5 Tips from Former Businessman of the Year

People are overwhelmed with the complexities of their own lives and are desperately seeking a way to maximize happiness in their home and work lives, says Gary Kunath, an entrepreneur, speaker and former CEO who works with some of the world's top corporations and business schools.

"I used to be caught up in the spin cycle of thinking that net worth automatically afforded me life worth," says Kunath, a speaker at top business schools and author of "Life ... Don't Miss It. I Almost Did: How I Learned To Live Life To The Fullest," (www.lifedontmissitbook.com).

"I sacrificed time with my family with the justification that I was providing necessary material things, but at a certain point you realize that money doesn't make you rich, it just allows you to buy more stuff."

Priorities for professionals have shifted; now, U.S. workers seek family wellbeing above all else, he says. Companies need to recognize that it's imperative to positively affect their employees' lives, both inside and outside working quarters, he says.

"We need to bring humanity back to business," Kunath says. "Leading corporations are aware that most professionals today - 70 percent - would trade a pay raise for an increase in personal wellness."

But employers are struggling with that, he says, citing a new American Psychological Association survey released in March in which 48 percent of employees say their employers don't value a good work-life balance.

More professionals are trying to find a path to life worth, rather than centering their behavior on net worth, Kunath says. He offers five ways career-minded individuals can achieve both:

• Look for signs you're falling into the net-worth trap: For Kunath, those signs were clear. One day, he says, "it was like someone had smacked me on the head," when his son, then 12, walked away in dismay after Kunath said he couldn't play baseball with him because he was too busy working on a business proposal. "The look of disappointment on my son's face was something I will never forget," he says. Kunath dropped everything and spent the day with his son. "I promised that would NEVER happen again". The next occurrence included a mental and physical breakdown after Kunath pushed himself to make an unnecessary business trip while sick.  After a 19-hour ordeal in a delayed flight to Spain, "...I knew in my bones that if I did not draw the line right there ... I would ruin every part of my life that mattered to me."

• Don't be an employee, be employable: Unless you are self-employed, you are always vulnerable to someone else controlling your professional destiny, and therefore, your life worth. But employees can empower themselves by diversifying their skills so that they can have more choices about where and for whom to work.

• Bad things happen to good people: Adversity finds us all. No one enjoys the worst, most painful moments of their lives. Nonetheless, life events like loss of a loved one, financial ruin, divorce, addictions or illness tend to define us. We need adversity in our lives. Anyone can be a rock star when life is perfect. But when adversity strikes, then the "real" you is revealed. How you face adversity can either extinguish you or distinguish you.

• Believe in something bigger than you: There will be times when you are utterly helpless, with no control over an outcome. All the money in the bank and all the authority at work will do no good when it comes to, for instance, the death of a loved one. Believing in something bigger than you is an important part of having life worth; it helps you maintain your emotional health when you face life's biggest challenges.

• Don't Major in the Minors: As Henry David Thoreau wrote, "The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it." For every evening spent late in the office there are moments professionals miss out on - and can never get back. Many of us spend time on things that ultimately don't matter. "The three greatest gifts you can give to your family are: Time, Memories and Tradition," he says. "These are things in life that matter."

About Gary Kunath

Gary Kunath is the founder of The Summit Group, which is ranked among the top sales-training companies in the world by Selling Power magazine. His value-creation approach received the "Innovative Practice of the Year Award" by 3M worldwide. He was named Businessman of the Year for the United States and was recognized a dinner hosted by the president of the United States. He has lectured extensively at several prominent business schools, and he is currently an adjunct professor at The Citadel's Sports Marketing graduate program. Kunath is as an owner of several professional minor league baseball teams along with his partners, Bill Murray, Jimmy Buffet and Mike Veeck. The group is famous for managing its teams around the "Fun is Good" approach.

