ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS (May 5, 2023) — United Way Quad Cities is seeking proposals for grants for the Emergency Food and Shelter Program, which received $137,266 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
The grants are federally funded and administered by United Way Quad Cities. They are available to 501(c)3 non-profits, faith-based organizations, and government organizations that provide emergency food, shelter, and rental assistance in Scott or Rock Island counties.
FEMA is providing allocations of $65,912 for Rock Island County and $71,354 for Scott County. Applications are available at and must be submitted by noon on May 19 via e-mail to Karrie Abbott at No hard copies will be accepted. Grant recipients are scheduled to be announced by the end of May.
Decisions for the grant awards are completed by a local decision-making board that includes representatives from these organizations: American Red Cross, CASI, Center for Youth and Family Solutions, Community Health Care, Community Action of Eastern Iowa, Iowa Department of Health and Human Services, Diocese of Davenport, Salvation Army, Scott County Community Services, and United Way Quad Cities.
Local organizations chosen to receive funds are required to:
- Be a non-profit organization or unit of government;
- Have an accounting system;
- Practice nondiscrimination;
- Have demonstrated the capability to deliver emergency food and/or shelter programs; and
- If they are a non-profit organization, they must have a volunteer board.
About United Way Quad Cities
United Way is a community-based social-change organization that puts opportunity in the hands of all Quad Citizens. Working with our determined partners, volunteers, advocates, and donors, we lead the charge to improve education, income, and health — the building-blocks of opportunity. The result is a mobilized community where every Quad Citizen is living their best possible life.