The roof on the Geneseo Food Pantry is in dire need of being replaced.  Our community is coming together to help "Raise the Rood!"  Choirs and vocalists from are churches will be featured in this afternoon of praise and thanksgiving.

Sunday, April 10th at 4 p.m. at St. Malachy Church, 595 East Ogden Avenue, Geneseo. 

Sponsored by the Geneseo Ministerial Association.  Refreshments will follow.

I am Lillian Voss and I am 94 years old. My late husband, Burton Voss (also known as Michael Voss), and I have lived at 4336 S. Concord Street for nearly 60 years. My husband died in 1994. Our house was built above the 100-year flood plain. We experienced all the major flooding along the Mississippi river these past years. My husband fought very hard against the tactics of the Corps of Engineers regarding the water levels of the Mississippi river. With this new threat of major flooding and after reading the article in the QC Times "Ask the Times" titled "River's high level is a natural one" dated 2/17/2011 (enclosed), I feel I must come forward and again try to expose the tactics of the Corps of Engineers.

Do you realize the Corps of Engineers hold back the water on the Mississippi to artificially raise the river level to 9' so that the barge traffic can operate efficiently? In holding back this water and not allowing it to escape, the river level is not far from the flood stage when the spring thawing begins in the upper Mississippi valley. This high level of water on the Mississippi makes the flooding in the spring considerably worse. Each spring when a flood is predicted along the Mississippi, I have a friend call the Corps of Engineers to ask them to fully open the dams to allow the water to flow freely and naturally. Each time I would ask they would claim it would not make any difference if they did open the dams. Anyone could see that if you open the dams and allow the water to escape down the river, the water level would drastically drop. This would allow a cushion for drainage for the water coming down the river as the snow melts and the rains fall. You will find my husband's research information enclosed .

In 1962 over 1000 petitions were submitted to Congressman Fred Schwingal requesting the Corps of Engineers to open the dams. At that time we were facing a major flood as the snow started to melt in the upper Mississippi. Congressman Schwingal had enough influence to order the dams opened. In that year we avoided a major flood. This is certain evidence that opening the dams fully does have an effect or influence on the flooding on the Mississippi. As a result of opening the dams that year, the current of the river increased dramatically as the water level fell. Many barge accidents occurred and the dams were never opened fully again in the following years.

By opening the dams fully this would allow the water level to drop drastically so the river could receive the tremendous amount of snow melting off and the spring rains. Flooding would not be nearly as severe.

A meeting was held with the Corps of Engineers on 3/18/2011. These were the major concerns of Corps of Engineers about opening the dams fully. I expressed my opinion after each concern:

  1. The barges could not operate if the dams were opened fully.

My Comment: There is no excuse to leave the dams closed just to allow the barge traffic to come through when a serious flood is most likely to occur. We The People along the Mississippi have to suffer through these damaging floods. Is the barge traffic more important than preventing a catastrophic flood or at least making it less severe? I believe the barges can operate at a lower water level.

  1. The law states the Corps of Engineers have to maintain a 9' river channel for the barges.

My Comment: What kind of a person would make up a law that would take superiority over the victims of a catastrophic flood? This is totally irresponsible. Did the barge companies make this law? A law like this would most certainly have an exception with regard to a major flood looming.

  1. By keeping the water level high we are protecting the fish and wildlife. If we lower the water level, we won't be able to protect the fish and wildlife.

My Comment: How do the fish and wildlife get along when the river is low at other times of the year? Many times in the past 10 years the water gauges measure one or two feet, sometimes not even a reading. How do the fish and wildlife manage then? We are talking maybe one week of low water level, if that long.

  1. These water dams were not constructed for flood control. They were constructed for commerce.

My Comment: At the time of getting support (public opinion and financial), to build the locks and dams, flood control was a major reason as well as commerce. We are not now talking about flood control use. At this time the dams are causing floods, not preventing them. By holding back water to raise the water level on the river, this is contributing to the flooding. Let the water go naturally by fully opening the dams. What harm could it do? We would certainly have a less severe flood.