Take home a treasure from Brucemore's greenhouse at the annual Brucemore Plant Sale during Mother's Day weekend on Saturday, May 11, from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. Several plants seen in Brucemore's formal garden will be available for sale, including annuals, perennials, and hanging baskets. Featured plants include Lobelia, pansies, ornamental cabbage, bleeding hearts, and early blooming salvia. A variety of herbs will also be available, including basil, thyme, and rosemary. Plant Sale prices range from $3.50 to $30.00, with all the proceeds benefiting garden and landscape rehabilitation projects at Brucemore. The Plant Sale will be located around the 1915 Lord & Burnham Greenhouse. The garden staff will be on hand to provide expert advice on the selection, placement, and care of plants. For further information on the Brucemore Plant Sale, call (319) 362-7375 or visit www.brucemore.org.

About Brucemore

Experience Brucemore, an unparalleled blend of tradition and culture, located at 2160 Linden Drive SE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. At the heart of the historic 26-acre estate stands a nineteenth-century mansion filled with the stories of three Cedar Rapids families.  Concerts, theater, programs, and tours enliven the site and celebrate the heritage of a community.  For more information, call (319) 362-7375 or visit www.brucemore.org.

Camp Genesis Is A Special Experience For Children Coping With Cancer In Their Families

DAVENPORT, Iowa - April 8, 2013 -- A cancer journey doesn't just impact the patient. Children, grandchildren, spouses and other loved ones can also be involved.

Cancer can disrupt families and disrupt their financial situations, making vacations more difficult.

For the fifth consecutive year, Genesis Health System, Gilda's Club of the Quad Cities and the Scott County Family YMCA will provide an opportunity for children coping with cancer in their families to enjoy time together at Scott County Family Y Camp Abe Lincoln in Blue Grass.

This year's Camp Genesis experience is July 7-12. Anyone who knows a child affected by cancer in their family is encouraged to call Gilda's Club Quad Cities at (563) 326-7504 for more information and applications.

Camp Genesis provides youth with an outstanding, local camp experience. Special cancer education programs are provided during camp week by Gilda's Club and Genesis to help kids cope with the effects of cancer in their family. The usual camp fee will be donated by Genesis. There will be no charge to campers.

"This camp will provide a much-needed opportunity for kids to just be kids,''  said Sally Werner, Director, Genesis Cancer Care Institute. "This camp will be a relief to parents who may be facing illness and financial concerns because of the illness.

"Camp Genesis will offer a unique camp experience, close-to-home, that is specifically designed for children who are dealing with cancer in their families.''

Camp Genesis campers will experience everything from swimming, to canoeing, to horseback riding to an Alpine adventure tower. Complementing the fun will be cancer support and education each day from the Gilda's Club staff. The Gilda's Club staff will help campers cope with the new stresses on their families caused by cancer.

Camp Genesis campers bond from their shared experience with cancer in their families and are more likely to share their worries and fears with each other.

YMCA Camp Abe Lincoln hosts Camp Genesis. Camp Abe Lincoln is a 250-acre camp located just 12 miles from downtown Davenport.

"Camp Genesis has become part of our philosophy to treat the cancer patient and families at the Genesis Cancer Care Institute,'' added. "If we can relieve some of the stress and concern a cancer may have about children or grandchildren, we are creating a better environment for that patient.''

Gilda's Club Quad Cities provides free support, education and hope to all people affected by cancer. Gilda's Club has an office at the Genesis Cancer Care Institute and offers its special support services throughout the Quad Cities from the Gilda's "clubhouse" at 1234 E. River Drive in Davenport.


(DES MOINES) - Gov. Terry E. Branstad released today the Iowa Demonstration Fund Combined Economic and Fiscal Impact study. The report is a third-party review that quantifies the impact of the Demonstration Fund on the Iowa economy. The report was authored by Econosult Solutions Inc. and was commissioned by the Iowa Innovation Corporation in partnership with the Iowa Economic Development Authority and the Iowa Innovation Council.


