Cedar Rapids - State Representative Tyler Olson, Democratic candidate for Governor issued the following statement regarding the news that Governor's Branstad's vehicle was once again caught exceeding the speed limit. According to the Cedar Rapids Gazette Governor Branstad's driver was pulled over for speeding in Franklin County on August 27, 2013. This incident took place just six weeks after Governor Branstad assured Iowans that his security detail would obey all traffic laws.
"Governor Branstad is in a big hurry when it's time to look out for his political career and he continues to think he is above the law, but when it comes to leading Iowa forward and keeping his promise of creating 200,000 new jobs, he's in no hurry at all."
Link to Cedar Rapids Gazette Article

(DAVENPORT, Iowa) - Family Resources third annual Honor the Women program will feature a presentation from sexual violence prevention activist and National Story Slam Champion, Nancy Donoval, on Friday, Oct. 11, at the Quad Cities Waterfront Convention Center in Bettendorf. Proceeds from the luncheon help support the Family Resources Rape/Sexual Assault Counseling & Advocacy Program.

Donoval was 19 and a freshman in college when she was raped by a trusted friend after what started out as a night of fun and drinking. Now, more than 30 years later, Donoval travels the country, combining her experience as a rape survivor with her gift of storytelling to educate and engage others in open conversation about sexual violence in order to reduce the stigma of rape, inspire hope in survivors and their loved ones, and motivate social change.

"After every program, people come up and tell me their stories," said Donoval. "Sometimes I'm the first person they've told. And not just survivors, I hear stories from friends and family members, too. The fact is we all know someone who is a survivor whether we know we do or not," she said.

Nearly one in five women and one in 71 men reported experiencing rape at some time in their lives, according to a survey from the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. In a study of undergraduate women published in the Journal of American College Health, 19 percent have experienced attempted or completed sexual assault since entering college.

Donoval, who holds a master's degree in fine arts, was awarded the title of National Story Slam Champion in 2010 for an excerpt from her one-woman show "The Road to Shameless: A Survivor's True Story of Rape and Recovery." During her visit to the Quad Cities, high school and college students will have the opportunity to see the entire show free on Thursday, Oct. 10, at 7 p.m. at Augustana College's Wallenberg Auditorium in Rock Island. Tickets for the Oct. 10 performance are available at area colleges and high schools. Parents are welcome to accompany students.

Tickets for the Honor the Women luncheon on Oct. 11 are $30.  Doors open at 11 a.m. for a silent auction and social hour. Lunch and the presentation begin at noon. To register, visit famres.org, click on Details under Events, and find the registration at the bottom of the page.

Presenting sponsors for the luncheon are: Unity Point Health - Trinity, Quad Cities Investment Group, Northwest Bank & Trust, and Western Illinois University - Quad Cities. Honor sponsors are Sue Quail and Eastern Iowa Community College.


About Family Resources

Family Resources is a nonprofit organization that provides a safe place for women, children and families. Adapting to the needs of communities across 13 counties in Iowa and Illinois, Family Resources provides solutions wherever there are gaps. Many clients have suffered physical and emotional trauma caused by domestic violence, physical or sexual abuse, or mental disorders. Family Resources helps heal and restore broken lives by providing a safe place in body, mind, and spirit, which leads to the building of a stronger community. For more information, go to www.famres.org.

It has been an honor for me to serve as chairman of the Republican Party of Iowa. I'd like to thank you in advance for taking a moment to read this letter as I discuss some recent issues that have arisen within the Republican Party of Iowa. As Chairman there are some major responsibilities I believe I have such as; working to craft a strong and effective party, working to elect Republicans statewide, working to listen to our grassroots activists and working to promote the values in our platform. I understand that in politics there can sometimes be instances of misinformation that swirl about and that today there are a few county leaders who have expressed concern with some of the things taking place within the State Party. I am happy to address them as we move forward to elect Republicans and promote our Republican principles & policies.????