  1. Fully opening the dams might cause flooding down the Mississippi.

My Comment: If opening the dams might cause further flooding down-river, then why are you saying the dams were not built for flood control. You are damming up the water. Open the last dam first and let the water run and start opening the next dams in sequence as you go north. If you open the dams at the lower locks and dams (the last dam first) and carefully move up the river opening each dam while doing it, carefully timed, not all at once, you should prevent flooding down-river. With careful coordination and planning there would not be any flooding when the dams are fully opened.

  1. Our college experiments show that opening the dams and lowering the water levels would not make any difference on the severity of the floods.

My Comment: It sounds logical to me that if the river is low at the beginning more water can run down the river before the water goes over its banks. In 1962 it did make a difference. They opened the dams, the water went down the river and we did not have a severe flood. A great volume of water would run down the river before it would ever go out of its banks because it would not be restricted by the dams. What harm would it do just to open the dams and let the water run naturally. After all, this was the way it was before the dams were built. We were getting the 100-year floods then. Now we are getting the 100-year floods every three or four years. We are only talking about the dams being opened for one to two weeks, at most, before the full force of the water comes down.

  1. The lower water level will prevent municipalities from getting clean water out of the Mississippi.

My Comment: Iowa American Water Company tells me they can get adequate clean water out of the Mississippi at one and two foot water levels. After all, what did they do when the water level was at the one or two foot readings in the past? Many times in the past years the water level has been below the two foot water stage.

  1. If you can get Congress to tell us to open the dams, we will gladly open the dams.

My Comment: As we were getting ready to close the meeting, this statement was one of the last statements made by the engineers. This statement tells me the Corps of Engineers are not entirely to blame for these dams being closed to hold back the water.

It appears that the barge companies have more power over the Corps if Engineers and our Federal politicians than We The People along the Mississippi river. I must ask- Why is that???

I am calling on our Senators and Representatives to order the Corps of Engineers to fully open all the dams up and down the Mississippi river to allow the water to flow freely for this short period of time. Allow the river level to drastically fall so the river can receive the tremendous amount of water that is now starting to melt off. River traffic must be restricted until the major snow melt is over. Without a doubt, this action would reduce the severity of the flood.

Open the gates and let the river flow naturally as it once did for this short period of time. Try it once, if it does not work, then there would be no need to try it again. What harm is there in trying it? In 1962 it worked.


Lillian Voss

MILWAUKEE, WI - Supermarket shelves abound with "value-added" foods, offering innovative twists on traditional products. Cereals that make you lose weight, yogurt that eases digestion, and chocolate calcium chews that replace milk - the options can seem endless and overwhelming. The difficulty with value-added foods is that, much of the time, they actually aren't all that valuable, according to TOPS Club, Inc. (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), the nonprofit weight-loss support organization.
"You may find yourself purchasing foods that offer a very slight nutritional advantage that's not worth the extra money or indulging in a perceived health benefit that has not proven to be effective," says Katie Clark, M.P.H., R.D., C.D.E., Assistant Clinical Professor of Nutrition at the University of California - San Francisco and nutrition expert for TOPS.
Here are a few value-added food industry favorites - and what they do or don't do:

Juice with Added Fiber
While whole fruit is a great low-calorie source of fiber and nutrients, fruit juice packs in the calories and forgets the fiber in the discarded pulp. Fiber-enhanced fruit juice is essentially pulverized fruit with its fiber removed, with a different type of fiber added back in. One cup of orange juice with fiber can boast three grams of dietary fiber per 120 calorie serving. But one orange has four grams of fiber and only 70 calories - a lower-calorie, cheaper option with no processing needed.