Through a survey of past recipients of Demonstration Fund investments, information was collected to determine, among other things, how large these companies are now as compared to their pre-investment levels.  Iowans can attribute the growth in size, annual revenues and job creation in part to the technical assistance and funding provided by the Demonstration Fund.

The Demonstration Fund provides financial and technical assistance to encourage high technology prototype and concept development activities that have a clear potential to lead to commercially viable products or services within a reasonable period of time. The Demonstration Fund supports commercialization activities by small and medium-sized Iowa companies in the advanced manufacturing, biosciences, and information technology industries. The primary purpose of the fund is to help businesses with a high-growth potential reach a position where they are able to attract later stage private sector funding.

"It is essential that we have tools in place to help Iowa's high-growth, innovation-based companies succeed in our state," said Governor Branstad.  "The Demo Fund is one way we have to do that and because of this report, we know quantifiably that the state is seeing a return on that investment."

Between 2007 and 2012, the Demonstration Fund awarded $13 million to 101 companies.  The report is based on survey results received from 79 of those companies that collectively received $8.7 million. Some results of the Demonstration Fund Combined Economic and Fiscal Impact Report include :

  • 600 new jobs were created by survey respondents
  • $2.1 million in tax revenue was generated in 2012 alone by survey respondents
  • ROI is calculated at 24%

"The success of the Demonstration Fund was the result of dedicated and motivated industry leaders from across Iowa whose vision was to grow the innovation economy by investing and mentoring emerging tech-based companies," said Chris Nelson, President and CEO of Kemin Industries and board member of the Iowa Innovation Corporation. "Those of us involved with the applicants soon learned that the real value was the mentoring with the dollars being a close second. Each recipient was asked to provide confidential feedback to the IEDA which confirmed our belief."

The creation of the Demonstration Fund was an outcome of the Iowa Innovation Council, an industry-led group that develops strategies and long-term plans to ensure that Iowa remains globally competitive in innovation-based enterprises.  The Iowa Innovation Corporation is a private non profit organization created by the Iowa Innovation Council to implement statewide innovation strategies developed by the business community to achieve the goal of "Growing Iowa's Own".

The Innovation Corporation has implemented an aggressive campaign to expand the success of companies like the Demonstration Fund recipients by fostering partnerships to create a statewide sustainable innovation network and advocating for ongoing innovation-based resources to grow Iowa's economy.

April 8 2013 - Cedar Rapids, Iowa.  For Immediate Release: Theatre Cedar Rapids Announces 80th Season Lineup of Productions.

With great anticipation and several shows projected to play to sell-out crowds, we are proud to announce our 80th Season lineup. Current Members and Subscribers are able to purchase a full season subscription now via mail-in form or the TCR Box Office. In an effort to embrace new technology, current Members and Subscribers will also be able to complete subscription orders online starting May 1st, as will the general public starting June 1st. There has never been a better season to be a subscriber and a donor at one of the nation's top community theatres. Let the magic begin!

Subscription pricing for 8 shows:
  • Adult "Fantastic" Seating $238
  • Adult "Excellent" Seating $213
  • Adult "Great" Seating $173
  • Youth/Student Seating $128


Jesus Christ Superstar
- Lyrics by Tim Rice, Music by Andrew Lloyd Weber. This groundbreaking rock opera explores the last seven days of Christ's life. Filled with struggle, love, faith, and music, this rock opera debuted on Broadway in 1971, and changed the face of musical theatre forever. Superstar was last produced at TCR in 1986.
  • Opens October 11, 2013 through November 2, 2013
  • Rated PG (Note: Some content could be intense for our younger audience members)

Monty Python's Spamalot
- Book and Lyrics by Eric Idle, Music by John Du Prez. Lovingly ripped off from the classic film comedy, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Spamalot retells the legend of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, and features a bevy of beautiful showgirls, killer rabbits, cows, and French people. Truly, one of the funniest shows to come out of Broadway in a long while. This is TCR's first production of Spamalot.
  • Opens January 24, 2014 through February 15, 2014
  • Rated PG (Note: Although funny, some mild questionable language, situations, adult humor)