First, with approximately $400,000 in the bank, the Republican Party of Iowa is doing great financially. The State party has zero debt and owns its headquarters in Des Moines outright. We all know that the liberal media doesn't like this and rarely reports it. In fact I still chuckle to myself when I read old stories from the liberal media spreading rumors that our building was up for sale, or being mortgaged or we couldn't pay the electric bill. All silly rumors of course, but ones that are still a headache to spend time dealing with.????

But unfortunately for them, they can't argue with math. And as we raise money and reduce costs, I've been proud to work with staff and members of our State Central Committee to craft a strong and efficient state party. In fact for all of 2013 the Iowa GOP has been in the top 10 of Republican state parties throughout the country when it comes to financial standing. Even today, there will undoubtedly be liberal journalists and even the occasional politico or blogger trying to make a name for themselves by trying to spread discord. But I've always believed that as Republicans we need to stand above this, and always take the high road.

Just as our financial statements are public record, our State Central Committee receives a full report during each meeting. Anytime some asks you for the "real story" on the Republican Party of Iowa's finances, you'll be able to give them the honest truth; that the Party is in good financial shape and is working hard to further our mission. I'm excited to work with a party that is raising money and providing a great product to the many, many Republicans throughout the state who are sick and tired of the same "tax and spend policies" they hear being proposed by the other side of the aisle.

Second, I understand there has been some concern regarding the dates of the caucus and the state convention. Above all, I truly do want to thank those of you who took the time to call, email or meet with me. It really does mean a lot when people handle things so professionally and work to hear the full details. By the same token, I believe it is my professional responsibility to listen to you, the grassroots activists and leaders when you have a concern. I had an initial concern that after the June primary there would not be enough time to certify the results. This could create a great deal of hassle for both the state party as well as county parties.

If no Republican candidate for United States Senate receives 35% in the primary, it raised the possibility of having a nominating convention take place before the primary results were canvassed or having two state conventions. Seeing what happened with the Iowa caucuses in January of 2012, I believed unequivocally that I needed to do everything within my power to ensure these next caucuses and conventions went smoothly. I also wanted to avoid a two convention scenario where turnout could be down for one or both conventions impacting items including our nominee for Lt. Governor and Senate. I believe our "First in the Nation" status is something all Republican leaders in the state should work hard to defend, and I wanted to make sure beyond a doubt that nothing would cause other states to push to repeal this.


Our 2014 State Convention had originally been set for June 14.  As our party's field of candidates for U.S. Senate grew there was some question whether anyone would clear the 35% threshold at the primary to win our party's nomination. My reading of the Iowa Code suggested that we could not fill a ballot vacancy until the 27-day canvass period following the primary was complete as the state party only has the power to fill a vacancy. It is my desire to have someone win the June primary outright so we have a nominee as soon as possible. While it has always been my preference to hold the state convention in June, I suggested to our board that the state convention be moved to July 12 in case nobody clears the 35% threshold. This would allow for the canvass period to avoid a two convention scenario and the board voted unanimously to do this.

Listening to some concerns from our grassroots that this date would hurt our eventual nominee by shortening the amount of time to campaign for the general election, I consulted with the Secretary of State's office. I was told by their staff that this was a gray area, so I consulted with our party's legal counsel, who felt it was clear that we couldn't fill a vacancy until a vacancy existed which is after the 27-day canvass period was complete. I therefore decided I would not ask our board to take up the matter again and left the convention date as July 12. This caused more concern among some of our republicans and Iowa's Secretary of State then issued a written statement that he would certify our party's convention nominee prior to the certification of primary election results. With this written commitment, our legal counsel issued a revised opinion on the matter and I called a meeting of our board with the goal of moving the date back to June 14 and the committee voted unanimously to do that.

The committee also voted to move the precinct caucuses to the evening of Tuesday, January 21. Our party had initially scheduled the caucuses for a Saturday, consistent with the previous non-presidential caucuses in 2010. After setting our date, the democrats chose to set their caucuses for January 21. Our committee decided to change our caucuses to the same date in the interest of working together to protect Iowa's first in the nation caucus status.

