MAQUOKETA, IOWA (June 19, 2023) — It is with great pleasure we announce The Voy 61 Drive-In Theatre, south of Maquoketa, Iowa, will be offering a FREE showing of Shift: The RAGBRAI Documentary on Tuesday, July 18. The entrance gate will open at 7:30pm and the FREE showing will begin at 9PM.
Shift tells the story of RAGBRAI through ground-breaking photography and intimate interviews with three riders and a pair of community leaders as they overcome grueling miles and personal hurdles to find peace, redemption, and clarity while bicycling across Iowa. Nearly fifty years ago, a pair of Des Moines Register writers and weekend bicyclists got a wild hair to pedal across the state and call it work. One condition, the paper’s brass said: You have to invite readers to join the ride. In the five decades since about 300 brave souls set out on that first ride in 1973, RAGBRAI — the Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa — has grown into the oldest, largest, and longest recreational bicycle-touring event in the world. Shift: The RAGBRAI Documentary, explores the people who ride, the towns that host, and the space RAGBRAI offers riders to find whatever it was that enticed them to put their lives on hold and risk saddle-sores in the July heat. The film follows three riders and a pair of community leaders as they reach new personal heights, changing their lives in seven days, and finding themselves — literally and metaphorically — in the middle of nowhere.
The Voy 61 Drive-In Theatre is one of only four drive-ins still operating across the state of Iowa, and we are noted for our grass field so patrons can bring along a radio and lawn chair while watching the movie. As one of the state and country’s last-remaining, and longest-running outdoor drive-in movie theatres, we are so excited to get our summer season started. We love providing first-run movies, as well as family- and budget-friendly entertainment. We pride ourselves on not only providing affordable-quality entertainment with our state-of-the-art digital projection system, but also providing a family-friendly environment with free train rides, swing set, sand box, basketball court, whiffle-ball diamond, tether ball, and volleyball for our guests. Our concession stand also offers a large variety of treats and goodies, but, most importantly, good ol’ movie-theatre popcorn. We also allow customers to bring their own food if they’d like to tailgate prior to the movie.