Les Misérables
- Book by Alain Boublil and Claude-Michel Schonberg, Music by Claude-Michel Schonberg, Lyrics by Herbert Kretzmer. An international smash-hit that quite possibly is the most popular musical in the world, Les Misérables is the moving story of Jean Valjean and his struggle for redemption and peace. Set against the backdrop of 19th century France and the French revolution, this popular masterpiece promises to be one of TCR's biggest undertakings ever.
  • Opens June 20, 2014 through July 19, 2014
  • Rated PG (Note: Some content could be intense for our younger audience members)


Miracle on 34th Street
- Adapted from the novel by Valentine Davies and based on the Twentieth Century Fox motion picture. Based on one of the most heartwarming holiday films, Miracle on 34th Street follows a man who claims to be Kris Kringle while he works as Macy's Santa. Kris unleashes waves of good will with Macy's customers, and touches the heart of everyone he meets. However, not everyone believes in Santa Claus, and Kris ends up in court, where the Spirit of Christmas prevails. TCR last produced this classic in 1998.
  • Opens November 29, 2013 through December 21, 2013
  • Rated G (Note: Perfect for the ENTIRE family)

To Kill A Mockingbird
- Adapted by Christopher Sergel from the novel by Harper Lee. Based on the renowned novel by Harper Lee, To Kill A Mockingbird is the story of Scout, a young girl in a quiet southern town in 1935, who, along with her older brother, is, being raised by her widowed, lawyer father, and their strong-minded housekeeper. As Atticus defends a young Black man wrongfully accused of a grave crime, Scout learns about prejudice, compassion, justice, and love. This play was last produced by TCR in 1999.
  • Opens March 21 , 2014 through April 12, 2014
  • Rated G (Note: Attention span for younger audience members)


Underground New Play Festival
- Playwrights TBA. This will be TCR's fourth Underground Festival and the third Underground New Play Festival. As we continue to produce this exciting showcase for new work, the submissions get better and audiences continue to clamor for these never-before-seen short plays, one-acts, and full-length productions.
  • Begins September 12, 2013 through September 22, 2013
  • Ratings TBA
Neil Simon's Jake's Women
- Neil Simon. Jake faces a marital crisis by daydreaming about the women in his life. The wildly comic and sometimes moving flashbacks played in his mind are interrupted by visitations from actual women. Jake's women include his dead first wife, his daughter now and back then, his bossy sister, his opinionated analyst, his soon-to-be-ex-wife, and a prospective third wife. TCR last did this show in 1997.
  • Opens November 1, 2013 through November 23, 2013
  • Rated PG (Note: Subject matter and attention span for elementary-aged audience members)
For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When The Rainbow Is Enuf
- Ntozake Shange. This groundbreaking choreopoem is a spellbinding collection of vivid prose and free verse narratives about and performed by Black women. Capturing the brutal, tender and dramatic lives of contemporary Black women, For Colored Girls... offers a transformative, riveting evening of provocative dance, music and poetry. This is the first time TCR has presented this show.
  • Opens February 21, 2014 through March 15, 2014
  • Rated R (Explicit language and subject matter)
God of Carnage
- Yasmina Reza, translated by Christopher Hampton. Winner of the 2009 Tony Award, this play is a brutally entertaining and hilarious story of two sets of Brooklyn parents brought together for a meeting regarding a playground altercation between their eleven-year-old sons. This is the first production of God of Carnage at TCR.
  • Opens April 25, 2014 through May 17, 2014
  • Rated R (Note: Explicit language and subject matter)


2013/14 TCR Curtain Raiser
A retrospective and entertaining evening, with a goal of "raising the curtain" while previewing the new season.September 6, 2013