Pertinent dates are therefore:????

• Precinct Caucuses: January 21??
• County Conventions: March 8??
• District Conventions: April 26??
• State Convention: June 14

Click here for the Iowa GOP Legal Opinions Regarding a convention scenario and the commitment issued by the Secretary of State.

Third, I understand there are some Republicans in leadership positions that may not like the stances I've taken when it comes to planks within our party platform. I believe a true grassroots party allows its county leadership to run the affairs within that county and I've never wanted to interfere with the way a county's GOP leadership runs its central committee. I also understand there may be some county parties and their chairs that don't like the positions I've taken on issues and don't want me to speak publicly about policy.????

While I understand the concerns, I admittedly reject the notion that the Republican Party shouldn't stand for and defend the principles of its platform. As Republicans, we believe that our party provides the best answers to the role of government. As Chairman of the party I realize that one of my major goals is growing the party, helping our candidates and working to elect more Republicans. While different party members have different philosophies, I've always been committed to working with our State Central Committee to elect Republicans. In addition I believe I have a responsibility, both personally and professionally, to advance the values of our party. In fact, our Iowa GOP Constitution charges our party with promoting Republican principles and policies.??

I realize that some Republicans have charged that I shouldn't take a stance at all on issues. While I believe in electing members of our party and have worked hard to do so, I also believe that the values of our party are important, and should be promoted and defended. Some Republicans have criticized me for taking a stand defending traditional marriage between one man and one woman. They've criticized that I opposed an increase in the gas tax that would have added to the price of fuel at the gas pump. And they haven't liked the fact that I've been an outspoken defender of life and the unborn. To these criticisms I will freely admit, "Guilty as charged."

I understand there are differences of opinions among Republicans, even on these issues, and have always worked with Republicans who may personally disagree with me on issues of faith or conservatism. As Republican Party Chairman I'm committed to working with Republicans of all stripes and will do everything within my power to help Republican candidates win elections.????

From my position as Republican Party Chairman, I have also always taken the position that it is important for us to lead on the issues in our platform. Our party platform is clear on the issue of marriage, tax increases and especially the issue of life. I was proud to bring in Governor Mike Huckabee last February for an entire day dedicated to the pro-life message. Governor Huckabee informed us that this was the first state GOP event he was aware of dedicated to protecting life. While some may criticize me for taking a stand and bringing in Governor Huckabee, the defense of the unborn is a plank of the platform voted on and approved by Republicans at our state convention in 2012.

As Chairman I have the responsibility of advancing the platform and listening to the grassroots who elected the board that elected me. ????Overall, I am proud to preside over a party that now surpasses the Democrats in voter registration. I'm proud to be Chairman of a party that has zero debt, hundreds of thousands of dollars in the bank, and has increased its outreach even more, especially to younger and more tech-savvy voters. I'm proud to work with a party that has true grassroots activists and even though we may disagree on some issues of procedure, above all I enjoy listening to feedback.??

Finally, I do freely admit that on a philosophical level, I am a social conservative. I don't make excuses for it and I don't apologize for it. I am committed to working with Republicans of all types to promote and elect our candidates and build strong coalitions within the GOP. Beyond that, I do believe the platform of our party is one that's worth defending. For many years there were some Republicans who expressed distrust or disdain toward members of the Christian Right. They weren't pleased when issues of social conservatism took hold and were uneasy about the new members who came flooding in to the Republican Party.

However, today in Iowa we see that members of the Christian Right have become leaders within our party and have worked exceptionally hard to elect Republicans up and down the ticket. Just as I am proud to work with Republicans of all types, I am proud to join my fellow Christian conservatives and take strong stances on the values within our platform. While some may not like that I've taken a stand against tax increases and for the defense of the unborn by pushing pro-life causes, I must admit something in the interest of full disclosure:??I have no intentions of stopping.

