November 1, 2017
Over 38 scholarships are now offered through application with The Moline Foundation. Applicants should apply online at
All scholarships must be submitted by midnight on Friday, March 16, 2018. All reference letters need to be mailed with a postmark on or before Friday, March 16, 2018. Reference letters should be mailed to: The Moline Foundation,
1601 River Drive, Suite. 210, Moline IL 61265. The following is a list of scholarships, criteria and information about essay submission:
1. Srikanth Yerra Scholarship
- $1,000 non-renewable
- Must live within Moline School District No. 40 boundaries
- Graduate of Class of 2018 or community college student
- Preparing to attend or transfer to a 4-year college or university
- Minimum 3.5 grade point
- Based on financial need, potential for future personal achievement
Submit: Transcript, 2 letters of reference, brief essay about yourself (200 words or less)
2. Lee McAllister Scholarship
- $1,000 non-renewable
- Graduate from Moline High School Class of 2018, plan to major in education
- Minimum 2.75 grade point
- Based on financial need, potential for future personal achievement, abilities, school & community activities and strong academic record
Submit: Transcript, two letters of reference, brief essay (200 words or less) “Why are you entering the field of education?”
3. Moline High School Class of ’59 Scholarship
- Amount and number of awards determined annually
- Graduate from Moline High School Class of 2018
- Minimum 2.8 grade point
- Based on service-oriented activity in place of worship, school, or community
Submit: Transcript, brief statement (1-2 paragraphs- 200 words or less) on “What do you anticipate your life to be like in 50 years?”
4. Clement T. Hanson Scholarship
- Three $1,500 four-year scholarships renewable based on continued financial need and scholastic achievement (Total: $6,000)
- Must live within Moline School District No. 40 boundaries
- Graduate from Class of 2018 or Community College student
- Preparing to attend or transfer to 4-year college or university
- Minimum 2.5 grade point
- Based on financial need, potential for future personal achievement, and personal interview
Submit: Transcript, two letters of reference, brief essay about yourself (200 words or less)
5. Dolores A. Hulse-DiIulio Scholarship
- $1,000 (eligible to reapply annually and compete with incoming freshmen candidates and other previous scholarship recipients)
- Must be a female and graduate of Class of 2018 at Moline High School
- Must intend to pursue a bachelor’s degree on a full-time basis in the fields of chemistry, physics, engineering, or pre-medicine
- Must attend a public university or college located in Illinois
- Applicant must be in upper one-fourth academically in class rank
- Based on desire to achieve, abilities, strong academic record, potential for future personal achievement, and two reference letters
Submit: Transcript, two letters of reference, brief essay (200 words or less) “Why are you entering your chosen field of study?”
6. Maggie Webb Scholarship
- Amount and number of awards to be determined annually
- Must be graduating senior from Moline High School Class of 2018
- Minimum 2.8 grade point
- Based on community involvement (with at least one service oriented activity in place of worship, school or community) and essay
Submit: Transcript, essay (350 words or less) “If you were to leave this earth tomorrow,
what would be your legacy?”