DIVAPALOOZA: Estrogen Force Field
A new DIVAPALOOZA show you won't want to miss. Imagine Aretha Franklin, Janis Joplin, and Bette Midler all together on one stage. That, in a nutshell, is the experience of DIVAPALOOZA. The ladies in this trio have each garnered well-deserved comparisons to their more famous counterparts: Janelle Lauer tears it up as the explosive rhythm & blues powerhouse; Jane Pini is the embodiment of a true 60's rock & roll acid queen; Lynne Rothrock hits the perfect balance between elegant, beautiful vocals, and saucy, hilarious stage banter. A band of the finest musicians accompany this talented group. There is something for everyone - rhythm & blues, jazz, musical theatre, rock & roll, folk, and country. On stage at Theatre Cedar Rapids September 13 & 14, 2013

Music Man Concert with Orchestra Iowa
- Book, Music, and Lyrics by Meredith Willson. The Music Man follows fast-talking traveling salesman Harold Hill as he cons the people of River City, Iowa into buying instruments and uniforms for a boy's band he vows to organize - this despite the fact he doesn't know a trombone from a treble clef. His plans to skip town with the cash are foiled when he falls for Marian the librarian, who transforms him into a respectable citizen by curtain's fall. A full production of this show was last mounted at TCR in 1992. On stage at the Paramount Theatre September 26-29, 2013 Rated G (Note: Concert, perfect for the entire family)

Monday, April 15th, Brubaker Masonic Lodge of Davenport will be presenting a $500.00 scholarship to Kinzie A. Hall during the dinner hour prior to their stated meeting.

Kinzie has a 3.9 GPA and ranks in the top 10% of her class at Davenport Central High School. She has decided on attending Simpson in Indianola to major in either computer science or criminal justice.

Catcher Jobduan Morales has two hits; Cameron Lamb earns win after getting save Saturday


GENEVA, Ill. (APRIL 7, 2013) - Held to one hit through nine innings and forced into extra innings for a second straight day, the Quad Cities River Bandits broke a 1-1 tie with a two-run 13th inning on the way to a 3-1 victory and four-game road sweep of the Kane County Cougars at Fifth Third Bank Ballpark.

With one out in the top of the 13th, River Bandits center fielder Teoscar Hernandez drove a triple to the warning track in right-center field, giving Quad Cities (4-0) a runner at third base with less than two outs for the first time Sunday. Right-hander Eddie Orozco (0-1) then intentionally walked shortstop Carlos Correa. With designated hitter Chase Davidson at bat, the Cougars reliever threw a high pitch off the glove of catcher Willson Contreras to the backstop that allowed Hernandez to score the go-ahead run. Correa advanced to second on the pitch, reached third on Davidson's groundout, and scored when first baseman Jesse Wierzbicki singled to center field.

Right-hander Cameron Lamb (1-0) walked the leadoff batter in the bottom of the 13th, but he induced two flyouts to center field and a popup to shortstop to end the game. After saving Saturday's 11-inning win, Lamb entered with two outs and runners at first and second bases in the bottom of the 12th. He retired right fielder Bijan Rademacher on a flyout to left field, ending the Cougars' best extra-inning threat.

Cougars left-hander Michael Heesch retired the first 11 River Bandits batters and did not allow a hit until two outs in the fifth inning. River Bandits catcher Jobduan Morales broke up the no-hitter and shutout with a double down the right-field line that scored left fielder Terrell Joyce, who had drawn a one-out walk.

Kane County (0-4) did not score in the first five innings against left-hander Brian Holmes, who struck out one batter and allowed just two hits. Right-hander Jordan Jankowski started the sixth inning and gave up the tying run in the seventh. Cougars first baseman Dan Vogelbach and left fielder Rock Shoulders each singled, and catcher Willson Contreras hit a sacrifice fly to score Vogelbach.