As long as I am Chairman, the Republican Party of Iowa will promote its platform. The state party will oppose an increase in the gas tax, and I will stand up for Iowa families and oppose this tax increase, as well as tax increases of any kind. We will continue to openly champion education freedom and a foreign policy that keeps out brave troops out of unnecessary wars of nation-building and policing the world. We will continue to call out democrat legislators who advocate confiscating guns from law abiding Iowans. And above all, our platform is crystal clear that the right to life is one of the most basic human rights we have and the unborn should be protected. If you want your Republican Party to continue to defend life, than I am committed to this noble effort.????

Those who adamantly disagree with me and believe these positions make me unfit to be Chairman, will have their opportunity to make a change when the next election for Chairman comes up. That's the great thing about being involved in a party that wants feedback from its members and supporters. However, as for myself I have no plans to slow down when it comes to defending the principles of marriage, low taxes and life. Last summer I was proud to be Chairman of the Republican Party of Iowa when Republicans surpassed Democrats in voter registration for the first time in nearly six years. Last winter and spring I was proud to preside over a party that spoke up for traditional values, low taxes, education freedom, a pro-American foreign policy and for the right to life.????

While we may not always agree, I think I've been pretty clear over the past year about promoting our platform and the steps I'm willing to take to ensure our party is as strong as it can be. I enjoy being your Chairman and working with you to craft an even stronger party that educates Iowans, elects Republicans and advances the principles laid out in our platform. I am truly encouraged by the energy I see and am excited at the opportunities for success going forward.????

A.J. Spiker

P.S. I look forward to visiting with you at our 2013 Republican Party of Iowa, "Ronald Reagan Dinner." This year we are bringing legendary Senator Ted Cruz, fresh off his historic 21 hour filibuster of Obamacare.

In From The Cold is celebrating our 21st year of presenting our Mayors Hunger Luncheon. We would like to cordially invite the press and the public to attend our announcement of this year's grant recipients. This will take place at Schwiebert Park in Rock Island on Wednesday, October 9th at 10am.

This year's Mayors Hunger Luncheon will be November 6th in the Golden Leaf Banquet Center at 2902 East Kimberly Road in Davenport. Doors open at 11 with a meal at noon.

Over the years, IFTC has raised almost $500,000 to help fund homeless service providers and related agencies in the Quad City area.


Contact: Harvey Wiley


563-386-7477 x254

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Amana - Everyone knows there's no such thing as a perfect crime....or is there? When a husband marries for money and then decides to cash in his wife's chips, chaos follows as everything unravels and suspicions shift in this classic thriller full of suspense that you won't want to miss.

Directed by Rachael Lindhart of Iowa City, the cast of Dial M for Murder consists of Jeff Haffner of Cleveland, Ohio, William Groth of New York City, Garrett Lawson of Oklahoma, Richard Marlatt of Chicago, Jackie McCall of Marengo and Dion Stover, also of Chicago.

Tickets are $27.50 for adults and $18 for students. Show times are Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays at 3 p.m. and Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. Student rush tickets are available half an hour before performances. A student ID is required to get this special rate of $12 per ticket. Group rates for 15 people or more are available.

Dial M for Murder is rated Theatre PG and runs through Nov. 10.

KKRQ is the media sponsor for Dial M for Murder.

Call the box office at 319 622-6262 or visit the website at www.oldcreamery.com for tickets or more information. Walk-ins are always welcome if seats are available. Reservations are highly recommended.

The Old Creamery Theatre Company is a not-for-profit professional theatre founded in 1971 in Garrison, Iowa. The company is celebrating 42 years of bringing live, professional theatre to the people of Iowa and the Midwest.




Last weekend's Special Olympics' Eunice Kennedy Shriver Bocce Invitational among the projects receiving funds.

BETTENDORF, Iowa - The Community Foundation of the Great River Bend is pleased to announce that four nonprofit organizations received Impact Grants totaling nearly $10,000. These grants were awarded to nonprofit organizations who submitted grant applications during the August 2013 grant cycle. Impact Grants are distributed monthly, and are made possible by the Community Impact Endowment. This Endowment has over 100 donors and gives the Community Foundation the flexibility to meet a wide range of community needs as they arise.