Drinks with Vitamins
In 2008, the most popular diet soda in the U.S. released its "plus" product, a diet cola with a small amount of water-soluble vitamins added.
Other vitamin-enhanced drink and waters have taken off in recent years, although, according to Clark, "Many are merely overpriced, sugar-sweetened waters with a tad of vitamins thrown in for good measure. Despite the fact that you can get 100% of all the vitamins and minerals you need in a well-balanced diet, a generic multivitamin only costs about four cents a day. Why spend nearly $3 on a special vitamin drink when water is free and a more comprehensive multi-vitamin is substantially cheaper?"

Immunity-Boosting Foods
Lately, there has been a wealth of foods on the market touting "immune enhancing" or "pro-immunity" benefits - from yogurts to cereals, drinks, and even frozen vegetable blends. While there is ample data to support the notion that a diet with insufficient nutrients compromises immunity, the opposite does not hold true: eating more nutrient-laden foods has not been proven to increase immunity.
Clark notes, "By eating a well-balanced diet and exercising regularly, you are already maximizing your immune-enhancing behavior!"

Omega-3 fatty acids are found primarily in fish, fish oil, and, to a lesser degree, in flax and flaxseed oil, canola and soybean oils, and walnuts. Omega-3s have numerous heart-health benefits, including reducing cardiovascular disease risk, lowering blood triglycerides, and lowering blood pressure. The American Heart Association recommends a daily intake of 1,000 mg of EPA + DHA (two types of omega-3 fatty acids) for people with documented heart disease, equivalent to eating two to three servings of fish per week. Because many people don't eat as much fish as they should, omega-3-fortified foods, like eggs and butter, can seem appealing.
"These foods contain such small amounts of the beneficial fatty acid that you'd have to ingest many portions per day to get the recommended amount," cautions Clark. "You actually end up losing, calorically."
The Nutrition Facts panel on one such enhanced omega-3 butter spread reveals it contains only 32 mg of EPA + DHA per each one tablespoon serving.
"If you were to get all of your recommended 1,000 mg EPA + DHA omega-3s from this butter, you would have to eat 31 tablespoons of butter per day (one entire tub), consuming 2,480 calories," says Clark. "Incorporate more fish into your diet for an effective, comprehensive way to consume more omega-3s."
TOPS Club Inc. (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), the original, nonprofit weight-loss support and wellness education organization, was established more than 63 years ago to champion weight-loss support and success. Founded and headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, TOPS promotes successful, affordable weight management with a philosophy that combines healthy eating, regular exercise, wellness information, and support from others at weekly chapter meetings. TOPS has about 170,000 members in nearly 10,000 chapters throughout the United States and Canada.
Visitors are welcome to attend their first TOPS meeting free of charge. To find a local chapter, visit or call (800) 932-8677.


Walcott First

Walcott, Iowa (March 22, 2011) -- Walcott is open for business! That's the message from Walcott First, an organization formed last November by Walcott Mayor Jim Couper.

Couper said he proposed formation of the new group, a cross section of Walcott residents and business people, as a community development group, not as an economic development group. He said it will be independent and not tied to the city in any way.

Walcott has become a bedroom community, Couper said in explaining the need for Walcott First.

"We have a community where people live, and that's all they do. We've got to be better than that," he said.

He said his goal is bringing smaller businesses like restaurants and stores to Walcott as opposed to attracting large businesses and industry.

Couper will serve as chairman of Walcott First. He appointed Jason Holdorf administrator and director and Brent Arp assistant director.

Members of the organization have not yet determined how it will be organized from a legal standpoint. First they're anxious to set some small goals and accomplish them.

Couper said that will provide momentum and "show the community that we are aggressively in place."

Working with a city entity, the Walcott Vision Committee, to get an attractive Welcome to Walcott sign placed at Main Street and Old Highway 6 was one suggestion for an initial project. Building a skate park for youngsters was another.



For more information about Walcott First, contact Jim Couper, (563) 284-5096,, or Jason Holdorf, (563) 284-6722,

Pointers and flushers welcome in two divisions for April 23rd event to "Reload Iowa"
Riverside, Iowa - March 22, 2011 - Calling all bird dogs and their owners! Pheasants Forever is hosting a Spring Fun Trail on Saturday, April 23rd at Highland Hideaway Hunting in Riverside, Iowa. The trial is open to pointing and flushing breeds, with all proceeds going to Pheasants Forever's Reload Iowa effort to improve wildlife habitat and carry on Iowa's upland hunting tradition.
Pheasants Forever's Spring Fun Trial will include a singles (one hunter and one dog) and doubles (two hunters and one dog) division. In the singles division, hunter and dog will have 15 minutes to score on three quail, and in the doubles division, hunters and dog will have 20 minutes to score on five quail. The event is limited to the first 50 entries, and individuals and teams may enter multiple times. Prizes will be awarded for the first place winner in each division.
"Conservation efforts have always been spearheaded by hunters," said Tom Fuller, Pheasants Forever's Regional Representative in eastern Iowa, "There's no more passionate group of hunters than bird dog owners, so it seems natural to use that passion to fuel Pheasants Forever's Reload Iowa initiative." One hundred percent of proceeds from Pheasants Forever's Spring Fun Trial will go to the Reload Iowa effort, which is Pheasants Forever's aggressive strategy for establishing and improving 1 million acres of wildlife habitat, increasing the number of upland hunters and increasing hunting-related revenue to local communities.
The singles event is $30 per run and the doubles event is $50 per run. Clay shooting (5 stand) will be available between runs for $10. Lunch will also be available. Visit Highland Hunting for directions. For more information about Pheasants Forever's Spring Fun Trial, including full rules, contact Ryan at (319) 330-6165 or Tom at (319) 828-2050 / Email Tom.
Iowa is home to 101 Pheasants Forever chapters, 3 Quail Forever chapters and more than 22,000 Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever members. For more information on "The Habitat Organization" in Iowa, visit Iowa Pheasants Forever.

You deserve a break!  Rivermont Collegiate has introduced the Rewarding U Now Scholarship for the 2011-12 academic year!  This renewable academic merit scholarship is available to all students entering grades 9-12 in 2011-12 who have earned a current year (2010-11) GPA of 3.85 or higher.  All qualifying students will be awarded $2,000 toward Rivermont annual tuition, renewable every year they attend Rivermont in grades 9-12 and meet scholarship criteriaThis is a potential value of $8,000 over 4 years!

The deadline for this fantastic opportunity is fast approaching!  Interested students must complete a Rivermont application, submit an official transcript from their current school, and compose an original 350-550 word essay.  Application materials and essays must be submitted to Rivermont no later than Monday, March 28th at 4:00 p.m.

This opportunity is available to both current Rivermont students and new applicants.  We wish to take as many eligible applications as possible and there is no limit on the number of scholarships to be awarded!  For details instructions on how to apply and essay topics, visit

For additional information on Rivermont Collegiate and the Rewarding U Now Scholarship, contact Cindy Murray, Director of Admissions, at (563) 359-1366 ext. 302 or

Participants Gather Push-Up Sponsors Around Town

MOLINE, IL--Morrow's Academy of Martial Arts kicked off its second annual "Push-Ups for Peace" fundraiser today. The event will take place April 30th at 2:30pm, in St. Ambrose University's Lee Lohman arena. Participants can download a sponsor sheet from and start gathering sponsorships right away. Everyone is invited to participate, no matter your age, gender or occupation!

"I want people to join me in making history April 30th while raising awareness for our local children's charities," said Morrow. "Push-Ups for Peace is a Guinness World Record Attempt for the most pushups done by a group of people in one place for one hour. It is a fundraiser. All push-up proceeds are evenly divided between Quad City Children's Therapy Center, Kids Against Hunger, and the Make A Wish Foundation. Spectator admission proceeds will benefit the Rock Island Word of Life food pantry."

In addition to the group world record attempt, Morrow will attempt to set a new Guinness world record for the most push-ups on the backs of hands in one hour.

"In order to participate," explained Morrow, "choose the number of pushups you are able to do every minute for one hour. For example, if you choose 5 as your goal then you will do 5 pushups for one minute then rest. When the bell rings for the second minute you will do 5 more pushups. This will  continue until the hour is complete. At that time you will have completed 300 pushups! Feel free to choose 3 or 8 or 12 or any number of pushups you can complete every minute for one hour," he added.

First, download your sponsor sheet from

Participants will collect pledges from their sponsors and put the monies and the sponsor form (complete with sponsor's name, pledge amount and type of payment) in an envelope. Checks should be made payable to The Morning Optimist Club. Participants must mark clearly, on the outside of their envelope, their name and the total monies which have been collected. Participants will turn in completed envelopes on the day of the event. There will be autographed posters and buttons on sale at the event; these proceeds will also go to charity.

Morrow asks that participants please arrive at the event at 2:30 to turn in envelopes and attend the event orientation. The push-ups event begins at 3pm. Every Saturday leading up to the April 30 event, Morrow is offering participants free training sessions. Join the group Saturdays at 2:30, in Morrow's Academy, 1321 - 5th Avenue, Moline.

ADMISSION FOR SPECTATORS: $3 per person (5 years old and younger are FREE).For more information call 309-764-1929 or visit to download flyers and sponsor sheets.

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Lawmaker authored the 2002 pilot program and then expanded it in 2008 farm bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) today released the following statement on a USDA announcement that it will expand assistance to state agencies for schools participating in the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program.  This year, USDA will provide $158 million nationwide to state agencies - over $2.3 million to Harkin's home state of Iowa - who in turn provide the funding to schools participating in the program.  As the former Chairman of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, Harkin authored the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program in the 2002 farm bill as a pilot program to bring healthy foods to children at school.  Because of the rapid success of the program, in the 2008 farm bill (the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act), Harkin was able to expand the program nationwide with a focus on elementary schools with a high proportion of low-income students. When the 2008 bill's Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program is fully implemented, it will reach as many as 3 million elementary school children nationwide.

"As our nation works to ensure the health and nutrition of our children, one of the simplest things we can do is provide students with healthy, delicious alternatives to unhealthy snacks," said Harkin.  "The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program does just that by bringing fresh produce into schools - particularly to low-income students who may not otherwise have access to these nutritious foods.  The program has shown to be a tremendous success.  Both teachers and parents notice a change in student behavior and attentiveness, and kids love the great-tasting snacks.  At the same time, we are reducing long-term health care costs by raising a generation of children less likely to get sick or develop a chronic illness such as diabetes.

"I commend Secretary Vilsack for his hard work in implementing the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program, and for his tireless efforts to promote the health of America's children.  As we begin initial discussions on the next farm bill, it is my hope that we will be able to expand this program even further and that we continue to work on other programs that increase the health and well-being of our nation's children."

Harkin has been a senate leader for over a decade in efforts to fight childhood obesity.  Information on these efforts can be found here.

March 22, 2011–Spring has arrived, and with it comes severe weather. Already this month State Farm has dispatched national catastrophe services teams across the country to assist local State Farm agents and claims personnel in accessing wind and hail damage.

The first wind and rain event of the season resulted in more than 10,000 claims across the country.

See how Illinois compares to others when it comes to most common insurance claims.

There isn`t a community in the nation that is immune to severe weather, but being prepared for spring storms can help you weather the inevitable.

Before severe weather strikes your neighborhood take some time to prepare:

·       Organize an evacuation plan and establish an emergency meeting place should your family get separated.

·       Make an emergency storm kit including a transistor radio, flashlight, batteries and simple first-aid items in a waterproof container.

·       Protect your property with a home inventory. An accurate inventory and proof of ownership at the time of loss can make claim settlement easier and faster.