Jankowski worked 3 2/3 innings before a two-out, ninth-inning walk to Shoulders that ended his outing. Right-hander John Neely entered and allowed an infield single to Contreras before retiring the next eight hitters. Neely pitched three innings in relief and struck out three batters. He gave way to Lamb after walking two batters in the 12th inning.

The first-place River Bandits will open a three-game series at Burlington Monday night at 6:30 p.m. Left-hander Joe Bircher (0-0) and right-hander Vincent Velasquez (1-0) are scheduled to face right-hander Cam Bedrosian for the Los Angeles Angels Class-A affiliate.

Already winners of their first series of the season, the River Bandits will attempt to sweep the Cougars at 1 p.m. Sunday, when left-hander Brian Holmes and right-hander Jordan Jankowski are scheduled to pitch against Kane County left-hander Michael Heesch.

Sunday's victory also means The Captain's Table at 4801 River Drive in Moline will offer The Captain's Table Victory Discount on Tuesday, April 9. Anyone who mentions the River Bandits victory can receive a free appetizer or dessert with the purchase of two lunches or dinners with beverages on Tuesday, April 9.


UP NEXT: The 2013 home opener at Modern Woodmen Park is Thursday, April 11.Tickets for the 2013 season are now on sale! Call 563-324-3000 or visit www.riverbandits.com. It's not too late lock in your season ticket plan for the 2013 season! Season ticket and mini-plan packages start at just seven games and begin at less than $50. Call a River Bandits account representative today at 563-324-3000 to choose your seats and get the details of our various mini-plan packages.

CHICAGO - Governor Pat Quinn gave the following statement today on the passing of Anne Smedinghoff. A young U.S. State Department diplomat from River Forest who like the governor attended Fenwick High School, Anne tragically lost her life in an explosion in Afghanistan while delivering books to children.

"Illinois is proud to call Anne Smedinghoff one of our own.

"Only 25 years old, this brave young woman knew social justice was her calling, and selflessly lost her life while serving others in a war-torn country. She was devoted to protecting America and improving the lives of others.

"We thank God for Anne's purposeful life. My thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends."


(Davenport, IA)  Rachael Cupp, an Edison Junior High school student and a participant in the Lights On program there, wrote an essay as part of  the "Children and the Holocaust" essay contest sponsored by the Holocaust Education Committee of the Greater Quad Cities Area.  (www.holocausteduqca.com)

The essay was to be about a child/youth who was caught in or witnessed the events of the WWII Holocaust.  And, by telling the story, the writer was to also share how this made the Holocaust more meaningful to him/her.  Rachael writes about Syvia Perlmutter whose family was forced to live in the Lodz Ghetto in Poland.  Syvia was 4 years old when the war began and 10 when it ended. In her essay, Rachael shared what a typical day was like for Syvia and the "ongoing nightmare" of finding "safer" places and hiding from the Nazis.  According to Rachael, learning about Syvia has helped her to realize how "fortunate I am" and to complain less about the mundane things of daily life.

Rachel, an eighth grader, will have the honor or reading her essay at the YomHasoah Holocaust Remembrance event being held at Temple Emmanuel in Davenport Sunday evening, April 7th (1115 Mississippi Avenue, Davenport) at 7:00 pm.    This special event each year highlights the importance of remembering the Holocaust so such horrors will not occur again.


Catcher Roberto Peña adds three hits and a home run to extend hot streak in opening series


GENEVA, Ill. (APRIL 6, 2013) - Quad Cities River Bandits shortstop Carlos Correa hit his first Midwest League home run in a 4-for-7, five-RBI day that left him a triple shy of the cycle, and his team rallied for three 11th-inning runs to break a 10-10 tie in a 13-10 victory Saturday afternoon at Fifth Third Bank Ballpark.

