A grants submission deadline has been announced by the Moline Community Foundation. Non-profit organizations are encouraged to apply if they serve the citizens of Moline and the surrounding region, including the Quad Cities.
All materials necessary to receive funds are due in The Moline Foundation offices by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, January 30, 2009 or must be postmarked by or on Friday, January 30, 2009.
Any non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization, including those who have never received Moline Foundation funding in the past, is welcome to apply.
For more information and recent grants history, please refer to The Moline Foundation`s web site at www. molinefoundation.org.
An application should consist of a written request stating the name and address of the organization, its mission, names and addresses of Board members, financial statement, balance sheet, and the specific purpose for which any money received would be used including a project budget. The name, telephone number, and email of a contact person must also be included. The requested materials should be mailed according to the above deadline. Other important information about grant submission is available at The Moline Foundation`s web site.
The Moline Community Foundation offices are located at the Deere-Wiman House, 817 11th Avenue, Moline.
The Moline Foundation, founded in 1953, is a community foundation which provides grants to health, human services, education, community development, the arts and other charitable organizations which benefit the citizens of Moline and the surrounding area, including the Quad Cities region in both Iowa and Illinois. The Moline Foundation receives and administers charitable gifts and has a current endowment of approximately $13 million