August 2013 Impact Grant recipients:

The Center - Davenport, IA o Funding will support the Street Team: Homeless Outreach and their efforts to provide self care resources, employment services, and housing options to homeless families and individuals at Kings Harvest and to homeless students in Davenport Community Schools.

The Center for Youth and Family Solutions - Rock Island, IL o Funding will support advanced training in child-focused skills including: sexual abuse treatment, play therapy, divorce mediation, and other issues that impact a child's well-being.

Quad City Youth Conference - Bettendorf, IA o Funding will support the 2014 Quad City Youth Conference. This conference is a workshop based event for approximately 700-900 local 7th-12th grade students. The workshops will focus on providing students with tools for healthy decision-making, skills for networking, and information to encourage them to avoid high risk behaviors.

Special Olympics Iowa - Davenport, IA o Funding will support the purchase of adaptive athletic equipment for the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Bocce Invitational, the East Area Bowling Tournament, and the East Area Spring Games. The new equipment will provide a safe and meaningful sports experience for nearly 2,200 local athletes.

To see the Impact Grants in action, we encourage you to attend the Special Olympics' Eunice Kennedy Shriver Bocce Invitational on Sept. 28th from 1-5pm at River's Edge Recreation Center in Davenport, IA. Since 2006, Special Olympics Iowa has received over $2,000 in grants from Donor-Advised Funds at the Community Foundation. The August 2013 Impact Grant is the first they have received from the Community Impact Endowment. For more information on Community Foundation grants, visit our website at www.cfgrb.org.

If you are interested in donating to the Community Impact Endowment to support causes like the Special Olympics, please call 563-326-2840 to speak with our Development Staff about a charitable gift.

The Community Foundation of the Great River Bend is a nonprofit organization that connects people who care with causes that matter. CFGRB meets the National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations as established by the Council on Foundations.


Nova Singers, under the direction of Dr. Laura Lane, presents two performances of We Sing Life! The first one will be on Saturday, October 12 at 7:30pm at First Congregational Church in Moline, and the second one on Sunday, October 13 at 4:00pm in Kresge Recital Hall at Knox College in Galesburg.

We Sing Life! is a unique and uplifting program celebrating the strength of the human spirit and our ability to triumph over the challenges of life. From the darkness of Barber's Twelfth Night and To Be on the Water to Randall Thompson's timeless Alleluia, the audience will hear the full range of human emotion.

Dr. Lane talks about the program: "We Sing Life! is unlike any other program I have undertaken. I wanted to wrestle with the idea of the universal human struggle with adversity. Each of us has known dark times. How do we survive those periods? How do we climb our way out of those dark times into a place of joy? I wanted to take the singers and the audience from the depths of despair to the heights of confidence, faith, happiness and serenity... Spirituals play a major role in this concert. We can all relate to the loneliness of Motherless Child and Hard Trials, and the joy and energy of Walk Together Children and Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel are perfect for the end of the concert."

For the first time ever, we have invited local artists to paint to a piece of music. Nicholas Digioia of Moline and Julie Swanson Davis of Galesburg will paint while the Singers perform Thompson's Alleluia. The audience will watch the creation of a work of art, inspired by the voices of Nova Singers!

In addition, students from Davenport Central High School will join the Singers for two selections, as a part of our educational outreach program, Project Sing!

Nova Singers, a professional vocal ensemble under the direction of Dr. Laura Lane, hopes to share our musical soul with you.  Nova Singers is known for bringing a wide variety of choral music to its audiences, and for the beauty and charm the singers impart to their music.

Tickets will be available at the door. Admission is $18 for adults and $15 for seniors. Students are admitted free of charge.  For information about group rates, tickets, recordings, or other Nova Singers' events, call 309-341-7038, or e-mail nova@knox.edu. Please take the time to check out our website at www.novasingers.com!