Correa's two-run home run to left field in the second inning off Jose Arias capped a six-run second inning that gave Quad Cities (3-0) a 7-0 lead. But the Cougars rallied to tie the game, 10-10, in the bottom of the ninth with three runs against Gerardo Sanchez (1-0). After a two-out RBI infield single by catcher Willson Contreras, Cougars right fielder Oliver Zapata hit a game-tying two run triple. But Sanchez stranded Zapata at third by retiring center fielder Trey Martin on a groundout.

The River Bandits' rally in the 11th inning started against right-hander Stephen Perakslis (0-1) when he issued a one-out walk to catcher Roberto Peña. After a 3-for-4 day with three runs scored and his first home run in the seventh inning, Peña came out for pinch runner Jordan Scott. With designated Ryan Dineen at the plate, Scott stole second, and when Dineen lined a single to center field, Scott came into score the go-ahead run. The RBI single capped a 3-for-6, two-run, two-RBI day for Dineen in his first Midwest League game.

With Dineen running from first base in the next at-bat, River Bandits second baseman Carlos Perdomo lined a single - his second hit of the game - to left-center field, and both runners advanced when Dineen forced a throw to third base. Center fielder Teoscar Hernandez - already 3-for-5 in the game - hit a sacrifice fly to center field to bring in Dineen. After Perdomo stole third base, Correa beat out an infield single to drive in Perdomo. Correa later stole second base - the third for the River Bandits in the inning and fourth in the game.

In the bottom of the 11th, right-hander Cameron Lamb, added to the roster before the game, entered as the fifth Quad Cities pitcher. He allowed a leadoff single by designated hitter Rock Shoulders for the 19th and final Cougars hit before getting three outs for the save.

The River Bandits amassed 17 hits but also committed their first three errors of the season. Kane County (0-3) committed one error and out-hit Quad Cities for a second straight game. Shoulders went 4-for-6 with two RBI, while Zapata was 3-for-6 with a two-run home run and five RBI. Contreras and first baseman Dan Vogelbach each had three hits, a double and an RBI. Seven Cougars had multi-hit games.

Before the Cougars' ninth-inning rally, River Bandits left-hander Colton Cain was in line for the win after allowing three earned runs on seven hits and leaving with an 8-3 lead after five innings. Right-hander Mike Hauschild allowed four runs on five hits in 1 1/3 innings, and left-hander Mitchell Lambson followed him with 1 2/3 scoreless innings of relief.

Already winners of their first series of the season, the River Bandits will attempt to sweep the Cougars at 1 p.m. Sunday, when left-hander Brian Holmes and right-hander Jordan Jankowski are scheduled to pitch against Kane County left-hander Michael Heesch.

Saturday's victory also means The Captain's Table at 4801 River Drive in Moline will offer The Captain's Table Victory Discount on Sunday, April 7. Anyone who mentions the River Bandits victory can receive a free appetizer or dessert with the purchase of two lunches or dinners with beverages on Sunday, April 7.


UP NEXT: The 2013 home opener at Modern Woodmen Park is Thursday, April 11.Tickets for the 2013 season are now on sale! Call 563-324-3000 or visit www.riverbandits.com. It's not too late lock in your season ticket plan for the 2013 season! Season ticket and mini-plan packages start at just seven games and begin at less than $50. Call a River Bandits account representative today at 563-324-3000 to choose your seats and get the details of our various mini-plan packages.


ABOUT THE BANDITS: The River Bandits will make one of the biggest improvements to Modern Woodmen Park since the ballpark was first built back in 1931! A new Ferris wheel, standing 112 feet over the playing field, is scheduled to open in early June, along with two new zip lines, a carousel, a Frog Hopper, new bounce houses and many other fun attractions. The team also boasts a new major league affiliate, the Houston Astros, and fans will see last year's No. 1 overall draft pick, Carlos Correa. The Astros will also make the very first selection in the major league draft this June and could have another top pick end up in the Quad Cities. With new rides, new attractions, new improvements, a new affiliate and future major league stars, this season will be one every fan will not want to miss!
