YMCA Offers A Unique Way To Put Some Distance Between You and Those Unwanted Pounds!
At 2,360 miles, the Mississippi River is the fourth longest river in the world. So if you could, how long would it take you to swim the entire thing? The Scott County Family Y is giving you the opportunity to answer that question with its Swim the Mississippi fitness program.
"Swim the Mississippi is new twist on an old favorite - aquatic fitness," said Emily Jacobson, Aquatics Director, Davenport Family YMCA. "It gives participants a visual image with a start and stopping point, which in turn gives them a goal to reach and that helps keeps them on track and motivated."
So how does this work? You don`t actually get to swim the Mighty Mississippi but for every one mile you swim in the pool, the Scott County Family Y will count it as 40 miles of the Mississippi, which means your total mileage will be 59 miles (2,124 laps or 4,248 lengths of a 25 meter pool). Sound like a lot? Not so, you have until June 30 to take this amazing journey - one that will benefit your spirit, mind and body.
Swimming is one of the most beneficial forms of exercise because involves the use of almost all the muscles required for movement, without the weight of your body pounding you with each move like when you are walking or running. Regular swimming builds your muscle strength, endurance, and cardio-vascular fitness. The longer you swim, the more your endurance and speed will improve.
Anyone interested in participating in the Swim the Mississippi program can register at the Davenport Family YMCA, 606 West Second Street. Registration fee for this program is $15 per person. Mileage can be completed at any Scott County Family Y branch location but the official record will be kept and charted at the Davenport branch. All participants completing the distance by Tuesday, June 30, will receive an official "I Swam the Mississippi" t-shirt and a certificate of completion. For more information about this or other health and wellness programs, visit www.ScottCountyFamilyY.org or contact any Scott County Family Y branch location.