ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS (May 4, 2023) — Urban planning students from Augustana College will host a community meeting as part of a semester-long community engagement project to develop a master plan for Rock Island’s Longview Park.
Community members are invited to share their input on future plans and improvements for the park from 10:30AM-12:30PM or 5-7PM, Thursday, May 11, at the Upper Pavilion, near 18th Avenue.
Dr Chris Strunk, associate professor and chair of the geography department, said urban-planning students will develop a master plan for the park — one of Rock Island’s oldest and most used — as a collaboration between Augustana’s Upper Mississippi Center and Rock Island Parks and Recreation. The plan will be used to guide future decision-making and upgrades at the park.
"Community engagement projects like this are a great opportunity for students to apply the knowledge and skills they learn about in the classroom and to meaningfully contribute to the community they are a part of at Augustana College," he said.
Swahili, Kirundi, and Karen interpretation will be provided at the community meeting. Rock Island residents may also complete an online survey about usage of the park: