Scholastic News Kids Press Corps APPOINTS 32 New KID reporters

59 New and Veteran Kid Reporters Provide Election 2012 coverage for Students Nationwide

New York, NY (November 17, 2011) - Today Scholastic (NASDAQ: SCHL), the global children's publishing, education and media company, welcomed 32 new members to the Scholastic News Kids Press CorpsÔ, a group of student journalists, ages 10-14, who report "news for kids, by kids" with coverage of current events, breaking news, entertainment stories, and sports events from their hometowns and on the national stage.

The newly-appointed Kid Reporters will join 27 returning young journalists who were part of the student reporting program this past year. As its new team of 59 Kid Reporters from 31 states hits the campaign trail, the Scholastic News Kids Press Corps is well-positioned to provide another year of award-winning election coverage to classrooms nationwide

"Teachers, parents and kids turn to the Scholastic News Kid Corps for kid-friendly news coverage, especially during an election year. The Kid Reporters help put the issues of the day in a context that is both relevant and age-appropriate for young readers," said Dante A. Ciampaglia, Editor of the Scholastic News Kids Press Corps.  "This is the fourth presidential election to be covered by the Kid Reporters. It is an exciting time to learn about and practice journalism."

The new reporters were chosen by the Scholastic News Kids Press Corps editors from more than 200 student applications that required students to submit a news report about their local community, ideas for future stories, and a personal essay explaining why they would like to be a Kid Reporter. For the full list of reporters, see below.

For more than 11 years, the Scholastic News Kids Press Corps has delivered "news for kids, by kids". The Kid Reporter videos and reports are available on the Scholastic News Kids Press Corps site, and their stories are often published in issues of Scholastic classroom magazines including Scholastic News® and Junior Scholastic® that go to tens of thousands of classrooms nationwide. Recently, the Kid Reporters made news with their exclusive sit-down interview at the White House with President Barack Obama. Other stories this fall included coverage of the Occupy Wall Street movement, special reports on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 and National Bullying Prevention Month, and interviews with authors including Brian Selznick and Jeff Kinney.

The 2011-2012 members of The Scholastic News Kids Press Corps are:

* indicates new reporter


Abigail Gerber - Mesa


Maev Dunning -Davis *

Diego Magaña - Oxnard *

Veronica Louise Mendoza - Los Altos Hills *

Damien Murphy - Burbank

Miranda Rector - Los Angeles

Aminah Tamimi - Bellflower *


Jenna Winocur - Denver 


Claudia Pagnozzi-Schwam - Mystic * 

Leila Sachner - Hamden


Shelby Fallin - Lakeland

Albert Ordonez - Miami

Topanga Sena - Orlando


Andrew Liang - Atlanta


Jessica Taylor - Honolulu *


Anum Shafqat - Chicago * 

Natalie Wexler - Highland Park *


Grace Ybarra - Indianapolis


Alysa Goethe - Bettendorf

Elena Hildebrandt - Des Moines

Adam Metivier - Davenport *


Caleb Michel Wilson - Wichita *


Tori Feaster - Leesville

Christopher Pate - Alexandria *


Hannah Olympia Prensky - Middletown *


Coleman F. Hirschberg - Somerville *


Zarin Loosli - Canton *

Molly Pribble - Ann Arbor


Annie Secker - Joplin *


Cheyenne Ruiz - Sun Valley *

New Hampshire

Naomi Bamidele - Concord *

Chloe Conway - Manchester

New Jersey

Taylor Mae Galgano - Pennington *

Amiri Tulloch - Woodbridge *

New Mexico

Jacob Schroeder - Albuquerque

New York

Dani Bergman Chudnow - New York *

Cecilia Gault - New York

Fred Hechinger - New York

Grace McManus - New York

Jasmine Perry - New York *

William Russell - Sound Beach *

Ellie Sommers - Manlius

North Carolina

Katharine Paige Richardson - Raleigh *

North Dakota

Aria Wanek - Bismarck *


Meggie Zahneis - West Chester


Naina Balepur - Lancaster *

Katelyn Marie Barr - Wayne *

Matthew Moore - New Castle *

South Carolina

Faith Dalzell - Charleston

Zach Dalzell - Charleston


Ben Frigon - Chattanooga *


Chloe McWilliams - Del Rio

Erin Sheena - Bellaire


Nick Berray - Great Falls

Abby Lauren Sacks - Burke *

Alexandra Zhang - McLean

Edward Zhou - Oakton *

Washington, D.C.

Nell Leibovich - Washington, DC *


Morgan Annice Tolley - Moses Lake *

The full list of Kid Reporters, along with their bios, can be viewed here.

For more information, please visit the Scholastic News Kids Press Corps at, or visit the media room.

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Senate Judiciary Committee Oversight Hearing with Attorney General Eric Holder, Nov. 8, 2011

Connection between Fast and Furious and Agent Terry's Death

Attorney General Holder to Senator Cornyn: "It is not fair, however, to assume that the mistakes that happened in Fast and Furious led directly to the death of Agent Terry."


According to the FBI, two weapons were found at the murder scene of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.  The bullet removed from Agent Terry matched the caliber of those two weapons, not the caliber of the weapons in possession of the Border Patrol agents, so it appears he did not die from friendly fire.  Congressional investigators have asked the FBI to explain its theory of the case, since if there was no third gun at the scene and the bullet didn't come from the Border Patrol, there must still be an unknown third gun which law enforcement has not yet recovered.  It is possible that that third gun is not related to Fast and Furious.  However, since two guns walked in Fast and Furious were present, it is possible that a third may have been as well.  The two found at the scene were both part of a lot of three weapons purchased by known straw buyer Jaime Avila on the same day in January 2010.

Prior to the purchase of the weapons found at the Terry murder scene, Avila had already been identified by the ATF as a likely straw purchaser at least two-and-a-half months earlier.  In November 2009 Uriel Patino, the largest purchasing target in Operation Fast and Furious, brought Avila into a cooperating gun dealer to buy five weapons.  ATF received real-time notice from the gun dealer and knew the purchases were significant enough that agents rushed to the store to follow them.  However, they arrived too late.  Yet rather than going to Avila's address to question him, ATF opted to sit back.  Avila continued to purchase through December 2009 and into January 2010.

When the weapons found at the Terry murder scene were bought by Avila on January 16, 2010, the cooperating gun dealer gave the ATF same-day notice via fax.  One business day later, the ATF entered the purchases in their Suspect Gun Database.  Nevertheless, the ATF still failed to question Avila the day of the purchase, the day the purchase was entered into the Suspect Gun Database?or at all, until Avila was arrested 11 months later in direct response to Agent Terry's death.  The falsification of forms charge for which Avila was arrested on December 15 could have been made months earlier.

Regardless, by using the word 'directly,' Holder seems to be echoing the statement of Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer: "The tragic truth is that if those criminals who killed Agent Terry had not gotten the guns from this one source, they would have gotten the gun from another source."  That is hardly an excuse for federal law enforcement to watch criminals collect more than a thousand firearms without acting to stop them.

Documents supporting the FACTS.

Senator Grassley: "Someone in the Justice Department leaked a document to the press along with talking points in an attempt to smear one of the ATF whistleblowers who have testified before the House.  This document was supposed to be so sensitive that you refused to provide it to Congress, but then someone provided it to the press.  The name of the criminal suspect in the document was deleted. But the name of the ATF agent was not.  This looks like a clear and intentional violation of the Privacy Act as well as an attempt at whistleblower retaliation. In a private phone conversation with me, you already told me that someone has been held accountable for this.  But your staff refused to provide my staff with any details.  Who was held accountable and how?"

Attorney General Holder: "You know, it - it's - it - it almost pains me and please don't take this away from Senator Grassley - pains me that as you said we had a private conversation.  You sent me a handwritten note that I took very seriously.  You and I have worked together on a variety of things, I think I have a good relationship with you. You sent me a handwritten note that I looked at, took serious, referred that letter to OPR, the I.G., I'm not sure which of the two, and asked them to try to find out what happened.  I called you to try to indicate to you that I had taken that matter seriously, that action had been taken.  You know, in a different time in Washington, I'm not sure that what you just said necessarily would have been shared with everyone here, but, you know, so be it, it's a different time I suppose."


A week and a half before the November 8th oversight hearing with the Attorney General, Senator Grassley was informed that the Attorney General wanted to speak with him.  Their discussion was a follow-up to a handwritten letter which Senator Grassley had sent to Attorney General Holder on June 30, 2011, but had never released or discussed publicly.  The letter raised concerns about the leak of a sensitive document to the press regarding a whistleblower who had come forward with allegations of gunwalking.

In the Attorney General's call, he assured Senator Grassley that someone had been held accountable for the leak of the document.  However, Attorney General Holder would not identify who had been held accountable.  At that time, Senator Grassley informed Attorney General Holder that in order to refrain from raising the issue publicly, Senator Grassley's staff would need more detailed information on the issue from Justice Department staff, such as who had been held accountable and how.  After the phone call, Justice Department staff contacted Senator Grassley's staff, but refused to provide any further details.


The evening of the November 8th hearing, attorneys for former U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke acknowledged that Mr. Burke had leaked the sensitive document to the press.  The Justice Department Inspector General confirmed that the office continues to investigate the leak, which means there are others who may be involved in drafting and distributing the talking points and document to the press.  In addition to the Inspector General investigation into the leak, the Justice Department has confirmed that its Office of Professional Responsibility is conducting a separate investigation of other leaks.  However, the department has refused to provide additional details.

SPRINGFIELD, IL (11/30/2011)(readMedia)-- Maj. Gen. Dennis L. Celletti, a native of Rock Falls and the Illinois National Guard Assistant Adjutant General - Army, visited Soldiers of the Illinois Army National Guard's 1644th Transportation Company in Rock Falls, Nov. 23 to 25 at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait. Celletti was accompanied by State Command Sgt. Maj. Howard Robinson of Olympia Field. The two Illinois National Guard senior leaders were given an overview of the company's convoy operations and served the Soldiers a Thanksgiving meal. The company mobilized in July 2011 and is scheduled to return home in the summer of 2012.

Photo Captions:

Photo submitted by Command Sgt. Maj. Howard Robinson/ (Right) Maj. Gen. Dennis L. Celletti, a native of Rock Falls and the Illinois National Guard Assistant Adjutant General - Army, serves Thanksgiving dinner to Soldiers of the Illinois Army National Guard's 1644th Transportation Company in Rock Falls, at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait, Nov. 24. Celletti spent three days with the 1644th, touring the camp and receiving an overview of convoy operations.

Photo submitted by Command Sgt. Maj. Howard Robinson/ (Left to right) Maj. Gen. Dennis L. Celletti, a native of Rock Falls and the Illinois National Guard Assistant Adjutant General - Army and Command Sgt. Maj. Howard Robinson of Olympia Field receives an explanation of an improvised explosive detection device from Sgt. Jameel Franklin, of Springfield with the Illinois Army National Guard's 1644th Transportation Company in Rock Falls, during a visit at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait, Nov. 24.

Photo submitted by Command Sgt. Maj. Howard Robinson/ Sgt. Jameel Franklin of Springfield, with the Illinois Army National Guard's 1644th Transportation Company in Rock Falls, shakes hands with Maj. Gen. Dennis L. Celletti, a native of Rock Falls and the Illinois National Guard Assistant Adjutant General - Army, during a visit at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait, Nov. 23. The company was mobilized in July 2011 and is scheduled to return in the summer of 2012.


Related Media

Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2011

On Thursday (tomorrow), the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry will hold a hearing examining derivatives reform that will feature testimony from Gary Gensler, chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and Mary Schapiro, chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission.  Committee members are likely to ask questions about the agencies' work leading up to the MF Global bankruptcy, which has left farmer clients in the lurch.  Sen. Chuck Grassley, a member of the Agriculture Committee, made the following comment on the hearing.  Grassley has a scheduling conflict with the Judiciary Committee, where he serves as Ranking Member, but plans to attend the Agriculture Committee hearing as much as possible.  If he can't attend, he will pose any questions he thinks were not asked to the witnesses for written responses for the hearing record.  Also, the Agriculture Committee has scheduled an investigative hearing on the MF Global case for Dec. 13, so there will be continued opportunities to ask questions.

"I appreciate the committee leaders' attention to this issue.  It's been weeks since MF Global's bankruptcy.  The public is still in the dark on basic facts.  Unanswered questions include who discovered that client money was missing, how much of that money is actually missing, and how much of the client money can be recovered.  I hope the committee will be able to get some direct answers from Chairman Gensler and Chairman Schapiro.  It's a good opportunity to ask the questions our constituents would ask if they could be there."

Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2011

Sen. Chuck Grassley made the comment below about his request for documents from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) about its dealings with the firm, LightSquared.

Grassley has been seeking information from the agency as part of his effort to understand why the agency has allowed the company to move forward with its plans for a terrestrial 4G network, despite serious concerns of interference with the GPS systems used widely in military, aviation and emergency response venues.  The agency has refused to provide the public with insight into its approval process.

Months ago and subsequently, Grassley asked the FCC to provide documents regarding its interactions with LightSquared and LightSquared's parent company, Harbinger Capital Partners.  The FCC has refused to comply with Grassley's request.

Earlier this month, Grassley announced that he would place a hold on Senate action on two FCC nominees when the nominations are placed on the calendar for floor consideration until the FCC provides information, saying the public's business ought to be public.

In October, Senator Grassley wrote separate letters to the top investor in and the chief executive of the company, seeking related information.

The Commerce Committee today is holding a hearing on the FCC nominees.

Grassley comment:

"There's nothing new on whether the FCC will provide the information I requested.  The FCC hasn't made any move to provide the information.  As a result, my intention to place a hold on the FCC nominees, should they reach the floor, stands.  The FCC needs to make itself accountable to Congress and the American people.  An agency with control over a major piece of the economy can't be allowed to operate as a closed shop."

NFPA's simple tips to stay safe and warm this winter

 November 30, 2011 - 'Tis the season for rosy cheeks, button-down coats, and cranking up the heat. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), it's also the time of year when home fires peak, many of which are caused by heating equipment.

"Half of all home heating fires occur during December, January, and February, when we are fully utilizing our heating systems" said Lorraine Carli, vice president of communications for NFPA. "The public can reduce their risk of getting left out in the cold by following NFPA's safe heating behaviors."

Dan Doofus highlights the importance of home heating safety.

In NFPA's report "Home Fires Involving Heating Equipment," in 2009, heating equipment was involved in an estimated 58,900 reported home structure fires, 480 civilian deaths, 1,520 civilian injuries, and $1.1 billion in direct property damage. Stationary and portable space heaters accounted for one-third (32 percent) of reported home heating fires, but nearly 80 percent of the home heating fire deaths, two-thirds (66 percent) of associated civilian injuries, and half (52 percent) of associated direct property damage.

Overall, fires, injuries and damages from fires involving heating equipment were all lower than in 2008 and fit into a largely level trend over the past few years.  The number of deaths from heating equipment was virtually unchanged.

As temperatures begin to drop, here are some safe heating behaviors to follow:

?     All heaters need space.  Keep anything that can burn at least three feet away from heating equipment, like the furnace, fireplace, wood stove, or portable space heater.

?     Have a three-foot "kid-free zone" around open fires and space heaters.

?     Never use your oven to heat your home.

?     Have a qualified professional install stationary space heating equipment, water heaters or central heating equipment according to the local codes and manufacturer's instructions.

?     Have heating equipment and chimneys cleaned and inspected every year by a qualified professional.

?     Remember to turn portable heaters off when leaving the room or going to bed.

?     Always use the right kind of fuel, specified by the manufacturer, for fuel-burning space heaters.

?     Make sure the fireplace has a sturdy screen to stop sparks from flying into the room. Ashes should be cool before putting them in a metal container. Keep the container a safe distance away from your home.