7. Lee Womack Scholarship
- Amount and number of awards to be determined annually
- Must be graduating senior from Moline High School Class of 2018 with planned major in Education. Special preference will be given to applicants planning to major in Special Education
- Minimum 3.0 grade point average
- Based on community involvement (with at least one service-oriented activity in place of worship, school or community), and essay
Submit: Transcript, essay (200 words or less) stating why you want to obtain an
education degree, your goals, and how you feel this would be an asset to you and the
community, and two reference letters
8. Stan Woods Scholarship
- $1,000 scholarship annually non-renewable
- Must be graduating senior from Moline High School Class of 2018
- Minimum 3.0 grade point average
- Based on community involvement and leadership, academic achievement and essay
Submit: Transcript, essay (200 words or less) “Explain what you have done to make your
community a better place to live and give an example or one or more of specific projects
that have benefited from your involvement” and two letters of reference
- Three $1,000 scholarships will be awarded in 2018
- Must be graduating senior and living in the boundaries of Moline School District No. 40
- Applicant must follow the ideals of the former Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) Program, which sought to prevent use of drugs, membership in gangs, and violent behavior
- Minimum 3.0 grade point average
- Based on academic merit, good citizenship, attendance, active involvement in school and community, and an essay
Submit: Transcript, essay (200 words or less) “Submit an essay on good choices you
have made in your life. Choose an activity you have been involved in and describe how it has impacted your life” and two letters of reference
10. Hazel Van Arsdale Memorial Scholarship
- $1,000 scholarship will be awarded in 2018
- Must be graduating senior and living in the boundaries of Moline School District No. 40
- Must have been involved in at least one service oriented or musical activity
- Minimum 3.0 grade point
- Based on financial need, potential for future personal achievement and brief essay
Submit: Transcript, two letters of reference and essay (200 words or less) “Explain your
personal educational goals and why music has been important to you growing up"
11. Sherrard Academic Foundation Scholarship
- Three $1,000 scholarships plus two $750 scholarships to graduating seniors from Sherrard High School will be awarded through the Sherrard Academic Foundation
- One $1,000 scholarship funded by the Farmer’s State Bank of Western Illinois will be awarded to a student attending a four-year, two-year or vocational school
- Two $1,000 Sherrard Academic Foundation scholarships and two $750 Holdsworth scholarships will be awarded to students attending a community college, vocational or technical school
- Minimum 2.0 grade point
Submit: Transcript, two letters of reference, essay (200 words or less) “What are your personal educational goals?” and describe your need for financial assistance
12. Moline High School Class of ’65 Scholarship
- $1,000 Scholarship will be awarded in 2018
- Graduate from Moline High School Class of 2018
- Minimum 2.5 grade point
- Applicant must have been involved in at least one service-oriented activity or organization in his or her school, community or place of worship
Submit: Transcript, essay (200 words or less) "How do you intend to become self-sufficient and contribute to society?" and two letters of reference
13. Chris "Spey" VanSpeybroeck Memorial Fund Scholarship
- Two $1,000 Scholarship will be awarded in 2018
- Graduate from Class of 2018 from Moline High School Class, Alleman High School, Rock Island High School or United Township
- Minimum 2.8 grade point
- Applicant must have been involved in at least one service-oriented activity or organization in his or her school, community or place of worship.
Submit: Transcript, two letters of reference, and an essay (200 words or less) "The
importance of family and friends.”
14. Ina Duncan Banks Memorial Scholarship
- One $1,000 scholarship will be awarded in 2018
- Applicant should be a female, undergraduate student who wishes to continue their education to pursue challenging and diverse career opportunities
- Applicants must have successfully completed at least two years of their undergraduate work and should be entering their junior or senior year attending a college or university
- Applicant must be resident of Rock Island County, IL, who is attending or planning to attend a 4-year college or university
- Applicant must show high academic achievement, community service involvement, and to some extent, financial need
Submit: Transcript, essay (200 words or less) "What is your chosen career field" or "What challenges you about attending college,” and two letters of reference
15. Jack Dye Scholarship
- One $1,000 scholarship will be awarded in 2018
- Resident of Moline School District No. 40
- Graduate of Moline High School
- Minimum high school grade point average (2.75 on a scale of 4.0)
- Preference will be given to those students that have improved a letter grade
- Full or part-time enrollment (at least 12 credits per semester)
- Community or volunteer service
- This scholarship is for undergraduate school expenses
- Applicant must provide proof of class rank and a transcript of seventh semester courses, school/community activities, job or volunteer history
Submit: transcript, two letters of reference (1 personal non-family and 1 that is school related from faculty members, administrators or counselors), and an essay (200 words or less) "How has your work or volunteer experience helped form your life?”
16. Vietnam Veterans Scholarship for Veterans
- Applicant must be a veteran with more than 180 days of active service and reside in one of the seven counties served by the Moline Foundation (Warren, Henderson, Henry, McDonough, Mercer in Rock Island in Illinois and Scott County in Iowa)
- Must be planning to continue education after high school and attend a college, university, or trade/technical school within the seven-county area (listed above)
- Preference will be given to those students seeking a career in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM) or trade/technical career
- Applicant must plan on full-time or part-time enrollment (six hours or more of credit per semester)
- Scholarship award will be based on school/community activities, job history, academic merit, and financial need
Submit: An essay (200 words or less) "What did you learn about your service in the military?" DD2-14 military service record, and three letters of reference: two personal letters and one from school teachers or staff.