WASHINGTON DC (November 13, 2019) — The Center for Security Policy (CSP) will present a panel discussion featuring Austrian author and free speech champion Elizabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff on Thursday 14, November 2019, 1–2PM EST. Moderated by the Center’s Vice President for Research and Analysis, Clare M. Lopez, the panel will include former CSP Director of Operations Christine Brim and Senior Fellow Stephen Coughlin as well as Elizabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff to discuss her important new book, The Truth is No Defense.

Published by the New English Review Press, the book recounts Elizabeth’s formative years growing up in countries around the world, including the United States, as the daughter of an Austrian diplomat. It is also the story of her prosecution and eventual conviction through the Austrian and European courts on charges of “denigrating the teachings of a recognized religion in Austria” based on fact-based comments she made about Muhammad and Islam in a private setting. Her story must sound the alarm bell for all who cherish individual liberty and freedom of speech, which thus far is protected by the First Amendment to the US Constitution, but under assault or even vanquished from the very font of Western Civilization in Europe.

Brim, Coughlin, and Lopez each contributed a chapter to Sabaditsch-Wolff’s book, as did Henrik Clausen, Robert Spencer, Christian Zeitz, and others. Brim and Coughlin, along with Lopez, will join Elizabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff to discuss what it means when the heavy weight of the State comes down on its citizens with liberty-crushing censorship.

The panel discussion will be Live Streamed over Facebook and YouTube. The Center welcomes friends and allies in the battle to preserve free speech to join us in person or online.

Click here to purchase the book.

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