?     Test smoke alarms monthly.

In an effort to reduce winter fires, NFPA is partnering with the U.S. Fire Administration on a special campaign - Put a Freeze on Winter Fires. For more information, visit NFPA's website at

About the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

NFPA is a worldwide leader in fire, electrical, building, and life safety. The mission of the international nonprofit organization founded in 1896 is to reduce the worldwide burden of fire and other hazards on the quality of life by providing and advocating consensus codes and standards, research, training, and education. Visit NFPA's website at for more information.

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The Illini Emergency ambulances will be at the Wal-Mart in Silvis on Saturday, December 10th from 8:30am until 1:30pm to collect your donations to Winnie's Place Women's Shelter. They have been very faithful in collecting donations for Winnie's Place so please show up, do some shopping or donating and let them know we are thankful for their time and efforts! See you there!

ALLIANCE, OH (11/30/2011)(readMedia)-- Courtney Wachal of Bettendorf, Iowa will perform in the University of Mount Union's Christmas Festival, Child of Light, on Friday, December 9 at 7:30 p.m. in Myers Sanctuary, located in Dewald Chapel on the University's campus. The holiday event will feature performances from Mount Union's Concert Choir and Women's Choir.

Wachal, a freshman French and international studies major, is a graduate of Bettendorf High School. Wachal also is a soprano and member of the Mount Union Concert Choir.

Under the direction of Dr. Grant Cook III, director of choral activities at Mount Union, the choirs will combine choral selections and traditional carols with scriptures and readings of the season.

The performance is free and open to the public, but reservations are required. To make reservations, contact the Office of Alumni Relations and University Activities at (330) 823-2030 or

About the University of Mount Union

The University of Mount Union, founded in 1846, is a four-year, private institution grounded in the liberal arts tradition. Mount Union offers an array of broad-based and career-specific undergraduate and graduate programs to its 2,200 students who experience outstanding opportunities for success after graduation. Ranked as one of America's Best Colleges by U.S. News & World Report, the University is committed to providing a student-centered approach and an exceptional educational experience, as evidenced by its mission to prepare students for fulfilling lives, meaningful work and responsible citizenship. The University's 115-acre campus is located in Alliance, Ohio, 80 miles of both Cleveland and Pittsburgh, and more than $100 million has been invested in the construction and renovation of modern facilities throughout the course of the past decade. For more information, visit

On the web:

LA MIRADA, CA (11/30/2011)(readMedia)-- In October, Michelle Welke, was named to Biola University's Dean's List for academic excellence last Spring.

Michelle Welke, from Bettendorf, was one of 1,300 students who were named to the Dean's List for the spring semester of 2011.

Biola students are placed on the Dean's list to honor those with a grade point average of 3.6 or higher while enrolled in twelve of more credit units and whose cumulative grade point average is at least a 3.2. This past spring, 26% of Biola students achieved this academic goal.

"Inclusion on the Biola Dean's List is an indication that this student is performing exceptionally well in a rigorous academic program," Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education Patricia Pike said. "Our Dean's List students are bright, motivated, engaged, competent, and personable. They are already demonstrating the characteristics of success that results from applied intelligence and that will support future endeavors in society, community, career, and family life."

Biola's grade point average requirement for the Dean's list is one of the highest among Southern California Christian Universities.

Biola University, an "Up and Coming" university according to U.S. News & Word Report, is a private Christian university located in Southern California on the border of Los Angeles and Orange counties in the city of La Mirada. For more than 100 years, Biola has remained committed to its biblical foundation, integrating biblical principles with every academic program. U.S. News recognizes Biola as a "National University," which is considered the "major leagues" of higher education. In addition to its focus on intentional spiritual development and career preparation, Biola offers a unique academic environment where all faculty, staff and students are professing Christians. With the highest enrollment in Biola's history of 6,250 students, the school offers 145 academic programs in six schools and degrees ranging from B.A. to Ph.D. For more information, visit or call (562) 777 - 4061.

On the web:
