School. Dance to squares, contras, circles, waltzes, etc. December 11, 2009. Caller Nikki Herbst and live music by The Guilded Bats. Dancing begins at 8:00 p.m. Admission is $5.00 per person. Singles, couples, families, beginners and veterans all welcome. All dances taught and called.
For more information, please phone the Scattergood School at 319-643-7600 or email
Scattergood is at 1951 Delta Ave, near West Branch. To reach Scattergood, take I-80 to exit 254, go north into the town of West Branch, down the hill past the Herbert Hoover birthplace to the stop sign. The post office will be on your left. Turn right and go two miles east out of town to Delta Avenue. Turn right again and go 1/2 mile south. The Scattergood entrance is on the right, just north of the bridge over I-80. The dance will be in the north wing of the large brick building on your right. Park anywhere on the circle drive. Enter the building by the west door, on the left side as you come from the drive.
Alcohol and tobacco use are not permitted on the Scattergood campus.
Other upcoming dances: January 8, 2010; February 12; March 12; April 9; and May 14.
For more information, visit