·       Check to make sure your insurance coverage is up-to-date. Schedule time with your agent to discuss your insurance needs.

When severe weather rolls in, monitor the radio for weather updates. If you are instructed to evacuate, go to a shelter as directed by local authorities.

Minimally-Invasive Treatment for Barrett's Esophagus Now Available in the Quad-Cities

Shown Effective in Treating Pre-Cancerous Condition

QUAD-CITIES - March 15, 2011 - Quad-City area patients affected by a common pre-cancerous condition of the esophagus now have access to an effective new minimally-invasive treatment that could prevent them from developing cancer of the esophagus.  HALO Radio Frequency Ablation is among a class of treatments recently cited by a leading medical group as the 'gold standard' for treating Barrett's esophagus.   Gastroenterology Consultants (GI Consultants) was the first Quad Cities clinic to use the BÂRRX Halo RF Ablation System to treat Barrett's esophagus.  GI Consultants has treated nearly 100 patients successfully as of this month, since its first treatment in September.  Barrett's is a pre-cancerous condition that can result from years of chronic gastro esophageal reflux disease or GERD.

"We have had very positive results so far in the Halo treatments we have administered so far." Said Rao Movva, MD gastroenterologist and founder of GI Consultants. GI Consultants is the first Quad-Cities clinic to offer the full range of BÂRRX treatments using radio frequency ablation.  Dr. Movva added, "Cancer of the esophagus is one of the only forms of cancer still on the rise.  By destroying precancerous tissue before it turns to cancer, Halo can do for esophageal cancer what colonoscopy is doing for colon cancer, preventing cancer before it occurs."

Just last week the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) issued guidelines recommending the removal of precancerous cells in patients with confirmed high-grade Barrett's esophagus utilizing endoscopic eradication therapy.  Such position papers set the 'gold standard' for treatment, because they are the result of extensive reviews of peer-reviewed literature, and input from not just GI physicians, but health plan representatives and consumer/patient advocates.  HALO uses an endoscope to administer RF waves directly to the pre-cancerous tissue.  The alternatives to RFA treatment include waiting and watching for further changes and followed by surgical removal of part of the esophagus if further signs are identified that cancer may be developing.

BÂRRX Medical President and CEO, Greg Barrett said, "We are extremely pleased the AGA Medical Position Statement confirms the usefulness of radiofrequency ablation for Barrett's patients with dysphasia. "  The AGA also says that high-risk Barrett's patients without dysphasia should also be considered for treatment.   Barrett added, "These guidelines validate what has been demonstrated in over 75,000 RFA procedures and 55 peer-reviewed published papers: pre-cancerous Barrett's tissue can be safely eliminated without surgery.  The AGA Medical Position Statement is a rigorously constructed publication that will assist BÂRRX and treating physicians in addressing payer policies so that RFA procedures are uniformly recognized as medically necessary services."

The AGA's new opinion follows similar clinical practice guidelines published in 2010 by the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) addressing the management of patients with gastro esophageal reflux disease and Barrett's esophagus.

Barrett's esophagus is a precancerous condition of the lining of the esophagus caused by gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD). Left untreated, backward flow of stomach contents such as acid and bile into the esophagus can lead to injury and chronic inflammation of the esophagus lining. A proportion of GERD patients are thus at risk of developing Barrett's esophagus, which can lead to esophageal adenocarcinoma, a lethal cancer with a five-year survival rate of approximately 15%.

Gastroenterology Consultants is affiliated with Heartland Clinic, a collaborative between Valley Laboratories, Valley View Anesthesia, Midwest Clinical Research and Regional Surgicenter. This family of healing partners is committed to providing the highest quality testing and care available in the Quad-City region.  Learn more at  GI Consultants is one of the founding participants of Colon Cancer Free QCA (CCFQCA), a consortium of competing gastroenterology practices committed to increasing the awareness of colon cancer and its risks.   Learn more about the initiative at