Nova Singers' 2013-2014 season is partially funded by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council.


Proclamation applies for efficient transportation of soybeans, corn, hay, straw, silage and stover

(DES MOINES) -  Gov. Terry E. Branstad today signed a proclamation to allow the transportation of overweight loads of soybeans, corn, hay, straw, silage and stover.  The proclamation takes effect today, September, 27, 2013, and expires after 60 days.

"Our farmers provide food, fuel and fiber for their families and families around the world." said Branstad. "With the challenging weather conditions that our state has seen over the past several months, this proclamation will help transport our agriculture commodities safely and efficiently."

"We hope this proclamation will provide additional assistance to farmers during this demanding time of the year," said Lt. Governor Kim Reynolds.

"Harvest is an extremely busy time for farmers and this proclamation allows farmers to move crops as efficiently as possible while ensuring roadway safety," Northey said.  "I appreciate Gov. Branstad signing this proclamation in a timely manner so that it is in effect as harvest begins in earnest statewide."

This proclamation is intended to allow vehicles transporting soybeans, corn, hay, straw, silage and stover to be overweight, not exceeding 90,000 pounds gross weight, without a permit, but only for the duration of this proclamation.  This action is intended to allow loads transported on all highways within Iowa, excluding the interstate system, and those which do not exceed a maximum of 90,000 pounds gross weight, do not exceed the maximum axle weight limit determined under the nonprimary highway maximum gross weight table in Iowa Code §321.463(5)(b), by more than twelve and one-half percent (12.5%), do not exceed the legal maximum axle weight limit of 20,000 pounds, and comply with posted limits on roads and bridges.

The Iowa Department of Transportation is directed to monitor the operation of this proclamation to assure the public's safety and facilitate the movement of the trucks involved.

For more information please visit www.governor.iowa.gov.

Notice: The opinions posted on this site are slip opinions only. Under the Rules of Appellate Procedure a party has a limited number of days to request a rehearing after the filing of an opinion. Also, all slip opinions are subject to modification or correction by the court. Therefore, opinions on this site are not to be considered the final decisions of the court. The official published opinions of the Iowa Supreme Court are those published in the North Western Reporter published by West Group.

Opinions released before April 2006 and available in the archives are posted in Word format. Opinions released after April 2006 are posted to the website in PDF (Portable Document Format).   Note: To open a PDF you must have the free Acrobat Reader installed. PDF format preserves the original appearance of a document without requiring you to possess the software that created that document. For more information about PDF read: Using the Adobe Reader.

For your convenience, the Judicial Branch offers a free e-mail notification service for Supreme Court opinions, Court of Appeals opinions, press releases and orders. To subscribe, click here.

NOTE: Copies of these opinions may be obtained from the Clerk of the Supreme Court, Judicial Branch Building, 1111 East Court Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50319, for a fee of fifty cents per page.

No. 13-0283


No. 13-0372

Please plan to attend the Davenport City Council meeting on Wednesday, October 2 at 5:30PM.

At this meeting, Davenport City Council will consider "fast track approval" giving a 65 year lease to a developer in order to build a 5 ½ story office plaza on the Mississippi River where the former Dock Restaurant was located.  This uniquely significant site, literally at the foot of the Lock & Dam 15, will be forever lost to the public if this "deal" goes forward.

The City's Levee Improvement Commission has recommended against the proposal and The Quad City Times has written an editorial favoring the Commission's position.

Last week, an international group of engineers, architects and designers - all experts in waterfront development - recommended that Davenport stop the development.

The planned development is fraught with problems, from safety concerns to environmental issues and not least of which is that legally the City already has an existing agreement with the Isle of Capri for portions of the land under consideration.

Members of Levee Improvement Commission have been hoping to reclaim the site when the gambling boat is gone for public access and development of a public restaurant and interpretative center and for the dam and river and the eagles that congregate at the dam, that would follow the city's comprehensive plan for the river.

If you care about our River and the public's access to our River, please attend this meeting and voice your opposition to this utterly misguided project.
